43 Year Old
From Largo, FL·
Joined on August 10, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 19th
·4 referrals joined!
look me up on facebook Matthew Gaidurgis
just looking for some fun in my busy world.... I wish there were more than 26 hours in a day and 8 days a week...I own my own bissness And I work for and advertizeing agency designing grafic ad's and I'm a full time musician. I also design funny t-shirts, heres a few D.J. Matt G. Clothing Line ...Time I have free I spend with friends inside and outside the computer most my friends would bleed for me and I the same for them. I like to hang with good people not people who are plastic.....what else I have a wild view on life and make alot of jokes makes my world seem more atractive when those close to me are smileing and I like to get in the spieretual relm too it can become boreing when talking of the mundane to much it's all about ballence....but love to travel even if to the beach or park anything can be an adventure when driveing threw traffic down here lmao j/k but I'm tired of typeing so your just gonna have to ask later to find out more...I know I dident realy talk about my past yet so heres the cliff notes 4 ya born a basterd lol went to parents wedding they seperated when I was 5 divorced when I was 10 and I ended up getting stuck with my dad 4 most of my teen age years alot of problems there and confliction in my mind and turned in to passive agressiveness and made matters worste did a lil time in lock up an older brother died of a drug overdose when I was 16 he was 22 "1997 anyways had bad deppression after that for some time by the way all this is up in the state of Maryland thats where I was born....anyways when I was 18 I moved 2 florida got caught up in the club sceen and got hooked on drugs bad moved back up north took my problems with me lol and then moved back here around 2002 had some long term g/f was engaged at one point drugs got in the way got clean and sober on october, 3. 2005 and have done alot of work to rectify my past threw amends and have curbed my behavior and thoughts dramaticly and have a large amount of love and gratitude in my life now and still regularly go to my 12 step meetings because if it aint broke dont fix it and I get 2 help others that are in the shoes I once wore....
43 Year Old
From Largo, FL·
Joined on August 10, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 19th
·4 referrals joined!
my intrests wow it changes every 6-months to a year but generaly the constants are music friends nature sperituality and laughing.... ; p
I make my own check out my music profile on myspace
PS3 Games* Grand Theft Auto 4 Ninja Gaiden Sigma F.E.A.R. Assassin's Creed Resistance Fall Of Man Virtual Fighter Oblivion Tony Hawk Proveing Grounds Dark Kingdom NHL 2K7 Conan Lair Heavenly Sword Ultimate Alliance
Hey baby , how are you doing ??? I havent been on in a while, been super busy lately , anyways hit me up when you get a chance , you know how to get ahold of me xoxoxooxo
hey there i just wanted to be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great day tomorrow and get everything that you have ever wished for in life.
yay! i'm #7 on your friends list! i'm so happy! cause 7 is my lucky # i love you matt, i can't wait to see u when i come down... hopefully your not w/ any1 ...i don't want u 2 get in trouble.