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54 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 13, 2007 · Born on January 24th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
54 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 13, 2007 · Born on January 24th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
54 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 13, 2007 · Born on January 24th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Activity Feed

  • Sweet LipsAngie
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHave a Safe & Happy 4th!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Angie
    Have a great weekend

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Angie
    Have a great day!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Sweet LipsAngie
    Hope you're having a great day!Today I thought I would say to my friendsI appreciate all the things you do for meReading or reposting a bulletin. sendingme a PM, reading my blogs, rating mypictures or stash, sending me a comment,giving me an occasional shout, sending mea gift, taking time to think of me. acceptingmy request to be my friend.All of you have done at least one of these things.Thank you my friends!"""".....@.@.@.@..@......@........@..........@...@............@....@@...@..............@@..@....@..............@...@......@...........@..@.........@......@..@..............@..@.I.................@....CARE.........@.........ABOUT....@................YOU...@........@@@......@@@@..@....@..........@...@.............@@@......@@.......@@@.......@..@@.........................@.........................@.........................@.........................@.........................@........................@.......................@

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Angie
    Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCK THEM! This is for any one you think is hot! Keep reading and you will find out that this is not some gay thing.RULES:1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course.2- You can fuck the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!*3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy!4- You should fuck in public! Be adventurous, damn it. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty!5- Random sex is perfectly okay!6- Please, don't worry about same gender fucking, it's HOT.7- You should most definitely get started fuckin' right away!This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! F.U.C.K Stands For: Friends U Can Keep. So promise me we'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & 1 back to me. To know who your true F.U.C.K buddies are!!! ^_^

    17 years ago · Reply
  • bad4uAngie
    YOU'VE BEEN FUCKED BADLY!!!Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCK THEM! This is for any one you think is hot! Keep reading and you will find out that this is not some gay thing.RULES:1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course.2- You can fuck the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!*3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy!4- You should fuck in public! Be adventurous, damn it. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty!5- Random sex is perfectly okay!6- Please, don't worry about same gender fucking, it's HOT.7- You should most definitely get started fuckin' right away!This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! F.U.C.K Stands For: Friends U Can Keep. So promise me we'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & 1 back to me. To know who your true F.U.C.K buddies are!!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • sailorbriAngie
    i hope it is too lol you have a good one eh !!!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • JerseyBeeAngie

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Angie
    Hey Angie it's nice to meet you. I hope you're having a nice day and hope you have a great weekend.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • sailorbriAngie
    If u love me (as a friend or more) u'll read the whole thing. What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness? What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you. Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. Remember, everyone needs a friend. dont ever leave the one u love for the one u like, because the one u like will leave u for the one they love.If you wake up in a red room with no windows and doors, DON'T panic.. you're just in my heart!!! Send this to all the friends you want to keep forever...Today is Bestfriend Day. Send this to all of your friends, and me if I am one. If you get 7 back you are LOVED

    17 years ago · Reply
  • bad4uAngie
    If u love me (as a friend or more) u'll read the whole thing. What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness? What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you. Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. Remember, everyone needs a friend. dont ever leave the one u love for the one u like, because the one u like will leave u for the one they love.If you wake up in a red room with no windows and doors, DON'T panic.. you're just in my heart!!! Send this to all the friends you want to keep forever...Today is Bestfriend Day. Send this to all of your friends, and me if I am one. If you get 7 back you are LOVED

    17 years ago · Reply
  • THE ONE AND ONL...Angie
    THANK YOU HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY HUNIf u love me (as a friend or more) u'll read the whole thing. What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness? What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you. Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. Remember, everyone needs a friend. dont ever leave the one u love for the one u like, because the one u like will leave u for the one they love.If you wake up in a red room with no windows and doors, DON'T panic.. you're just in my heart!!! Send this to all the friends you want to keep forever...Today is Bestfriend Day. Send this to all of your friends, and me if I am one. If you get 7 back you are LOVED

    17 years ago · Reply
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