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hw B n's blog: "men n women lie"

created on 05/03/2007  |  http://fubar.com/men-n-women-lie/b79322

men and woman

another blog from dr romello Q&A Q & A biaaaaaaatches... Q: How long should a girl wait to start having sex with her bf, someone they just started dating, or someone you just met...? Answer: Now, it's hard really to put a time table on these... In my opinion, whenever your ready, just let things happen.. you both will know when your ready.. there will be some wet "kitty" (meeeow) involved with some good wood.. haha You could be talking to someone for a while, but never met.. And then have sex with them the first time you do hangout... Then end up dating them for 3yrs or even getting married... Bottom line is, there arent any rules,no times table.. Some people like to wait.. cool, good for them... Others, just are a sexual person.. to each to his own...!!!! it's all about the vibe.. You just have to ask yourself some questions. Is having sex with this person in keeping with my values? If your a freak.. YES.. hahaha Everyone has different values.. just keep it real to yourself. Is having sex with this person in keeping with what I personally need in order to feel comfortable? You have to look at yourself in the mirror everyday, so, just be true to yourself.. F*ck what everyone else thinks.! The right time to have sex is when both people involved are comfortable with it. it could be the first date or a week or a month, really doesn't matter.. Just be you.. ---------------- Q: Why do men cheat on women? (why do people cheat) Answer : definition of cheating: When one has sexual relations, including, but not limited to, oral sex, kissing, touching of private parts and/or full-out get your freak on, (HOLLA..haha) with someone outside of their monogamous relationship, and without the consent of said significant other. Cheating is probably the most hurtful thing one can do to their significant other. It ends up not only hurting the ego, but make someone feel very insecure about themselves, and get your car keyed.. haha So, why do we cheat.??? Is it the need to find sexual affection or attention elsewhere, if your not getting what you want with your current partner...?? There's many reasons why people cheat... And don't get it twisted ladies... You know you cheat too.... Men, we have an excuse..hahaa After five million years of evolution, no one can expect men to change in little more than 10,000 years. Da fellas have the built-in desire to spread their seed to as many acceptable companions as possible. (got that from a book...) Check it... There's no excuses for cheating, but it happens.. So, you need to keep your mate interested.. And respect each other..Bottom line.. Else ex to the next...! --------------- Q: Why best friends cant be lovers... Answer: First ask yourself that one question... If you do have sex, will it change your friendship..? Shyt, I can answer that one for you right now.. 9 times out of 10..HELL YEA, it will.. Because, if it's BAD, you'll neva look at that person that same way anymore.. say for instance, you have sex.. and it was bad.. I doubt that either of you would talk the next day, and the next time you see that person, in the back of your mind your thinkin, "Damn, i shouldn't have even slept with that person, the shyt was WHACK, I didn't even bust a nut".. haha So, there goes that friendship... You will neva be able to re-gain that same platonic friendship level that you had before. sings, "You, you got what I need but you say hes just a friend And you say hes just a friend, oh baby.." hahaha Now, let's look past the sex part... If your are best friends, you know almost everything there is to know about each other already... So, that does take away from some of the fun getting to know each other, if you were strangers before you dated... Also, there's all these emotions already involved, if you know each other.. And don't forget, most likely you will have to same circle of friends... So, if you end up splittin up, your friends will have to choose sides, which sucks.. There's a SLIM chance that if you dated your best friend, had sex, etc..etc, break up and still remain friends.. This rarely happens.. BUT, it does... it's kinda like a millionare giving you some money for NO damn reason at all... It's RARE, but it can happen...hahahaahhaa Just make sure you think, before you do... Have to value your friendship first.. ----------------- Q: How do you know when someone is interested in you..?? Answer: So your trying to figure out if someone likes you, even if you've called them 5 times, and they have YET, to return the call.. OR, if you hungout with that person and now all of the sudden you don't hear from them, or they are avoiding you. OR, you thinking you still have a chance with that person, even after they told you, nothing would come out of it. OK. this is called "The Guessing Game" aka drive your ass crazy game... you wondering why this person gave you their number, and told you to call them, yet they have yet to talk to you... Or you were hanging out, and now you haven't heard from them in days.. so, your thinking, "ok, maybe they are busy with work/school/or just out of town)... So, you keep trying to get in touch with them.... It's really you playin games on your own self... OK People... no one is dumb.... so we can throw that out.. there are some dumbass's, be no one is just plum DUMB... (well maybe Forrest Gump.. it's a household naaame...haha) Ok. so, you call anyway.. they aren't there, so you leave a msg... Your