First of all lemme jus say there will be no i love u i will die for you kind of played out love poems here neither will there be any you broke my heart and now im gonna kill myself poems. these are good love poems however the view is please enjoy love always kamble
Goodbye, Lost Love
They say it's better to have loved and lost
But have they ever lost and continued to love
To love a love that doesn't love them
To feel death within them, while still breathing
My reasoning is a far cry from sanity
And I doubt the man in me
Whose filled with arrogance and pride
Will allow my spirit to cry
Though I know I need to
That's just logical thinking
See, I need to express these feelings
But have no outlet
Not even poetry can help this
But this, poetry, has always loved me
So I turn to her indelible nature to always love me
Hoping to find solace and comfort in her, for me
But I continue to miss what was lost
Losing that defining piece of me
The future is a mystery, but I've already paid the cost
For this gift that is the present, and yet I rather give it back
And live in yesterday,
Yet, there lies a day, When I'll think of this and smile as I look back
Returning to a then present, now future, and find joy
So often we "settle" for what is and spend our lives wondering what "could" be
If I succumb to this plight, it'll be my own forced doing, see
I have no reason to wonder what could be
I'm at a point to find the answer to that right now, yet right now
I'm lost on what "should" be
Have you ever felt such a way
You just thought you'd die, if ONE key thing didn't go your way
If so, then you and I have something to expound on
Cause no one knows, from what I can tell, the pain I see everyday
Nor can they comprehend the extinct of the strain it puts on an already weak heart
Man, I'm venting right now, and I have so much more to say but where to start
More questions than thoughts and more guesses than answers
Erratic thoughts, and this piece reflects the myriad of emotions I'm going through
Ambivalence is commonplace nowadays, and even still, as I say all this
I wouldn't trade this pain for happiness
As unimaginable as that sounds, it's true
I'm infatuated so much to the point it's idiotic of me to be so
In love with LOVE, when love just don't love me the same, so
I'm left loving and not being loved back
Can you still relate
I mean, there's love there, but not the love I share
Not that, intimate, intoxicating, undeniable, infallible Love
But when you look back on it, some ask why should I even care
Because love should be unconditional, even it its not reciprocated
I've been asked, no one can love like this
And it's moment like that, my pain becomes a weapon initiated
What would you do if God only loved you if you loved him
And the interrogation of why I sustain my own anguish ceases
See this is a test to me, I think, and the difficulty only increases
When you doing something right
It's NEVER going to be easy, and we're not perfect
So it's never going to come easy, to trace the steps of Jesus
To love even when you're not loved back
So whenever I hear someone say, "it's better to have loved and lost than not at all"
I simply smile, with tears in my eyes and say to that
"Try continually loving someone who doesn't love you"
You should see the looks and expressions I get back
It's never a thought
We're just so vindictive and vengeful
We hurt, so we want others to hurt
Well this is me turning a new leaf in a manner of sorts
I'm so flawed and imperfect, and yet I'm getting good reports
People can see the growth and changed for sure
I'm so grown now, More mature
So the elevation shows in me
And my ability to nurture
As for love
I have not thoughts nor preconceptions of love
Love is what love is
What that is, I do not know
Yet I know I will continue to love, unconditionally
Or until the condition changes
And I can love, love, the same way love can love me
Much like my poetry
I Love You, Goodbye