Looking for a very beautiful & sexy woman that lost her glass slipper !
Details: Looking for any witnesses who may have seen a very beautiful and dam sexy woman wearing either one or both of the slippers , Depending on the time, she may have been wearing an exquisite Vera Wang evening gown (prior to midnight) or ragged servant’s attire (after midnight).
She has beautiful hair and eyes of a angel , stands approximately 5'1”,- 5’11”, 100 - 135 lbs., and moves gracefully whether dancing or fleeing a Royal ball.
Description of Slipper:
* 4 inch heel
* Comprised of the fine lead crystal
Last Known Whereabouts:
* In the vicinity of Santa Clarita
Treatment of a queen and beyond !!!!
** Caution: Due to the extremely fragile nature of the slipper, it doesnt just fit any foot !!!
Learn Chinese in 5 min
Thats not right/Sum ting wong
See me ASAP/Kum hia nao
Stupid man/Dum fuk
A small horse/Tai ni po ni
Did you go to the beach/Wai yu so tan
I bumped in to a coffee table/Ai bang mi fu king ni
I think you need a face lift/Chin tu fat
Its very dark in here/Wao so dim
I thought you were on a diet/Wai yu mun ching
This is a tow away zone/No pa king
Staying out of sight/Lei ying lo
Hes washing his automobile/Wa shing ka
Your body odor is offensive/Yu stin ki pu
Great/Fa king su pa