Please tell me that all men are not like some of the men I have met online. I have had men tell me that they love me and want to be with me one day. Then the next day, they either just disappear or block me. I am sick and tired of getting my heart broken and getting my hopes up. These guys talk all sweet to you to win you over then just disappear. They leave you a shattered mess wondering what you did wrong. I have even had guys talk about wanting to marry me and wanting me to have their babies. I am so sick of the crap. All I want is a man that is going to be there for me and not treat me like total shit. Is that too much to ask? Lately I am starting to think so. I am just tired of the guys who want to play childish games and all the drama. If there is a real man out there, please tell me where. I know that I am overweight but that does not mean that I do not have feelings.