Ok, so ive been having this problem... i can't sleep anymore ! i was once diagnosed with narcolepsy and i know if i even tried i would not be able to fall asleep in 2 minutes and 13 seconds and be in full R.E.M. God, i miss those days!
So this Doc gave me this pill~
he also labeled me narco~
So the Narco Doc saw that i held my breathe, so he made me this mask to wear~
i chose one Friday night to put it on~
Scared as scared can be~
Couldn't sleep anyway~
So my insides felt like my outsides, they were crying out for help~
Crying turned into angry word, pulling hair. fists flying, wrestling to the ground~
Glass breaking, more name calling and phone calling, help is on the way~
She's gone. Finally okay~
Let's get a fix~
Don't know you yet, let me hide and cuddle , just for comfort~
Meaning is never really there~
Phone rings, love is on the line, lying is the words that i say~
cycle of destruction~
No sleep~
Every couch is home~
Quick fix~
Miles of miles of highways between the wants~
gratification from meetings and road stops for cigarettes, coffee, sandwiches and maybe even Razzles~
Narco referred me to the Doc that was to be the cure~
Quick i took the chance of January 24th~
And it came to the time to get the bracelet, the needle and the bag~
I counted backwards and looked toward the white light~
And soon after i found myself at the home that was mine as a child~
With many couches to pick from and love i did not want~
Crushing a pill like a baby, swallowing it with a chaser with out the help of an organ i never thought i needed until it was gone~
Took the powder for two more days to be ok to live~
And the world look different~
I told a person on the phone (actually i don't even know her name) but i told her how i felt~
People behind this counter gave me this liquid and i got fearful cuz i had no faith at that point~
i took it less when i knew and more when i didn't~
I know sleep was never my friend ~
And i definitely know the Narco Doc was my enemy~