There is currently a bill going through that will ban the dog breed pitbulls from the United states. A breed who has gotten a very bad name, of all dog bites from all breeds of dogs, pitbulls rated number 4 FROM THE BOTTOM. So to eradicate a species based on something that is not the fault of its own, like any animal it learns to adapt to its environment. Any one who owns a pit bull know that he breed is one of loving and caring nature.
As you can see, pit bulls are extremely low on the list compared to other breeds which do not have the negative reputation which society has given pit bulls. Approximately 77% of all dogs pass the temperment test, while a whopping 95% of pitbulls pass. As a breed the pitbull does better on the temperment test than retrievers, labs, dalmations, and almost any other "family friendly" breed there is.
Dog bites are serious business. The occurrence of dog bite injuries has reached almost epidemic levels. According to a 1994 survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs annually. That's roughly 13,000 dog bite injuries every day – with an estimated 800,000 of these victims requiring emergency room treatment. Of those suffering from dog bites, the vast majority are children under the age of 10. In addition to inflicting physical pain, these dog bite injuries can hurt the pocketbook, too. The insurance industry estimates that each year more than $100 million in medical expenses result from dog bite injuries, and about $1 billion is paid in insurance liability claims each year.
no matter the way I feel I can never seem to get things right at all!! I think i blowing my chance with a lot of things. I wish i could come up with a better idea of how to get the things done that i need to get done