Real Name: Nick Name:
age: birthplace: current location:
height/weight: zodiac sign: hair color/eye color:
education status: school attending:
favorite color: shoe size: sports you play:
21 Questions:
1.Have you ever cheated?(dont lie)
2.When is the last time you had a girlfriend?
3.What was your longest relationship?
4.What as your shortest relationship?
5.Are you a sex addict?
6.How ofen do you have to have sex?
7.How long did you ever go without having sex?
8.Have you ever hit a woman?
9.What is your greatest asset:What do you value most?
10.Can you kiss?
11.What is your idea of a good date?(place and time)
12.What is one thing you cant stand about a female?
13.What is the first thing that attracts you about a female?
14.Best featues of a female to you?
15.What is your definition of a well rounded woman?
16.Do you have any children?
17.If so, how many?
18.If so, do you and your baby momma still get along?
19. Why did you break up?
20.Why did you and your last girlfriend break up(if youre single)?
21.If you think youre worth it, will you send me one of your applications?