55 Year Old
Invited by: CommentYoucom·
Joined on December 29, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 20th
Hey, Yall!! Welcome to my page. Feel free to add/ rate me as you see fit. Ok, well, about me: I am a single mom of three great kids...1 left at home. I just found myself "suddenly single" and am still reeling from that, so I'm not here to find a relationship.. just hoping for a few good friends. I love almost all music. I live in Oklahoma.. raised here and Texas. I love mountains, water, horses. I intensly dislike players and drama.. so don't play me. I don't want to see your naked pics. I don't have a cam. I am have been a nurse for 8 years, worked in the field 5 before that. I still believe in love and happy everafter (have no idea why) My fav day is lounging around on a rainy day hanging with the ppl i love. My fav night is in front of the fireplace snuggled with the one I love.
You my friend are a Fallen Angel! You were amongst the closest to God, yet love led you down a path of self-destruction. You find yourself crying a lot, because of the pains of this world. Yes it is very crewl, yet you know there isn't a thing you can do about it. Follow your heart and you will find some of your former happiness.
Your a protecter, and angel who protects others, keeping them safe from evil. Your kind and giving but hopefully someone doesnt make you to mad... You would sacrifce yourself to save other inocent people, you are brave and trong in will.
You're Earth! Youre the strong one, emotionally, mentally, and pysically. You dont hesistate to fight for your friends and family when threatened, being your most cherished holdings. You're silent and a many people mistake that for a negative point, and avoid you, but there are the few that try to be friends with you, and those, you accept. Hence, you have a small tightknit group of friends you hold onto for dear life. Your quiet nature can cause unwanted thoughts, causing depression later. You dont push until shoved. Nature in general, and alone time, is relaxing to you.
55 Year Old
Invited by: CommentYoucom·
Joined on December 29, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 20th
1 question 1 chance. 1 honest answer. Thats all you get. You get to ask me 1 question. Any question, anything, no matter how crazy it is. No catch. Just between me and you. No one else will ever know. But I dare you to repost this. And see what people ask you...
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