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Gothic Princess's blog: "Medical Text"

created on 10/16/2007  |  http://fubar.com/medical-text/b141984

Todays Hospital Trip

Well went to the hospital again today because of all the stomach pain.Thay did all kinds of tests and found I dont have a fibroidtumor or a cysts as my OBGYN had said thing is thay dont know whats wrong and since I'm on medicade thay couldnt keep me and find out.So I'm back to squar 1 of why am I in so much pain..

Thing is the fucking OBGYN even did a bysopy on what now I have no fucking clue but I plan to make a apointment and find out whats up with this bitch and what the fuck she has been up to.I also plan to sue her fucking ass for malpratice ..

Even the emergancy room Doctor was pissed when he found out she has been doing all this shit with no pain meds at least at the moment she did the bysopi.

I'll keep ya'll updated when I can find out whats going on.All I know right now is what the em doctor said ..something is defantly wrong and everything inside of me is swollen.And I hate fucking doctors!!!

Blessings All


Hydroxycut Recall

Hydroxycut Recall after FDA Warning to Stop Using the Diet Pill
 Following the death of a 19-year-old male and 23 reports of liver damage, the FDA has stepped in to warn consumers to discontinue use of the popular diet pill Hydroxycut. Hydroxycut manufacturer Iovate Health Sciences has agreed to recall 14 products from the market as “an abundance of caution.”

From the FDA press release — The FDA has received 23 reports of serious health problems ranging from jaundice and elevated liver enzymes, an indicator of potential liver injury, to liver damage requiring liver transplant. One death due to liver failure has been reported to the FDA. Other health problems reported include seizures; cardiovascular disorders; and rhabdomyolysis, a type of muscle damage that can lead to other serious health problems such as kidney failure.

The teen’s death happened in 2007, and was only reported to the FDA in March 2009. Dr. Linda Katz of the FDA’s food and nutrition division said it has taken so long to bring this to the public’s attention because the cases were rare and the FDA has no authority over supplements (a government report in March 2009 called for higher supervision of supplements by the FDA). “Part of the problem is that the FDA looks at dietary supplements from a post-market perspective, and an isolated incident is often difficult to follow,” she said.

The FDA does not regulate supplements with the same authority it does pharmaceuticals. Producers do not have to have an FDA approval nor inspection of the products for safety or efficacy before being sold to consumers. “You really have to be careful about dietary supplements, especially weight-loss pills,” said Ano Lobb, who has studied Hydroxycut for Consumer Reports. “People believe that the FDA has verified that these products are at least safe and effective, and that’s really not the case. When you see fantastic claims — that’s generally what they are.”

The FDA does monitor aftermarket reports for health problems related to these supplements. A similar warning in 2004 regarding ephedra forced the government to enact a ban on the supplement ingredient following reports of heart attack and stroke.

This list of Hydroxycut products being recalled include:

Hydroxycut Regular Rapid Release Caplets
Hydroxycut Caffeine-Free Rapid Release Caplets
Hydroxycut Hardcore Liquid Caplets
Hydroxycut Max Liquid Caplets
Hydroxycut Regular Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Caffeine-Free Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Hardcore Drink Packets (Ignition Stix)
Hydroxycut Max Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Liquid Shots
Hydroxycut Hardcore RTDs (Ready-to-Drink)
Hydroxycut Max Aqua Shed
Hydroxycut 24
Hydroxycut Carb Control
Hydroxycut Natural

Hydroxycut Cleanse and Hoodia products are not affected by the recall.

“The agency has not yet determined which ingredients, dosages, or other health-related factors may be associated with risks related to these Hydroxycut products. The products contain a variety of ingredients and herbal extracts,” per the FDA press release.

Chantix has become the leading prescription to help smokers kick the habit. Pfizer, Manufacturer of Chantix, has reported skyrocketing sales since its introduction in 2006. Sales totaled $101 million in 2006, $883 million in 2007, and $846 in 2008. It’s dominant in its market, with a reported 90% market share.

