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53 Year Old · Female · From Kemah, TX · Joined on July 5, 2010 · Born on July 29th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
53 Year Old · Female · From Kemah, TX · Joined on July 5, 2010 · Born on July 29th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!

Hi! My name is Calypso. I am 39 years old. Born and raised in Texas. Have also lived for short times in Florida, Colorado, and Upstate New York. Texas has always had my heart and kept calling me home. I have been back in the Galveston Bay / Kemah area since 1998. I liked the blue waters of Florida, the mountains of Colorado, and well ummm the snow of Upstate New York (not the Lake Effects though ;)). But there is just something about living on the Bay in Texas. The people and the atmosphere has it's own unique energy. **(I would love to visit Australia in the near future; however, at this point I have never been there. My Profile is possessed and keeps changing my location by itself.)**

I was married for 8 years (recently divorced) and I have two very beautiful children. Walker is 7 and Taylor is 4. They both attend private school here in the Clear Lake area. It has been a struggle to make ends meet and a lot of times I am overwhelmed by all the stress. But, I know in my heart that it is in their best interest to keep them in school so that they won't have to struggle the way that I have. They are my whole world!!! My success is in my children's success.

I am a very honest and caring person. Sometimes to a fault. I have a very big heart and love to help other people. I also have a concious and really struggle with doing things that I think may hurt someone else's feelings. As a result, I have spent most of my life as a rug that people tend to walk all over. Early 2010 I finally grew a backbone and have started standing up for myself and my children. Please do not mistake my kindness for weakness. I am definitely a LEO. If I roar, you need to step back and give me space or the next action will not be so pretty. I'm not here to CyberSex. Don't even go there with me.... (I know what the shower is for and I'm not afraid to use it!!). I am here for friends and fun. I spent too many years being treated like crap and am not ready for more drama....

I am a strong, independant, good-hearted LADY. I freely give my trust and respect to everyone and I expect to be treated in the same manner.


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I am sick and tired of people assuming that it's okay to disrespect me.... It is NOT okay.... Do NOT call me out of my name/nickname.... I am not your Baby, Hun, Sexy, etc.... Atilla was a Hun and Babe was a Pig.... WTF are you trying to say? Don't tell me that you want to get with me or that you love me.... Give me a break; you don't even know me.... Until you sleep in my bed, take care of my babies, and pay my bills YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!! Unlike some people, I can and do take care of myself.... If you decide to help out in any way, shape, or form that is your decision.... Do NOT expect anything in return because you're not getting it!!!!!

Any disrespect calls for immediate termination of your ability to view or contact me.... In other words: YOU WILL BE BLOCKED !!

Remembering Hurricane Ike that hit two years ago!!

A little video diary of Hurricane Ike.... Where it says "So Much Lost...." are pictures of inside my cousins' house who lived down on Jamaica Beach.... The second to the last picture is of the road I live on and the last picture is of windows blown out of the buildings in downtown Houston....

53 Year Old · Female · From Kemah, TX · Joined on July 5, 2010 · Born on July 29th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!

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