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617580's blog: "LizardsGoneWild"

created on 01/25/2007  |  http://fubar.com/lizardsgonewild/b48613

Today's Activities

Today's activities don't consist of much, but should be fun....hopefully! The home opener to the Brewers is today and guess who's going? That's right, me. :) I'm leaving around 11ish or so and yes, I'll have a pretty nice buzz before then. No worries, I'm not driving. :) Hopefully they can pull of a win against the Dodgers, but who knows. I just go to have a good time. I apologize in advance for any drunken phone calls I may make...Jenny, I warned ya ahead of time lol. I hope the rest of you have a great day. :) Muahs!
Wow, where do I begin. There were four of us total on this particular adventure. MT, RJ, PC, and myself. We left bright and early Sunday morning, all cramming into MT's Ford Explorer, and started out on our approximate 8 hour drive to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The drive there was long, boring and quiet. Needless to say, I slept most of the way there as did PC and RJ. Once in Sioux Falls, we set out to find this church that was putting us up for the week. It took forever as some of the roads are split and don't have the signs up. I think after 10-15 minutes we finally found it. We got to sleep in two classrooms where the church has its Sunday School classes. It was kind of fun, kind of not. I got my own room since I was the only girl, which I guess wasn't too bad of a deal. Got kind of lonely though. Thank god for cell phones and text messaging! Monday was our official day off. So we set out on the town to check out some sites. We went to the Falls and it was actually really cool to see. Colder than hell but cool nonetheless. We went to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore since that's what the whole trip was for....To help build walls for several houses that they are going to be putting up later this year. We met everyone and they all were extremely nice. Afterwards, we decided to go out to eat. We chose B Dubs, aka Buffalo Wild Wings. MT was flirting with the ladies, like usual, and got a free beer out of it. Bastard! Not to mention he almost killed us on the way there by running a red light and going into the oncoming traffic lane! Ugh... Tuesday we started building. I have a new talent....I'm the master at a nail gun...That's right, you better watch out cause after a whole week using one of those babies, I've got a pretty good aim. lol. We built walls on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday for a few hours before we left, and managed to get all the exterior and interior walls done for one house and almost the same amount for a second house. Not bad for a couple of Wisconsinites, huh? Anyways...We left for home on Friday around 1pm. We were approximately 4 hours into our journey when my bio mom called. Her and I don't see eye to eye so I really didn't want to talk...However, I played nice for a day and answered the call. It lasted 2 minutes. Pretty good, I know. MT was asking me questions about my family afterwards and several of the questions I just didn't know the answer too. So, I called up the bio mom to get the low down on a few things. Here's what I found out... My biological grandfather, whom I never knew, divorced my grandmother before I was born and moved to Montana. There, he proceeded to steal money from someplace. He got caught and was sent to prison. He later died in prison at the age of 51. Nice, huh? Next she tells me that I have a lot of family that I've never met in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And last but not least, I have an uncle who lives in Colorado that works for the AT&T phone company and is gay. Yeah, that's right, my jaw dropped to the ground too when I heard all this. Here I am thinking the guy I call my 'grandfather' was the real one, not a step grandfather. And it irks me that I never knew any of these supposed 'family members' who reside in Milwaukee. Now I'm just thinking...do I get in contact with them or do I just let them be?...Grrr..... All this information cause MT to stop at a gas station and buy a 40 oz. beer, to which he started drinking while driving on the remaining 2 hours home. Some how, the conversation went from my 'disfunctional family' as MT called it, to Davey Crockett. RJ said that there's a rumor that Davey sneaked out of the Alamo wearing a females dress. MT calles up his friend in Texas to see if this is true. The Texan agrees. It was crazy as hell! Next thing you know, PC asks us 'If Davey Crockett wore a raccoon skin hat, where was the hat when he was leaving the Alamo with the females dress on?" We sat in the truck and pondered this for a moment...Then came up with the conclusion that Davey Crockett must have been a homosexual and stuck the tail of his hat right up his ass....Ok, so maybe not all of us came to that conclusion...That would have come from MT in his intoxicated state of mind. So yeah, that was my crazy and abnormal adventure to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. lol

Random Thank You

So, I wasn't the only one out there spending valentines day by themselves, I'm sure. I've come to the conclusion that the holiday really sucks when you don't have anyone special to spend it with. However, thanks to some really good friends....you know who you are :) .... valentines day wasn't that bad. A random text message here and there, some comments on good ol' ct, etc and it was rather pleasant. So thanks guys. :) I owe you one lol.

Porno Movie Name

The porno of Ally's life will be called ...

"Celebrity Strip Poker"

'What will the porno of your life be called?' at QuizUniverse.com

Kissing Style

You Are a Sensitive Kisser
For you, kissing is a way to connect

And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy

It may take you a while to kiss someone...

But when you do, it's total fireworks

My Turn On Is...

1142626514blindfold.gif You scored as Blind Folds. Your turn on is the blindfold. When you can't see, that makes your other senses more aware... including your sense of touch. So who wouldn't enjoy being blindfolded???? Sex isn't sex without enhancing your sense of touch.

Blind Folds












What's Your Kinky Turn On?
created with QuizFarm.com

Sexual Zodiac Sign


You are very stubborn, and your withdrawn nature makes you irresistible to hotties.
You like sex to be romantic and passionate, and you know just how to make it that way. Your partners cannot resist your spontaneous and gentle nature.
Sex matches: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com


You Are a Strawberry Margarita
You're so sweet it's a little overwhelming, and people are a little afraid of corrupting you...
It's a little difficult to imagine you with a margarita. And you're truly a different person after you've kicked back a couple!

My Sexual Hidden Talent

Using your body


Your sexual hidden talent is using your body's natural charm and beauty to seduce your partner. You are all about having the perfect body/looking good for your partner - and it does the trick every time.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

New Cherry

Hey there. I'm new the the Cherry world, but I have to say, 'Fresh Meat' just sounds really bad lol. So I'm trying my damndest to get points fast so I'm not 'Fresh Meat' anymore. To those who read this, I hope the weekend goes well. I have to work, so that sucks, but that's life. And I'm tired of snow! Grrr! I've slowly started to 'improve' my profile, so bare with me if it's not very good right now. More pics to come and such. Hmmm...Guess that's all for now.
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