Chantix is unique because it not only reduces the urge to smoke, it actually blocks the brain’s nicotine receptors. This means if the smoker lapses and lights up, it won’t satisfy the nicotine craving. Chantix can be taken up to 12 weeks, by which time the smoker should have lost any urge to smoke. By design, Chantix users experience the similar symptoms of quitting smoking cold turkey. Many patients experience mood swings, depression, and even thoughts of suicide. Pfizer has stated these side effects are a result of nicotine withdrawal, and not the drug itself. Other’s believe there is a link to Chantix and the psychological side effects.

Since Chantix was approved just a little more than three years ago in May of 2006, considerable controversy has mounted. Within months of its approval, the FDA issued public warnings about the increasing likelihood of Chantix being associated with serious changes in patients' behavior including agitation, hostility, depression, suicidal thoughts, and reports of attempted and completed suicide. In many cases, the problems began shortly after starting the medication and ended when the mediation was stopped. In 2007, the FDA released an alert to doctors to look for unusual behavior. This came shortly after the musician Carter Albrect was shot and killed. Those close to him cited his use of Chantix and atypical behavior leading up to his death.

The FDA issued a Public Health Advisory on February 1, 2008, to alert patients, doctors, and caregivers to important new safety warnings on the drug label relating to suicidal behavior and several other neuropsychiatic symptoms. Also, in 2008, the FAA banned the use of Chantix by pilots and co-pilots, citing possible psychological side effects. Also in 2008, the Department of Veterans Affairs made headline news by issuing Chantix to soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder. Earlier this year Health Canada (Canada’s Public Health Department) revised the warnings of Chantix after receiving over 800 reports of adverse psychological side effects. Most recently, the FDA has (finally) required Pfizer to place new warnings in the form of a Boxed Warning – the strongest warning possible – highlighting the risks concerning Chantix and a link to changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts and behavior, and attempted suicide. The FDA has instructed doctors to have their patients cease use immediately if they experience any of these side effects.

With hundreds of suicides reportedly linked to Chantix, and thousands more attempted suicides, Pfizer has gone far too long downplaying the psychological side effects as simply nicotine withdrawal.

There are other side afects thay don't want anyone to know about such as stomac bleeding and paine from long term use..

