Too cold to speak, too warm to look,
you keep your distance from me.
A song has played so many nights
from a hallow stars mournful call
that reminds me of your face and body,
your voice, your thoughts, your love.
Too dark to walk, too light to meet,
you keep your distance from me.
If differences and disagreements
might tarnish what we have just say it,
but if it isn't that you're afraid
to loose and understanding then tell me now
before I lean too far and fall.
Too far to yell, too close to whisper,
you keep your distance from me.
A memory from a dream that last night
came to me kept my mind in rhythm
to your hearts unsteady beat.
Speak what you want to,
tell me abou this one and that,
keep my secrets in your hands,
but let go now for the pain
you put me through is not fair.
I care too much about you,
I want you to laugh, to smile,
to be happy all the time.
Too cold to speak, too warm to look,
you've kept your distance from me.
I Remember
I remember the day so long ago,
when you first caught my eye.
I remember the day so long ago,
when we first said "HI."
I remember the day awhile ago,
when we first started going out.
I remember the day awhile ago,
when you told me what we
were all about.
I remember the day some time ago,
when we had our first kiss.
I remember the day some time ago,
when you held me in your arms
underneath the stars.
I remember the day a short time ago,
when our relationship fell apart.
I remember the day a short time ago,
the day you broke my heart.