waiting around to see if they call you back. and they don't.. (well, your ass should have a backup plan. hahaha let me stop) Sooo, you decide to call them again.. (even tho, you always wait for them to call you back..!) ok. so it's the next day, and still no call... (so, your thinkin to yourself, what the f*ck...) so, like an impatient mo fo that you are, you call them once again..! and once again, no one answers.... DON'T... after the 2nd call, DO not call them back... They will call you back, if they want to talk to you. No need to blow up their voicemail..! The point is this.... Just be blunt and ask the person if they are interested... That way, it cuts about 90% of the b.s. out of the way...! And if the person isn't interested in you, use your head, you can tell...! ----------------- Q: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood...? Answer: As much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. (take that, you smartass.. hahahaha) ------------------ Q: My best friend's husband set me up with his friend. We talked every day and went to lunch an dinner a couple of times. One particular lunch date, I invited him to my cousin's house party that night. He said he had some errands to run and he'd call me when he was done. So he called me...... @ 11:45pm! Take a look at my pics and check out the on of me holding a bottle of Hot Sex. I drank 3/4 of it right before he called. So, he came over for a movie night at my place. He stayed the night and was a perfect gentleman, until about 5 mins before I left, he kissed me. Did I mention that all I was wearing was a T shirt and a thong? WTF is wrong with this guy? Not that I was trying to sleep with him, but a "little" action after 2 weeks would be nice! I just chalked it up to the fact that he wasn't that into me... which is fine. I don't get men. Answer: I got a theory... You need to be blunt, and make the first move if you want somethin... Guys can't read minds... If you want something, you go get it, don't wait... If your almost neeekid, and he still doesn't try to hit it, then either he's GAY, or maybe he thinks that your just trying to test him, to see if he'll try somethin or not.. (You know how you females like to play games like that...) Bottom line is, the "Read my Mind Game" is for middle school.. Let that person know, what you want, and go from there.. ---------- Q: When one friend tells you to keep a secret from another friend, that YOU know if it were you, you would want to know, would u tell them? Answer: basically, if you want somethin kept a secret, you keep that sh*t to yourself.. because if you tell someone, that's one more person that knows... and that's one too many... I'm not sayin that you can't trust people... You can... but 98% of people will tell someone else.. because they have that ERGE to say... "Yo, i gotta tell you somethin, but you have to keep it a secret." And even if is about your friend, people should know better then to tell you something, when they know the other person is your friend... That's just giving you an excuse to tell them.. duhhhhhhhh. haha -------------- Q: If one of your best girlfriends is getting stepped on my her man (ie: uses her for money, a place to stay, etc), should you just stay out of it and let her live her life? Or should you hand her the "clue phone" and tell her that she's being taken advantage of? Answer: It's up to you, if you wanna tell them or not... people are dumb and blind when it comes to relationships... Their mate could be cheating on them, using them for money..etc..etc and they wouldn't be able to tell, because they are soo pussy/dick whooped, and they think they are in love... (wrong, your gettin played..!) Everyone is their own person, let them figure that sh*t out for themselves.. It builds character... Just makes sure your there when they figure it out, to say, "I told you so, you mofo".. haha ------------- Q: Are most men Legs, Ass, Or Boob guys? Answer: People make 90% of their opinion about someone else in the first 4 minutes. Physical desirability is determined in the first 10 seconds. Me.. I like it all.. Smile, legs, boobs, ass... Most of us guys like butts to one extent or another. Believe it or not, someone once told me it's a throw back to early man and mating... (Captainnnnnnnnnnn Caveeeeeee Mannnnnnnnnnn.... hahahaa) Since mating back in those days was all doggie style, male instinct was to go after her big butt and a smile for mating... haha It makes sense to me, but I never have verified that theory.... Full Breasts... knowledge show that us fellas love breasts no matter what size... A...B...C..D...E..F...G.. hahha (ok E, F, G are a lil too big..haha) So they are not only attracted to large breasts. They just simply love them all... (especially nice perky ones with some nice nipples.. HOLLA) Long Legs...aka stairway to heaven: The more leg a man sees and the longer they are the better because it draws attention up above. Females learn at a early age, that wearing high heal shoes to make their legs seem longer, as well as show off their calves... In terms of basic sexual lust, curves are a definate turn-on, as with legs, butt, breasts and a pretty face. Sings "Misssss her, kisssss her, love her, That girl is poison... Never trust a big butt and a smile, That girl is POISON..." haha ok. that's my column for this week, hope you enjoyed the laughs and info.. Thanks to everyone that sent me questions.... stay turn for next week's column.. peace... Dr.Romello I'm certified biaaaaaatches... hahaha
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