Many are burned by love and then never try it again, as they are reluctant due to the pain it caused...
to be loved, one must love themselves first.....
to have love, one must allow love into their life
to keep love, one must compromise with the one they love to keep the fire burning simply to allow oneself to feel the heart open and allow to be loved.....dont be afraid of love, it can not kill you, only make you stronger .....granted it can hurt....but hurt is fixable, it can heal and it can make one wiser....
Put no demands on love, and love will bring you much. Give love away, and it will be yours in greater and greater abundance.
With love, what was weak will grow strong. With love, what was impossible becomes real.
Love can find the beauty and value in even the most desperate situation. Love will bring hope where nothing else can.
Though love cannot be explained, it can never be denied. Love has its own reality that transcends the most oppressive limitations.
Love elevates what it touches to a higher dimension. When love is present, fears are calmed, wounds begin to heal, and joy is gloriously within reach.
Love, not because there is a reason, but because there is the possibility. Love, and you will know what you cannot understand.
Love is difficult to define yet easy to recognize. The more of it you give away, the more of it you have. The less you demand of love, the more it will bring to you. The fewer conditions you place on love, the more perfectly it will suit you, and the more meaningful it will become.
Love can make a powerful, positive difference whenever it is present. And love can work its magic in every corner of your life. Give love to another and you forge a connection that empowers you both. Love the world around you and it will become more beautiful as a result.
Love what you do and you become considerably more effective. Add love to knowledge and you'll have wisdom. Love life itself and you'll always find ways to give real meaning to every moment.
Love is when you look into someone's eyes
and see their heart.
Love is a decision not an emotion or feeling,
that if made from the heart will outlast anything...