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40 Year Old · Female · From Charlotte, NC · Joined on July 28, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on September 15th
40 Year Old · Female · From Charlotte, NC · Joined on July 28, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on September 15th

Welcome to the crazy world of Jen, or as My other name is Magenta. I'm shy when you frist get to know me, but when you do I'm fun to be around. I love music. I listen to all kinds, and I mean anything. I watch almost anykind of movies but my all time fave is horror, and anything by Tim Burton. His movies rock.I'm all the way lesbian, so guys, sorry i have no time or day for you unless I know u. I have an amazin girlfriend that im so in love with and im never let her go. From the first time we started talkin i knew she was the one for me.. as I aways say Imma do me 24/7..... Later

40 Year Old · Female · From Charlotte, NC · Joined on July 28, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on September 15th
"If you want to know what I want to say sometimes, listen to my favorite song to understand it.Well I'm a big music fan. Anyone who knows of me knows that. Hanging with my girls, watching movies. Learning new things, singing and acting.

-2pac -3oh!3 -50 Cent -The 69 eyes -311 -Aerosmith -AFI -Afroman -Alice Cooper -Alice in video land -Alica Keys -All time low -The almost -American Head Charge -American Hi-Fi -Amy whine house -Arch Enemy -Astrid Haven -Avenge Sevenfold -Avril Lavign -Ayria -Babes in toyland -Baby Bash -Baby Huey -beach boys -Beastie Boys -Beck -Bikini Kill -Billie Holiday -Birdman -The Birthday Massacre -The Black dahlia Murder -Black eyed peas -Black Sabbath -Black Vail Brides -Blackstreet -Blink-182 -Boston -Bowling for soup -Boys like girls -brandy -Breaking Benjamin -Britney spears -Buckcherry -Bullet for my valentine -Bush -Busta Rymes -Cake -Calvery Kids -Carrie Underwood -The Cars -Chingy -Coceau Twins -Coldplay -Cradle of filth -The cramps -Cranberries -Creature Feature -Crime Mobb -The Cure -Cute is what we aim for -Daddy Yankee -Danzig -Dave Matthews band -David Banner -Dead Can Dance -Death Cab for Cutie -Def leopard -Deftones -Depeche Mode -The Devil wears prada -DJ URK -Dmx -Dr. Dre -Drake -The Dresden dolls -Duffy -Emilie Autumn -Eminem -Evanescence -Eve 6 -Fall out boy -Fatboy slim -Fefe Dobson -Fiona apple -Fireflight -flo rida -Flyleaf -Foo Fighters -Frank Sinatra -The Fry -Garbage -GoldFrapp -Good Charlotte -Green Day -Gucci Mane -Guns n roses -H.I.M. -Halestorm -Hey Monday -Hole - Hollywood undead -Horrorpops -Hyper Crush -Iamx -Ice cube -ICP -Imogen heap -Inkubus sukkbus -Ivy queen -Jack off Jill -Janis Joplin -Jay z -Jimmy eat world -Joan Jett -Jonny cash -journey -Joy division -Jucifer -kanya west -katy perry -Kelly Clarkson -kelly likes shoes -kerli -Keysha Coles -Kill Hannah -The killers -kittie -Korn -La roux -Lacuna coil -Lady gaga -ladytron -Lamb of god -Led zeppelin -Lesley Roy -letters to cleo -lil’wayne -lil jon -lilly allen -linkin park -lita ford -liz phair -LMFAO -Ludacris -Lush -Magenta Lane -Marilyn Manson -Matchbook romance -Mazzy Star -MC magic -Meg & Dia -metallica -Millionaires -Mindless slef indulgence -Misfits -Mötley Crüe -Mudvayne -My chimical romance -Nekromantix -Neon Blonde -New boyz -ne-yo -Nine inch nails -Nirvana -No Doubt -The offspring -otep -ozzy -pink -pantera -paramore -Peaches -A perfect circle -Pitbull -placebo -Poision -Prince -queen -Rasputin -Razed in black -Rob zombie -Scarling -Sex gang kids -Shiney toy guns -sisters of mercy -skid row -skinny puppy -slipknot -Switchblade symphony -tegan and sara -Theroy od a deadman -Three days grace -tool -type o negative And there is so much more music is my life!!!

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  • vampyre love zo... im so in love with an amazin girl in the world. idk what i would do with out her.. i miss her so much wish she was here. time for bed. i hope to feel better in the mornin
    14 years ago · Comment

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