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Stats for Dec 15

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40 Year Old · Male · From Caldwell, ID · Joined on September 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 17th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
40 Year Old · Male · From Caldwell, ID · Joined on September 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 17th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

So anyways about me...blah. I hate about me. So i just moved to caldwell i am divorced. I like it out here alot the people are decent and the secenery is nice its good to see mountians again. but anyways if you really want to get to know me write me i was in the army been out since jun 26 09.

And one last thing. You can't forget the abc's can you?
This is a poster i have its called "TO ACHIVE YOUR DREAMS REMBER YOUR ABC'S" and this is what i live by with no doubt and things have done nothing but get better for me since i started to do this so here it is.

A-Avoid negitive people places things and habbits.
B-Believe in your self.
C-Consider things from every angle
D-Don't give up Don't Give in
E-Enjoy life today, Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
F-Family and friends are hidden treasures seek them and enjoy their riches.
G-Give more then you planned too.
H-Hang onto your dreams
I-Ignore those who try to discourage you
J-Just do it.
K-Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier
L-Love your self frist and moast.
M-Make it happen
N-Never lie cheat or steal always strike a fair deal.
O-Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
P-Pratice makes perfect
Q-Quitters never win and winner never quit.
R-Read study and learn everything important in your life.
S-Stop procrastinating
T-Take control of your own destiny
U-Understand your self to better understand others.
V-Visulize it.
W-Want it more then anything.
X-Xcelerate Your LIFE
Y-You are unique of all gods creations No one can replace you
Z-Zero in on your target and go for it.

40 Year Old · Male · From Caldwell, ID · Joined on September 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 17th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

My main intrests is improving my self along with my quality of life. I work on cars and play games for hobbies i love the out doors and will do just about anything at least once as long as it don't involve vodka or fish lol


Oh yea and a thing i do in my time you may want to check out its free. and its easy. i really reccomend if you want to earn some extra money in your free time try this out some.

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right now i'm mostly rock and metal sometimes though i like some country typicaly more upbeat stuff...i don't like to listen to rap or anything like that but i have been known to like it on very rare occasion.

Your results

I will watch just about any movie some may take some preusasion but you can get me to watch just about anything.
I idolize my ancestors. If you want to know why then ask me.

visited 17 states (34%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or determine the next president

visited 9 states (4%)
Create your own visited map of The World or determine the next president
Video Games
I play XBox360 Halo 3 Devil May Cry 4 but i spend alot of time on wow right now if you want to play i'm taini on the vek server.







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