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Imagine No Religion

I keep thinking how much better the world would be without religion in it. Ever see that picture that has the NYC skyline (with the World Trade Center still there) with the caption "Imagine no Religion? " Think about a world with no religion: 1. Much less terrorism 2. Nobody trying to replace real science with mythology 3. No anti-abortion fucktards killing doctors, intimidating people and bombing clinics 4. Equal rights for women and homosexuals 5. No idiotic cartoon tracts put in public places or divisive phrases on money 6. Nobody dying because of an irrational avoidance of medicine 7. No "Honor Killings" or brutal female circumcisons, no barbaric sentences under Sharia law. 8. No unwanted pregnancies that are the result of not knowing enough because of "abstinence only" education or access to birth control being denied. I'm sure there would be more benefits, but isn't this enough?

Worst FInal Episodes Ever

I was just thinking and wanted to give my opinion of the 3 worst final episodes of TV shows ever. 3rd worst (Garbage Medal) : St Elsewhere (Mid 1980's ) It was bad when Dallas made an entire season be the dream of a character. Even worse (though not quite bad enough to make my list) when Newhart had the entire series and everyone in it the dream of a character played a decade earlier by the actor playing the main character. But to really take the cake, this show had the entire series, everyone in it and the entire background the dream of a minor character only introduced in the final season (this show wasn't a comedy either. ) To make it worse, the dreamer was a retarded child rateher than a psychiatrist. 2nd worst (vomit medal) : Seinfeld (late 1990's ) Not only was the majority of the episode clips from earlier shows, it ended a very succesful comedy in a very unfunny manner - all 4 of the main characters sent to prison - for something that wasn't a crime in any state. Pitiful. Worst Ever (shit medal ) : ALF (Late 1980's ) To be fair, this wasn't intended to be the final episode - and wouldn't have been bad had it not been. But it was a season ending cliffhanger and ended up being the series finale, leaving everything up in the air. Nearly a decade later, after the ALF character started becoming popular again (through commercials and minor appearances in a couple shows ) a TV movie was made, but most people no longer cared. Interestingly, in the early 2000s there was a show about a teacher dating a famous actress (show name escapes me) that also ended the series in a cliffhanger - what made this one bad was it was the 1st season and the show hadn't been especially succesful.


I ust feel very upset. I think things would be better If I was dead. I wish I was dead right now.
Aren't you sick of the same crap showing up at the top of your bartab all the time? I have answers: 1. Are you going to heaven or hell? - no, neither exist. 2. Do you want a pink iphone? No - do I look gay to you? 3. WalMart gift certificate? Not if I have to go through 15 pages of crap and sign up to get on several spam lists in order to have a chance. 4. What superhero are you? None - what are you, 5? 5. House or Greys anatomy? Neither, they both suck 6. Blah balh American Idol? I couldn't possibly care less. Anyone who watches that drivel should officially be considered retarded. I'd rather have pliers taken to my testicles than watch it. 7. What beer are you? I'm not - I drink beer and am not a cannibal. I wish we could opt out of it.

RIP Jack

My big cat Jack died today - he was the huge 25 lb black and white cat. He was killed by the idiot local vet. He was a bit dehydrated, but the vet injected him with enough fluid that he gained 3 and a half pounds and the water was running out his pours. None of my cats are ever going back to that vet.

Stupid Spam

I'm so sick of the spam questions that keep popping up in the bar tab - I'm not going through 15 pages of spam for some stupid quiz, especially when it doesn't let you say "no" to getting any spam e mails. Some of the questions are really dumb too - and why do you get the same ones over and over? Coke or Pepsi? - Shut the fuck up. We hate when that one comes up in mumms. CSI or Law & Order - neither. They both suck. other ones of shows I don't watch - see above What superhero are you? - None - what are you, 5? Would you like a (whatever) giftcard? Not if it means I have to read all that shit to MAYBE get one and either way my inbox gets crammed with the crap you're shilling for. Just a rant...
Why does this shit gotta keep happening to me? Come Friday I no longer have a job (place I work is closing.) Also, the woman I love seems to have become a born again Christian. I see no option besides suicide. Those of you who have known me a bit know I have 4 attempts under my belt. I really see no reason to live. Just can't take it any more. Wish I was dead now. If the Christard god really existed he can go get fucked up the ass sideways with a chainsaw. Life is a bowl of shit. Or a big shit sandwich - like they say the more bread you got the less shit you have to eat. Fuck religion, fuck the rich, and fuck life. I'd be better off dead.

Phone sex

Carla called me tonight. I wanted to just talk, but she wanted phone sex. It was kind of like she was phone-raping me she was so horny! I can't wait to be with her.

Where I have been

For those who wondered where I've been for the last week, on Tuesday morning I swallowed a bunch of pills in a suicide attempt. I spent 2 days in intensive care and about a week in the psych ward. I am OK now.

RIP Sassy.

My Cat Sassy had to be put to sleep yesterday. She had Cat alzheimers, was severely dehydrated and since the day before couldn't even stand up. :( Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket RIP Sassy April 8 1991 - Sep 4 2007.
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