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Lady kate

Tonight I had the pleasure of talking with this wonderful woman... I felt such a connection with her I can't even explain.. After losing my father to lung cancer I haven't been nor talked with any one with it since.I had talked with Kate for awhile on here and have enjoyed every minute .from the shouts to the lounge to cyber throwing marshmellows lmao.. I was on the phone with her for over 2 and a half hrs just talking it was wonderful!!!! her phone went dead lol..so we are in the shout as I key :P.. She is a fighter first with Breast cancer which she beat than lymph nodes which they removed 9 than anommiona ?( on the spelling) then to finding out she has a secondary cancer in her lung. She is to under go surgery on April the 4th this Friday .. to either remove the lung and the cancer there or if the cells are out side the lung she will walk out with 3 mths to live ..I believe in my heart she will come out fine with all the love,support, prayers and thoughts from here and all she has been through the lord will allow her more time to get to know life and her newfound friends.. Kate you have all my thoughts love and prayers as I have found a wonderful friend in you and if I can pull it off will be there by your side and if not than I will be on the phone lmao I will find you lol.. okay I'm off to bed as I'm tired and can't wait till tomorrow afternoon when I can talk with her again ... Nite

blah blah

So it has been exactly a wk since my dad passed away I'm still having mixed emotions ... I know these will eventually go away ..right now my main one is missing him so ...his voice..touch .. and just him in general.. I can't explain all my feelings I guess I never will either but I think it is a good start to been able to write a little of how I feel maybe will help in the healing process.. I was asked by him before he passed what I wanted for my Birthday which is Oct 30 I now know what I want ... I want him back with me ... I know that can't happen but it is what I want .. nothing else just him ... this may seem selfess ..I know he is in a better place in no pain and with no suffering .. I should be happy and rejoice over that but the pain of losing him is still just to much ..okay I'll let myself get to emotional ..I need to stop for now

New Pic Album

I finally got my pics to upload and have a album of pics just of my dad I will be adding some more later ....

sad news on my dad

this is to let all know my dad passed this morning at 3:33 am ..he went in his sleep with no pain and suffering .. I'm just stopping in to let all know who have helped me and thought of my family in this time ...we have already made our arrangements and services will be Tuesday evening.. thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers ...

More news on my dad

Last night 10/12/07 we had to rush dad to the hospital ..they ran some test and decieded to send him to another hospital for more test..Well once they got him to the other hospital they went ahead and put him in the hospice suite ..which means we are now in the final days ...you only go to the suite in the last 7-10 days of life..no one can tell you how long you have to live it is an estimate but he has went downhill rapidly ...I will be spending the next wk or so with him ....I will at times be home due to the kids and them in school so I will try to keep all of you on here updated ..Thank you again for all of your prayers in this time ...MUAH!!! to all of you

New Update on dad

Well here is the latest ..things have gotten worse for us ...dad is staying now less cohearant and sleeping more eating and drinking less.We know we are now nearing the end with him...Please take no offense if you see my online stats as me being online...My husband will be checking my account as I will be spending more time with dad also If you shout me and get no answer don't be offend.. my husband is not much of a talker..I will try to update more as I can ...Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers at this hard times in family life ... kisses and hugs to you all...

Update on my dad

Well here's the lastest on my dad.. which is not good .He fell two Fridays ago and we took him to our local hospital they took X-rays and said he was fine just some bruising ... said to follow up at his next VA appt.. well we did. This Friday Sept the 7 we took him to the Va and they examined him he had been retaining fluid and a lot of it I mean he looked like a giraffe with elephants feet ..well they admitted him for premature congested heart failure..(fluid on the heart and lungs) While he was there they decided to run a CT scan on this abdomen and chest well here comes the fall part they called me yesterday and said he had 4 broke ribs and a fractured pelvis..OMG I'm pissed..and they have told us he is now a non weight bearing patient which means wheel chair patient for a while the can't do surgery because the bones are still in place.. the ribs well the just have to heal on there own ..okay then today the cancer docs called me and they say mind you dad has Stage 4 lung cancer that had spread to his other lung, heart and liver they cancer has spread freakin again now to his bones ,adrenal glands and kidneys OMG it just keeps getting better... so they have finally decided to stop all chemo pills and other crap call in hospice and let him go in peace ...We have a Social Worker coming to see us tomorrow and some other ppl coming to talk to us so we can have some idea as to what the hell we are to be doing over the next few wks... the docs gave his time roughly a fews to maybe a few mths so please keeps us in thought and prayers if you do that ... and I'll update more later luv all ya'll bunches MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!

About my dad

My dad was diagnosed with Stage Lung cancer in Nov .06'..after being missed diagnosed with Tuberculosis.He lost 40 lbs with the meds they gave him his weight when he was diagnosed with cancer 98 lbs. During that time he lived in Houston Tx. with no family with him ..so I moved him up here to be with me and my brother in Feb 07.. April of 07 my grandfather passed away from Leukemia , which was unbearable for me...and then in May my husbands uncle passed..So at this moment I'm kinda in a numb state ..I received a call earlier from my brother ..He had taken my dad up for his hematologist appt. We received news that his cancer which had already spread to his liver has now grew in size and now he has a tumor in the pericardium of the heart and another in his other lung. Stage 4 in cancer means it has spread to other parts of the body, in my dads case it was his lung and liver he has had 5 rounds of chemo and now we have been told it has spread further. I was devastated by the news .We had hoped this new chemo would work..( it was a second type) then along with all this on his cancer he had an EKG done results were not good, his heart rate was 173 which is like a person running in a marathon at full steam plus he was having missed beats. His lower chambers of the heart are beating twice as fast as the top ones. He has been admitted to the V.A. Hospital for observation ..They have also decided to discontinue his chemo..they are going to give him a pill to take everyday to help him live a better life for what time he has left. They have given him less than 6 months. Please remember me and my family in this time .... This is a pic of me ,dad and my brother taken Aug. 12,2007 dads 62 b-day... image.php?u=971966&i=1066872516&tn=1
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