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41 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 9, 2010 · Born on November 12th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 7 different people have a crush on me!
41 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 9, 2010 · Born on November 12th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 7 different people have a crush on me!

In college ... Been on fu five years now ... seems like long enough to have a degree in all things fu ...
oh help me please.. lol ...

I got lots of living to do ..
Lots of traveling to traveling to do ..
Making moments that I will treasure for a lifetime...
Grateful for every day..

I love life.. i love being the Author of my life every day.. Writing a new page..

I am a writer
I am an artist..
I am so much more..then most of you will ever know..

everyone has a story... Only a few care to really know yours....

Writing my chapter.. one at a time .. finding the space to life and love life like never before ..

Respect me and I'll respect you..!

Only one man for me ...
I love him... That won't ever change!
He's one in a billion!

A new life...
Working harder and harder than before...
Each goal...closer than before...
Can't give up....
Won't give up...
Tears falls but days pass...
At first they almost seem impossible to cope with...
But life goes on...
Time passes more ....
The old is gone....
The new is being created...

I'm not who I used to be..
I'm becoming who I want to be
Facing my fears...
Building my dreams
Having my hearts desires..
I got no time for liars and cheats
Simplicity is what I crave..
You might not know what I mean by that...
Breaking life down to its purest essentials...
My journey is exactly what I needed to continue on my path to happiness and contentment...
Growing more and more..
I'll never stop growing till I reach the sky...
The world is a beautiful place it just takes the right perspective to see it and appreciate it...

Life will always be what we choose to make it consciously or subsconiously!
But we become the authors of own lives when we make the decisions governing it.
I am me..
I see no point in regret
The lessons I'll never forget
You don't have to like me...
I'm good with my own company...
I'll forgive but it's harder to forget..
Think about all you have and find something to be grateful for each and every day.

Two faced people..
Too much snow..
Baked beans,
People who treat me badly on purpose
Men who treat women badly as a habit
Women who treat men badly cause they feel like it.. And don't care
People use abuse animals or children..

If u don't know me call me Xavi...
Not sexy... Not babe.. Your a stranger I've never met lol..
Fu stuff
I rarely add... I like and rate a d return fu love.. Most of the time..

I don't do anything xrated for points or achievements..
I occasionally buy bling..
I help my fu family when I can..
I help others most of the time...
I'm mostly here for friends and family..
I think that's it for now...

41 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 9, 2010 · Born on November 12th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 7 different people have a crush on me!
intelligence, Business, Psychology,knowledge , languages , linguistics , photography , writing , poetry , travel to exotic places.

I am a life long student!


rnb, hip hop , reggae , pop, trance , jazz , oldies 60s , opera , gothic metal , heavy metal ,
basically everything from the beatles to gothic metal . Il ove the beatles , Simon and Garfunkel , Peter ,Paul and Mary ,
John Lennon's Imagine
Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

i couldn't really say thse people are my idols but i admire and i'm definately influenced by them .
Some of the greats include

Martin Luther King , Ghandi , Nelson Mandela.

Bill clinton,Condoleezza Rice. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Edger Allan Poe , William faukener, Jane Austen , W.H Auden , T.S Elliot , Robert Frost , Lev Tolstoy ,Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky,

Monet , Renoir , Michealangelo, Leonardo Va dinci ,Picasso ,
Degas, Rembrandt.

theres many more but my list shall only be so long .
Video Games

Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics

its always fun to go dancing

i dont play video games often , i like board gamesand cards and things where you interact face to face with people..

if i have to play anything its the wii, and i use my comp or everythig maybe too much . i love multitasking ,

so im constantly doing many things at the same time .

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