As of Tuesday evening, all of my classes for the Fall Quarter are finished!
I had 3 finals on Tuesday, and I did very well in all of them. In fact, this morning I saw my Algebra professor at the gym, and she said that I had gotten an A in the class and received the highest grade on the final.
In my Business class I have done well the entire Quarter and got an A on my 10 page research project / presentation. So I am certain I have an A in that class as well.
My English class I enjoyed the most, and just before midterms I had a B. Then I "Aced" the midterm, and after taking the final I spoke with my professor; she told me that all I needed was a C or better to get an A in the class.
So I am quite happy.
Today is the first day I have had an actual day off since the quarter began in September... usually I work everyday that I'm not in school. I already got up early and worked out... now what am I going to do with an entire day with no obligations?!
If you have any suggestions, please let me know ;)