1st--Where I've Been
Aug 7-10- The Gathering... My first ever. Totally awesome. Sad I missed ICP's seminar tho. coulda got J's solo album... like an original one rather than burning it, of course its just a burned cd anyway. 2 of my friends got it tho. Went to the autograph tent to see twiztid & waited 5 hrs just for them to leae rite before i got to the front. So i got to talk to abk & icp instead. the next day i waite another 5 hrs, but got to see blaze & twiztid. talked to em for a minute, then as i walked off realized Madrox had forgotten to sign my shirt! lol. Went back but was told I'd have to get back in line, in which case icp would be back by the time i got to the front again. lol. thought it was kinda funny.
All the shows were pretty cool. wasnt there for Andrew W.K. tho, apparently he was kicked off stage for being a douche. Stood front row for Twiztid & ICP. Both awesome shows... When I went to drive home I was SOAKED in Faygo... lol.
Also took a helicopter ride while we were there, that was pretty cool...
2nd--Why Im Unreachable
Ok, so During the Gathering I had no service. I had tried to pay my phone bill before I left, but 2 hrs after arriving home, my phone service was suspended. Apparently the fags at TMobile are no longer taking my debit card *shrug* they dont want my money thats all fine & dandy. I can go thru cricket, paying hella less than what i am now. So anyone trying to get ahold of me, SORRY! Give me a few days to get it all straightened out.