If you know of any other's please let me know so I may warn other's

Social Maliase"on aids

39.5 million people are living with HIV and Aids, 4.3 million of them newly infected in the last year and it is one of the fastest growing diseases. Today it has finally received the global leadership and funding that it warrants Aids thrives where there is poverty, gender inequity, and a continuing blanket of denial,untested blood, sharing of needle's, sexual contact, and is reported to be one of the biggest factor's in the gay community. A.I.D.S. = acquired immune deficiency syndrome. A term used to describe the presence of specific infections that indicate end stage immune system breakdown. The onset of AIDS is manifested by the appearance of 2 major opportunistic infections. More than a decade into the AIDS epidemic, efforts to change sex and drug using behaviors to reduce transmission of HIV have met with limited success.Theoretical models (primarily psychological) that dominate studies of HIV risk behavior fall into two major groups: those that predict risk behavior and those that predict behavior change. Efficacy beliefs include outcome (or response) efficacy, which is the belief that a given behavior will result in a given outcome a belief that wearing a condom will prevent HIV transmission. This amalgamated theory tends to assume that individuals who formulate an intention to behave in a particular way and have the skills and self-efficacy beliefs to do so are likely to carry out the intended behavior. Social science perspectives have only recently been applied broadly to AIDS research (Adam, 1992), but their potential for productively refocusing the investigation of AIDS is evidenced in some of the more recently completed ethnographies, social network analyses, and community outreach interventions and evaluations A number of factors have contributed to the focus on the individual as the unit of analysis in AIDS research. First, some have argued, prevailing public perceptions of the AIDS epidemic as just punishment for the immoral and dangerous behaviors practiced among devalued and stigmatized groups. AIDS is thus a disease inextricably bound up with moral judgments. Unfortunately, such judgments and lack of interest in trying to fully understand the disease and its victims are not confined to the lay public. Patient reports of hostile and dismissive treatment by medical personnel are further corroborated by studies that show physicians' lack of sympathy for AIDS patients There is no way of knowing with certainty whether a sexual partner is infected unless he or she has been repeatedly tested for the virus or has not engaged in any risky behavior because many people infected with HIV have no symptoms.Many AIDS experts believe that infection with HIV alone will usually not result in a diagnosis of AIDS. Other factors including poor health, excessive smoking or concurrent illness may also need to be present for a seropositive person to go on and develop AIDS or HIV disease. A seropositive person is one who is antibody positive and presumably carries HIV as well. These other factors that lead to the onset of AIDS are called co-factors HIV viral load testing is a powerful new technology that is revolutionizing the medical management of HIV disease and the conduct of AIDS clinical research. These sensitive assays branched chain DNA and RT-PCR -- accurately measure the amount of HIV in the bloodstream of HIV-positive individuals, and thus provide information about the patient's disease stage and predict relative risk for progression to AIDS and death. Viral load test results guide decisions about therapy and clinical resear. Given the new understanding of the prognostic value the beneficial effects on surrogate markers will likely translate into decreased HIV disease progression, increased survival and, possibly, a prolonged period of years to decades free from HIV disease. Systoms of A.I.D.S. The immune system is essentially composed of three branches, each of which has a specific role in defending the body against bacterial and viral attack: the non-specific branch (e.g. ear wax, gastric acid, saliva); the cell-mediated branch (using various types of ‘T’ cells to attack organisms that enter cells); the humoral branch (based on the action of antibodies). HIV is a retrovirus - that is, information the virus holds about itself is stored in the form of RNA HIV takes on the DNA configuration of the host, and is then replicated within the cell, and also whenever the body demands more CD4 cells All effected CD4 cells are inactivated once invaded, and the person becomes more open to infections there will be a short period of feeling unwell and experiencing ‘flu like symptoms. There may be a slight rash, and swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin, armpits and neck. Some people develop frequent and severe herpes infections that cause mouth, genital or anal sores, or a painful nerve disease known as shingles. Children may have delayed development or failure to thrive. HIV vaccines Vaccination is the simplest, safest and most effective way to prevent many diseases. Vaccines for many viral diseases are routinely given to children and adults in all countries of the world. These vaccines, including smallpox, polio and measles vaccine are both cheap and effective. Drug companies have backed away from HIV vaccine research for the last several years for a number of reasons. The failure of envelope glycoprotein (gp) 120 subunit vaccines to neutralize primary isolates of the virus strains of HIV taken from the blood of infected individuals,Primary concerns regarding the development of a vaccine intended for wide use in developing countries are low cost and ease of administration. Also of concern is the huge variability of HIV both in infected individuals . Much depends on public support for the development of an effective HIV vaccine. The current lack of interest in HIV vaccine research at pharmaceutical companies advances the field of vaccine research too slowly. With more investigators, the chance of a new or unusual idea changing the landscape of vaccine research increases, but the means to develop an effective HIV vaccine may already be in hand.It is clear that not enough research is being devoted to this critically important area of AIDS research and that fundamental changes in funding, research and development, coupled with community involvement, will help.

