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I love this show its absolutely Engrossing it is based around the books Darkly Dreaming Dexter and, Dubiously Dreaming Dexter. both of which are written by Jeff Lindsay The show is about a pair of brothers Brian Moser and, Dexter Moser. Their Mom Laura Moser is a Drug Addict/Prostitute who turned Informant for the Local Miami-Dade Police Department; However,a Memeber of the Local Cartel got orders to have her killed by a well known Mass Murderer. The killings take place at a shiping yard and, Laura moser's death takes place inside a Cargo Box in front of her Two Boys; All the killer's victims are killed most brutally by being cut up with a chainsaw. When Laura Moser is killed in front of her two sons Brian and, Dexter it is more than obvious that they are forever altered by what they saw. The first cop to arrive on the scene is Harry Morgan he is the police officer that Lauara was handing over her info about what was going on in the cartel to. In addition Laura and, Harry are all-so Secret lovers; Secret because harry is married and, cheating on his wife. Harry sees Dexter and, saves him because he is 3 and, Harry for some reason doesn't bother with dex's 5yr old brother Brian because he figures the other kid is too far gone and, too damaged by what he saw. Harry feels the guilt of how he endangered Laura so out of Obligation Harry now raises Dex as if he were his own kid;Harry even goes so far as, to give Dexter his last name. Any-how harry figures out that Dex has Sociopathic and, Psychopathic tendencies. So, Harry raises Dexter to abide by a Code of Ethics;Dexter Via Harry's Code Must kill only those who slip through the system and, deserve to die. The Part of Dex that is comfortable with killing is Dex's other personality half which is only refered to as the Dark Passenger. Dex only kills those who miss use their dark gift so in essence Dex is the serial killer who kills other serial killers and, people who are guilty of extremely heinous crimes; These people are People who would normally escape the law because of a failing prosecutorial and, judiciary system. In addition Dex is unlike any other Serial Killer He works durring the day for the Miami /Dade County Police Dept as a Blood Spatter Analyst something Dex knows all about. Dex does his other job at night and,to put it in Dexter's Terminology "He is a Very Neat Monster" unlike his counterparts.
Let me be clear my dear as to what im sayin!; About hatin phonies i'm not playin!!!; I hate liars, cheaters, scam artists,manipulating sociopaths, and psychopaths too i hate them all through and, through!!!!!!!!; They have no redeeming qualities and, they all deserve to die!!!!! About the only thing they are good for is using their bones to scry!!!; Now, when ripping em out of their bodies i wouldn't cry!!!!!! People who do this type of shit deserve to suffer miserablely, screaming in torturous soul shattering, body wrenching, spirit snapping, psyche cracking, fire extinguishing pain; The torture should never end or, stop it should never stop not even when your break them away from the point of going insane; Its just then u should increase the pain a 1000 fold and, never stop until they are allmost cold; Then when they are bring em back to life and, then start all over again and, intensify the pressure to force them to to do themself in.
Written on:2006-09-24 Time posted 10:27:25 Written by:Lobo Di Noccento Title:Darkest Delight Brilliance has its own rewards like the black fire that burns within your soul; Sharpend daggers leave behind a bloody trail that has long since gotten cold; Eyes darting from around the corners see you when you pay attention not and, hot beads of cold sweat make ready for the unseen onslaught; Its comming,its comming like silent death in the dark embraces of night with hardend steely arrow heads marking ready for passionate pain's most darkest delight; Soon comming there is a Carpathian Drumming encircling like a prevailing force; Ready to start the malestrom along and, down its violent path to take its final course; Bleeding now is the Sorrow with Crimson Tears of Red and,lying in its wake is found all the unclaimed dead. How long can you live without your love?; How long without your light?; How long since you tasted the marrow with its shapness and, bite?; Will u die for me this day?; Will U pay what you owe? Or, will you cast fate to the wind and, lay down your bow; For i am he who is Herne For i am he who is Choron For i am he who comes when all hope is thought to have moved on; I come in the dreams of night and,i come when Ra touches the sky and, burns bright; I am the dusk and, dawn of day I am music that leads the way I am here and, in ages past for I am eternal and, shall forever last
Question how is it that a story on the evening news about Jon Bennet Ramsey the cute little dead blonde haired girl can superseed a story about our military runing low on supplies and, asking for reinforcements; Maybe the day of them having a bake sale in the middle eastern sun at noon in order to raise enough money to purchase a Texas Bomber is upon us. Someone once said to accomplish the actions that we must take and, to achieve our goal of equality in this country on this soil in this land we must do and, will do what must be done by any means neccessary!!!! Well my statement is that what is necessary is to get George W. out of office effective immediately and, he should be removed from office by any means neccessary!; Maybe ted kennedy can go hunting with George W. and, he can shoot him durring a hunting trip and, then he can cover it up with accidental shooting and, death; Oh wait!!, im sorry that is your story isn't it Mr. Vice Pres Dick Chaney; By the way Mr. Chaney how is your Lesbian Left wing Libretarian daughter today did she enjoy pride fest i heard that the bush girls sent her over a key of columbian cocain for her birthday gift aww isn't that sweet sharin dady's stash with their friends. Then she invited them to do a low paying lesbian porn with her and, when i say low i mean she asked to hit it directly after dinner at Mickey d's at least that is what the bum who sleep's in their garbagge bin is sayin; He over heard them and, he was sober that night too and, he definately saw that it was all three of them cause he had watched the news earlier in the day and, saw a report on how the kids had to take a crap after watching the care bears movie and supposedly there bowel movement was so important that it made the 7 o'clock news and, he saw them behind mickey d's at 8pm. Look mr. chaney hiring underage hookers for your daughters birthday party is one thing but,you have gone too far when you ask George w.'s mom to jump out your birthday cake in a thong and, pasties and, sing that song "Stacey's Mom" Look we understand you are a sick, twisted and, demented old fuck but, there is nothing we can do about that now; Aside from put you back in the nursing home and, hope we slip you the right drugs we imported from Nicaragua.

