35 Year Old
From Indianapolis, IN·
Invited by: 535101·
Joined on September 27, 2007
Born on May 12th
·4 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
35 Year Old
From Indianapolis, IN·
Invited by: 535101·
Joined on September 27, 2007
Born on May 12th
·4 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I'm 18 yrs old. i love to party and hang out wit my friends. i love sports mainly softball. im single...right now im just dating to explore my options. i have yahoo and i myspace...if u wanna know wat they are jus ask me
I Want One Guy:
1. To prove to me that they are not all the same
2. To prove to me that looks don't matter that it's in the personality of the woman.
3. That when they have in interest in a woman to stick with her and wait for her to see where things go.
4. That the number of women you have doesn't matter and long as you have just that one that does matter.
5. To realize that attention from numerous women shouldn't matter as long as he's getting the attention from the one that does matter.
6. For one to not be a pig and actually be organized and clean up after himself.
7. Household chores, not only women know how to do them, but that a man can help out as well.
8. Realize that not every woman is stupid when it comes to tools, cars, etc.
9. To realize us women can always find someone better and that the man will lose her if he doesn't show how appreciative he is to her now and then.
10. To call a woman once a day and check up on things with her, see how she is doing.
11. To make love not just fuck...Sex is not life there is love, friendship, honesty, loyalty, and feelings that come with it.
12. That sometimes us women need to bitch I mean come on we know we put you guys through hell, but you guys don't do the same to us? Get real!
13. Not all of us are ditzy there are a select few women that have minds
14. You want your woman to feel good about herself then stop staring and going after all these model girls and actually look for one that is normal and not supermaodel material we are just as good as the ones that are supermodel looking even better than most...
15. Women are fighters, we don't give up and we will stand by your side no matter what happens so don't push us away thinking we can't help women are strong, haven't you heard the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..." We are not weak we do not need a man to be strong for us believe me we can handle ourselves so get rid of that macho overbearing attidude...women will put you to shame.
16. If you want us make sure you tell us...No honking horns or shouting we are not animals you know grow a pair of balls and talk to us...We are out of the stone age guys this is the twentieth century.
17. We need to bitch about our ex's how else do we expect you not to make the same stupid misakes they did? we're trying to get a point across here...Don't be them.
18. Yes, there are women who are not gold diggers, a lot are, but not all many of us like to take care of ourselves and prove to the guy that we can survive without them.
19. Everytime we like something does not mean you need to buy it for us, we bring things up to see if you remember what we like when holidays come around to see if you really do listen to us.
20. Yes, we like to own things there's no denying that, but sometimes working for it is more fun...we like challenges...
21. Please understand men when women see you have a ton of women we are going to feel jealous and belittled because we tend to be very critical of ourselves and when we see all these women it makes us feel as though we are not good enough for you if you need all those other women as well...
35 Year Old
From Indianapolis, IN·
Invited by: 535101·
Joined on September 27, 2007
Born on May 12th
·4 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
i have alot of interests, i love to play softball i played that for about 11 yrs. i love movies especially scary movies...havent found a horror movie that scares me yet. i like to read some books. i like mystery and suspense books. and i like harry potter just b/c its fantasy and has an pretty good storyline. i like to hang out with my friends and have fun. i love to swim and i love to go bowling.
i like a variety, i like rock, hiphop, r&b, some classic rock, a lil rap and some pop...and i mean some not alot lol.
any horror movie, i love comedies like knocked up, 40yr old virgin, sorority boys, and i love action like the die hard movies and shit. i just love a variety of movies...ok i like the occassional chick flick but im not nuts about them. lol i loved the notebook dont get me wrong..great movie but im more of a horror movie and comedy girl. anything with action i like
Video Games
i love alot of video games, i like the need for speed games, grand theft auto, any type of game really as long as its good. i still play my nintendo from time to time. all the mario games and of course donkey kong!
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