A is for always being there for me.
B is for being everything a friend should be.
C is for calling me to make sure I'm alright.
D is for dancing crazily with me, even late at night.
E is for everything you have done in the past.
F is for never fading, our friendship will always last.
G is for going anywhere and everywhere.
H is for hard and easy times we have shared.
I is for interesting moments we have had.
J is for just everything, good or bad.
K is for killing anyone who hurts me.
L is for letting me be who I want to be.
M is for making me happy no matter what.
N is for never grabbing my butt.
O is for opening your home and life to me.
P is for putting me where I've always wanted to be.
Q is for quickly rescuing me from my bad dreams.
R is for running to save me as I fell through shattered seams.
S is for smiling with me when there's nothing funny.
T is for turning my days from gray to sunny.
U is for understanding all that I'm going through.
V is for visiting me whenever I'm feeling blue.
W is for waiting for me everyday after school.
X is for x-raying me just to be cool..
Y is for you never letting go.
Z is for being my love, my friend, and my hero.