A Fucked up Country!

Now look we got this moron George W. Bush for president he hired the grandson of a Nazi for his secretary of defense; That is like hiring a Pack of wolves to guard the sheep.(wolf sits there with evil grin on his face smiling darkly) George W. is all-so aware that this past year another Nazi was Made the Pope of the Vatican not good people.(If only Malcom X and, Martin Luther King Jr could see this now they'd be apaulled as would John Fitzgerald Kennedy.) Georgey helps Osama Bin Laden escape the very persecution he is putting on him, then he allows their terrorists to be taught by our Ex Air-Force pilots on how to fly a commercial airliner in this country none the less; Hmmmm terrorists who want to fly a commercial airliner plus prior warnings about terrorists wanting to ram a plane into the twin towers; Hmmmmm you don't have to be a blonde with a -10trillion IQ to figure out that there is something very WRONG! going on here! Then he sends our troops in ill prepared,bloats the budget so far outta whack that the last time things were this bad was WW2; Then to make sure George really fucks shit up he makes sure that not only are our people ill prepared but,George sends them in w/o a exiting strategy. Worst of all this guy had advance notice from a FBI field agent that they were going to use aeroplanes to blow up the twin towers on 9/11/01 and, he didn't read the report and, got rid of the report then when the planes hit he acts like he didn't know when in fact he did. Anyone who can do all that while calmly drinking george webbs coffee shipped in from texas in my opiion is not worthy to sit in that seat and, call themself this nation's leader

Yo president Dumbass!

How did we end up with such a DumbAss ShitHead for a president?!; I mean this guy will happily risk the necks of the country's new young men and, women but, he won't risk the neck of his cocain addicted and, alcoholic duaghters; Whom are probably not that far off from opening their own low grade Texas Poon Tang Organ Grinding Low class No class porn bussiness that would have to crawl its way onto the internet at the pace of a dead paramicium either that or, anebriated dermataphite; Look im not saying that the president's IQ is low or, anything but, when he can't tell u what a IQ is let alone what the letters stand for then ya got a problem. I'm so proud that i am not a Patriot!; Because if i were i'd feel this constant feeling of shame considering the evolution of this country and, its government!;
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