Stroke In Woman

Definition A stroke is an interruption of the blood supply to any part of the brain. A stroke is sometimes called a "brain attack." Every 45 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke . A stroke can happen when: A blood vessel carrying blood to the brain is blocked by a blood clot. This is called an ischemic stroke . A blood vessel breaks open, causing blood to leak into the brain. This is a hemorrhagic stroke . If blood flow is stopped for longer than a few seconds, the brain cannot get blood and oxygen. Brain cells can die, causing permanent damage. ISCHEMIC STROKE This is the most common type of stroke . Usually this type of stroke results from clogged arteries, a condition called atherosclerosis. (See stroke secondary to atherosclerosis .) Fatty deposits collect on the wall of the arteries, forming a sticky substance called plaque. Over time, the plaque builds up. Often, the plaque causes the blood to flow abnormally, which can cause the blood to clot. There are two types of clots: A clot that stays in place in the brain is called a cerebral thrombus . A clot that breaks loose and moves through the bloodstream to the brain is called a cerebral embolism . Another important cause of cerebral embolisms is a type of arrhythmia called atrial fibrillation . Other causes of ischemic stroke include endocarditis , an abnormal heart valve , and having a mechanical heart valve. A clot can form on a heart valve, break off, and travel to the brain . For this reason, those with mechanical or abnormal heart valves often must take blood thinners. HEMORRHAGIC STROKE A second major cause of stroke is bleeding in the brain hemorrhagic stroke. This can occur when small blood vessels in the brain become weak and burst. Some people have defects in the blood vessels of the brain that make this more likely. The flow of blood after the blood vessel ruptures damages brain cells. STROKE RISKS High blood pressure is the number one reason that you might have a stroke. The risk of stroke is also increased by age, family history of stroke, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease . Certain medications increase the chances of clot formation, and therefore your chances for a stroke . Birth control pills can cause blood clots, especially in woman who smoke and who are older than 35. Men have more strokes than women. But, women have a risk of stroke during pregnancy and the weeks immediately after pregnancy. Cocaine use, alcohol abuse , head injury, and bleeding disorders increase the risk of bleeding into the
Don't expect to feel the classic symptoms attributed to male heart attack victims: chest pain, pressure, tightness, squeezing, burning or heaviness. Debra R. Judelson, M.D., director of the Women's Heart Institute (www.womensheartinstitute.com), says although women may experience these classic signals, they are more likely to complain of shortness of breath. If they feel pain, it may be in the abdomen (as opposed to the chest,) in the back or even in the jaw or throat. Many times, they simply feel bad but are not sure why. Women experience heart attacks differently than men because they tend to experience them at an older age, have diabetes and hypertension and are more likely to be smokers. Not only are a woman's symptoms different from a man's, so too is her response to them, Judelson says. Because women do not generally believe they are susceptible to heart attacks, they will frequently ignore signs of illness, thinking nothing is really wrong. Women come to a hospital with a heart attack up to one hour later than a man. When arriving in the emergency room, they are less likely than men to complain of cardiac symptoms and more likely to attribute their symptoms to something else. This delays and seriously lessens their likelihood of getting appropriate emergency care. That's why if you feel that something is wrong, don't ignore your gut instinct. Seek help as soon as possible instead of waiting to be certain you are really ill. The good news is that when you do receive prompt treatment, as a woman you are likely to respond better to treatment for heart disease than men.
Even though nearly every one knows someone who has had a stroke, well less than half of Americans are able to name a single stroke symptom, a panel of experts told the 24th American Heart Association Conference on Stroke and Cerebral Circulation in 1998. That means when stroke strikes, many are unaware and delay going to the hospital. A study of 272 patients presenting at hospital emergency rooms found mean arrival time at the hospital for women with stroke was 13 hours, and for men the mean was 17 hours. Following a public awareness campaign, that time dropped to five hours for women, still not good enough. Ideally, a stroke victim should be treated within the hour with tPA, the only approved treatment for certain types of acute stroke. That's why it's so crucial to recognize the early warning signs of stroke. Recognize early warning signs When your brain is not receiving enough oxygen, it sends clues to your body that a problem exists. Every minute counts! Studies show that brain damage begins from the moment a stroke starts; scientists now know that there is a very short window of opportunity for treatment of the most common form of stroke. Call 911 immediately if you experience a sudden onset of any of the following symptoms: Weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one side of the body Dimness or loss of vision, particularly in one eye Difficulty speaking or trouble understanding speech Severe headache with no known cause Unexplained dizziness, unsteadiness or sudden falls, particularly with any of the other signs

