52 Year Old
From Glendale, AZ·
Joined on June 21, 2007
Born on April 8th
IF YOU WANT TO FRIEND ME - FRIEND THIS ACCOUNT INSTEAD - thx =) reason why explained below
yes.. this is the same lux - not an imitation - because i like to give people the opportunity to hear my music but sometimes like to hide away from the world - and just chat with my closest friends - ive made this second profile --
to keep things fair.. simply put FRIEND REQUESTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED -- only if you are family on my other account - sorry folks. the idea of this profile is to keep things down to say only 50 friends tops... and i will - so.. want to friend me.. go to my other account plze..
ive reduced the quality of my songs a little in the hopes that they wont play choppy - i think as long as you arent on dial up they should play pretty smoothly
some people get by with a little understanding some people get by with a whole lot more i dont know why you gotta be so undemanding one thing i know I WANT MORE!
and i need all the love i can get and i need all the love that i cant get too
More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly -woody allen
me.. hmm.. well id have to say im the one who put the 'fun' in funeral - im the devil in your head - im a good guy.. but a bad influence - im the one everyone blames.. and sometimes i think they may be right in doing so... im a musician and an artist - i say what i think - thats usually my first mistake - my music is whats playing on this page - thats about all that really needs to be said here for now...
make your time..
this test says im gonna be rich! =D lol get me while you can now ladies hehehehe
You scored as Hot. You are Hot, you scream and are wild, people love doing anything sexual with you.
(damn if this quiz isnt dead on! hehe.. thats a joke)
odd quiz because it seems to be made with girls in mind.. i mean how can i answer a question like 'you often get wet'.. um.. not that i remember no
im not explaining these =) if you dont get it.. then its that much more amusing..
52 Year Old
From Glendale, AZ·
Joined on June 21, 2007
Born on April 8th
music - parties - bars - spicey foods - party girls - technology - writing - piercings - tattoos - philosophy - religion - good books - big breasts - small breasts - young girls - older girls - girls - video games - movies that make me think - guinness - coffee - rockstar energy drinks - long walks on the beach (kidding) - and girls. take all that and mix it in a cup and thats whats coursing through the few synapses in my brain still firing after the abundance of drugs i did in my 20's
so if you were feeling like entertaining me - for some reason - and you're a guy - talk about music or something deep - if you're a girl and wanted to do the same.. say something intelligent and witty - or just take off your top and go 'lookie' - either works well.
Place of birth?:
south haven michigan
Which spice girl would you have been?:
horny spice? crazy spice? i dunno
Are you a good/bad girl?:
im a BADDD girl hehe lmao
Are you a virgin?:
Do you smoke weed?:
Drink alcohol?:
socially yes - i live to go to the bar/club
Smoke cigarettes?:
yep - unfortunately
Do you love life?:
in ways - it has alot of potential - but people fuck it up =)
Do you consider yourself lucky?:
once again - in ways - blessed and cursed
What would you change about yourself? Don't say NOTHING:
i would make myself get off lc and actually do something hehe
Your dream date:
i dont go for celebrities like most guys - id rather a real person
Are u spoiled?:
in ways =) i tend to get attention.. and sometimes what i want
What do u hate about people?:
theyre cruel.. selfish ... stupid - um.. many things
Are u a good student?:
i learn quickly - but in some things i never learn
Are u more flirtacious or shy?:
both - i dont approach girls in person though
Do u talk a lot?:
yep - any of my friends will tell ya that.. so would people on here
What is ur zodiac sign?:
aries - aries rule =)
Which character on sex n the city would u be?:
probably the dude that is never on the show
Do u get along with your parents?:
i love em - but we fight alot
your best quality:
a good heart
the best quality in someone of the opposite sex:
being sweet and caring
Name something you..
a girl
Cry over:
my own lack of control of life
Laugh at:
chuck norris jokes
Are scared of:
never succeeding with music - or never really trying
taking school and life in general so seriously
believe in:
that you can never truly understand another person
Want to do:
sing on stage
soft drink:
rockstar energy drinks
if the profile didnt give it away - christopher walken
dont really read em - maybe something boring like popular science
skinny puppy but so hard to pick just one
old tv show:
80's kid.. so how about 'greatest american hero' or 'knight rider'
clothing type:
punk/goth - or just generally black with lots of metal
role model:
no one in particular
favorite female - one on here - not tellin
music - art
subject in school:
art class
red. though i use to say black just cause EVERYONE says red..k not everyone
bad thing to do:
favorite bad thing to do? - sex
too ez.. FUCK.
ONE thing you want outta life?:
success and a comfortable life - with lots of sex hehe
Neverwinter Nights 2 - great game.. my character is a Drow Elf Wizard Pale Master Necromancer =) and he'll kick your butt. Also playing the Oblivion expansion and occassionally Marvel Ultimate Alliance..
also me and the guys play LAN games 2 and sometimes 3 days a week straight, first person shooters like Call of Duty, Quake 4, Battlefront 2, fear and others.. and real time strategy like Empire at war, Age of Mythology, Empire Earth, Civilization, etc..
SEND THIS TO ALL YOUR SEXY ASS FRIENDS SO ____ THEY KNOW YOU THINK THEY'RE HOT AS HELL!! ___________________________________________________.d8888b.__8888888888_Y88b___d88P_Y88b___d88P__d88P__Y88b_888_________Y88b_d88P___Y88b_d88P___Y88b.______888__________Y88o88P_____Y88o88P_____"Y888b.___8888888_______Y888P_______Y888P_________"Y88b._888___________d888b________888____________"888_888__________d88888b_______888______Y88b__d88P_888_________d88P_Y88b______888_______"Y8888P"__8888888888_d88P___Y88b_____888_____ 5 hr ago
WELCOME TO CT....IF YOU NEED ANYTHING JUST ASK.FEEL FREE TO 1ST FAN, then FRIEND, ADD ME.I have made a new profile page so come look and let me know what ya think...feel free to come look around and see the new pics & stash I have up too...and of course if you feel the need rate and comments are welcome.Talk to you all soon,{hugs}Jessica AKA: ShaDoW