Manslaughter or Misdemeanor?
A Law Passed Five Years Ago, In LA Stated That A Dog Does Not Have An Owner But, Rather, A "Guardian."
In San Francisco, Rescued Strays Are Not Sent To Animal Shelters But Instead Are Housed In "Apartments."
San Francisco passed a law stating that dogs have rights and are entitled to a fresh bowl of water every day and a doghouse with a roof over their head.
.......So Why Is Cosmetic Surgery On Animals not ban.
Why is Animal Cruelity Not A Crime Of Manslaugher-all around-...?
Recently In The News A Guy Admited To Animal Cruelity.
Puting His Wifes Dog In A 200Degree Oven for 5minutes Causing Serious Burns All Over. Admitting Chasing This Poor Puppy With a Leaf Blower Causing Blindness In One Eyes And Severly Damaging The Other Because He Was Mad At His Wife And What Was The Charges Against Him You May Ask....A Slap On The Wrist, A Simple 6 Months Inprisonmeant And a Fine Of $500 and $986 In Vet Bills!
.......Was Justiced Serve? I Believe Not!
.........Dogs Are Suppose To Be Mans Best Friend So Shouldnt They Get The Same Respect As Use Humans?