Oral cancer

In 2007, in the US alone, about 34,000 individuals will be diagnosed with oral cancer. 66% of the time these will be found as late stage three and four disease. Low public awareness of the disease is a significant factor, but these cancers could be found at early highly survivable stages through a simple, painless, 5 minute examination by a trained medical or dental professional. All cancers are diseases of the DNA in the cancer cells. Oncogenes are activated as a result of mutation of the DNA. The exact cause is often unknown. Risk factors that predispose a person to oral cancer have been identified in epidemiological studies. Smoking and other tobacco use are associated with about 75 percent of oral cancer cases, caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth from smoke and heat of cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Tobacco contains over 19 known carcinogens, and the combustion of it, and by products from this process, is the primary mode of involvement. Use of chewing tobacco or snuff causes irritation from direct contact with the mucous membranes. In many Asian cultures chewing betel, paan and Areca is known to be a strong risk factor for developing oral cancer. In India where such practices are common, oral cancer represents up to 40% of all cancers, compared to just 4% in the UK. Alcohol use is another high-risk activity associated with oral cancer. There is known to be a strong synergistic effect on oral cancer risk when a person is both a heavy smoker and a drinker. Their risk is greatly increased compared to a heavy smoker, or a heavy drinker alone. Some oral cancers begin as leukoplakia a white patch (lesion), red patches, (erythroplakia) or non healing sores that have existed for more than 14 days. In the US oral cancer accounts for about 8 percent of all malignant growths. Men are affected twice as often as women, particularly men older than 40/60. Human Papilloma Virus, (HPV) particularly versions 16 and 18 ( there are over 100 varieties) is a known risk factor and independent causative factor for oral cancer. (Gilsion et.al.Johns Hopkins) A fast growing segment of those diagnosed does not present with the historic stereotypical demographics. Historically that has been people over 50, blacks over whites 2 to 1, males over females 3 to 1, and 75% of the time people who have used tobacco products or are heavy users of alcohol. This new and rapidly growing sub population between 20 and 50 years old is predominantly non smoking, white, and females slightly outnumber males. Recent research from Johns Hopkins indicates that HPV is the primary risk factor in this new population of oral cancer victims. HPV16/18 is the same virus responsible for the vast majority of all cervical cancers and is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the US. Oral cancer in this group tends to favor the tonsil and tonsillar pillars, base of the tongue, and the oropharnyx. Recent data suggest that individuals that come to the disease from this particular etiology have some slight survival advantage Symptoms Skin lesion, lump, or ulcer: On the tongue, lip, or other mouth area Usually small Most often pale colored, may be dark or discolored Early sign may be a white patch (leukoplakia) or a red patch (erythroplakia) on the soft tissues of the mouth Usually painless initially May develop a burning sensation or pain when the tumor is advanced Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease: Tongue problems Swallowing difficulty Mouth sores that do not resolve in 14 days Pain and paraesthesia are late symptoms. Treatment Surgical excision (removal) of the tumor is usually recommended if the tumor is small enough, and if surgery is likely to result in a functionally satisfactory result. Radiation therapy is often used in conjunction with surgery, or as the definitive radical treatment, especially if the tumour is inoperable. Chemotherapy is commonly used for more advanced tumours, often in combination with radiotherapy and surgery. Biological agents, such as Cetuximab have recently been shown to be effective in the treatment of squamous cell head and neck cancers, and are likely to have an increasing role in the future management of this condition. Owing to the vital nature of the structures in the head and neck area, surgery for larger cancers is technically demanding. Reconstructive surgery may be required to give an acceptable cosmetic and functional result. Bone grafts and surgical flaps such as the radial forearm flap are used to help rebuild the structures removed during excision of the cancer. Survival rates for oral cancer depend on the precise site, and the stage of the cancer at diagnosis. Overall, survival is around 50% at five years when all stages of initial diagnosis are considered. Survival rates for stage 1 cancers are 90%, hence the emphasis on early detection to increase survival outcome for patients. Following treatment, rehabilitation may be necessary to improve movement, chewing, swallowing, and speech. Speech therapists may be involved at this stage. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Crack Cocane

Tropane Alkaloids: Contain a methylated nitrogen atom (N-CH3). See tropane alkaloid structure. Some of the most potent tropane alkaloids are atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine. These alkaloids affect the central nervous system, including nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord which control many direct body functions and the behavior of men and women. They may also affect the autonomic nervous system, which includes the regulation of internal organs, heartbeat, circulation and breathing. One autonomic response of atropine is the dilation of pupils, once considered to be a beautiful and mysterious look in Italian women. In fact, belladonna means "beautiful lady," so named because sap from the closely related belladonna plant (Atropa belladonna) was used as eye drops to dilate the pupils. Tropane alkaloids are found in many other poisonous plants of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), including henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), pituri (Duboisia hopwoodii), deadly datura (Datura & Brugmansia spp.) and mandrake (Mandragora officinarum), all of which were used extensively in witches' brews and folk medicines Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The action of tropane alkaloids at the cellular level is complex and is related to their molecular structure, particularly the methylated nitrogen at one end of the molecule (see tropane). This chemical structure is also found in the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which transmits impulses between nerves in the brain and neuromuscular junctions. The anesthetic properties of tropane alkaloids may relate to their interference with acetylcholine, perhaps by competing with it at the synaptic junctions, thus blocking or inhibiting nerve impulses. It is interesting to note that the infamous tropane alkaloid cocaine, from the leaves of the coca shrub (Erythroxylum coca--Erythroxylaceae), is also a local anesthetic when injected into skin or muscle tissue. This property led to the discovery and synthesis of the more potent compound, novocain, widely used in dentistry Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Incas of the South American Andes have used coca leaves since pre-Columbian times for religious and medicinal purposes. They chew coca leaves for its stimulant properties to ward off fatique and hunger, to enhance endurance in the high altitude Andes, and to promote a sense of well-being. Cocaine acts primarily by interfering with the reuptake of dopamine. Dopamine produces feelings of well-being when it is released from one transmitting brain neuron to another. After release, dopamine is normally pumped back into the original neuron. Cocaine prevents the reuptake of dopamine and therefore prolongs the feeling of well-being. Spanish conquistadores tried to prohibit coca use until they realized that the Indians they enslaved would work harder if allowed to chew the leaves. Coca leaves were taken back to Europe by the Spanish and in 1860 cocaine was extracted and became a popular drug in Europe. It was a popular ingredient in some beverages and medicines in the United States, including Coca Cola; however, since 1904 federal law has prohibited the inclusion of cocaine in any beverage. The Coca Cola Company complied with this law, but was sued for misleading advertising because the name implied that the beverage contained coca products. As a result, coca leaves, with the cocaine removed, were used to flavor the syrup from which the soda is made. In 1914 cocaine was formally declared illegal by the Harrison Narcotics Act. Cocaine is a 3-ring alkaloid that is most commonly taken as a hydrochloride salt known as "coke." Crystals of cocaine hydrochloride are ground into a fine powder. One method of taking this drug is to sniff (snort) a fine line of the powder. Since the hydrochloride salt decomposes at the temperature required to vaporize it, a method was developed to convert cocaine into the liberated "base" form. "Free-base" cocaine was typically produced by heating the hydrochloride in the volatile solvent ether; however, since ether is very flammable, this method is hazardous. Crack cocaine is produced by heating the hydrochoride in a solution of baking soda until the water evaporates. This type of base-cocaine makes a cracking sound when heated; hence the name crack cocaine. Both freebase and crack cocaine can be injected and, since they are unaffected by heat, can be smoked. During the past century, many famous people in Europe and the United States took cocaine regularly. The fictional Sherlock Holmes character quite openly took cocaine in several of the stories in order to stimulate and clarify the mind. Cocaine addiction is associated with a number of health risks. If inhaled for long periods of time, it can cause damage to the inner surface of the nose. Cocaine users tend to increase the dosage to maintain the original highs, and continual use may eventually cause damage to neuroreceptors. Depending on the dosages, several tropane alkaloids of Datura and Brugmansia (when absorbed together) may have synergistic properties resulting in extreme hallucinations, delirium and death. Since the alkaloids are fat soluble they are readily absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes. Volumes have been written about the uses and properties of Datura in the Middle Ages. Most of the uses involved the consumption of potions or concoctions made from various parts of the plant. The famous seventeenth century Dutch artist, David Teniers the Younger, made several paintings of witches preparing for their demonic orgy or sabbat. The scenes frequently depicted a witch being anointed while she straddled a broom for her flight into the sky. Clay tablets from Babylonian and Assyrian ruins indicate that Datura was used medically in ancient civilizations several thousand years ago. Greek and Roman physicians used Datura mixed with opium as a sedative and general anesthetic during surgery. In fact, the use of scopolamine (one of the alkaloids in Datura) plus morphine as an effective pain reliever and sleep inducer was common practice until the nineteenth century.
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