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40 Year Old · Female · From Brownsville, TX · Joined on May 15, 2007 · Born on May 14th · I have a crush on someone!
40 Year Old · Female · From Brownsville, TX · Joined on May 15, 2007 · Born on May 14th · I have a crush on someone!

I'm not a big fan of summing myself up in a few sentences. And anyone who is capable of doing so is probably not worth knowing. If I could tell you all about me in 40 words or less, then you wouldn't bother talking to me, would you? You wouldn't have to because you'd know everything.So if you think it's worth it, you'd try it the long way. Read the rest of my profile, see if we have things in common, and maybe you'll want to know what I'd write in my "about me" section... if I felt like summing myself up in a few words.I do believe, however, that you can learn a lot about a person from the way they live their life... That being said, I actually do have a few things to say.Just so you know...I recently graduated from a small, liberal arts college in Western Massachusetts. I majored in Studio Art and minored in Philosophy. In college, I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I still have the same goals - move to New York City, become a magazine layout artist, and live happily ever after. [Or as happily as I can.] Right now, I don't have the means necessary to accomplish these goals, so I'm going to work as hard as I can to get to that point. Right now I'm living in Texas, working for the government [I'm a TSA employee... find me and my co-workers searching bags and patting people down at an airportnear you], and trying to teach [or maybe just convince] myself to grow up.I have to be honest. For several reasons, where I am is not at all where I want to be at this moment. But my situation is not nearly as bad as I'd first felt it was. I will deal with my current situation the best way I know how and I will try that much harder to reach my goals. The sooner I prepare to live and work in NYC, the sooner I can get there.On a different note...If you would've asked me eight months ago if I thought I would ever be completely happy, I probably would've laughed hysterically and then punched you in the face. The truth is, I am happy. Eight months ago I left a place that I called home for four years as well as friends and loved ones that I just didn't want to leave behind. But I did, and I got over it, and now I'm in a completely different life situation.I'm dating someone new... the second "someone new" since May, and for the first time in my life, I am 100% happy with him. It's funny the way life turns out... I didn't want to be here, I didn't want the job I have, but if it wasn't for all of that, I wouldn't have met him. And I wouldn't be as incredibly happy as I am now. It's still new to me... and I'm so scared of messing it up, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I'm constantly pinching myself to make sure I'm actually living this dream. ¢¾aye aye aye... [or, "I, I, I"]:: I always cry when I drink any amount of whiskey. :::: I am a hopeless romantic. :::: I am a walking mosquito magnet. :::: I am as cynical as they come. :::: I am easily influenced and affected by music. :::: I am left-handed. :::: I am sometimes too lazy to eat. :::: I am too scared to get a tattoo. :::: I avoid sneezing in public. :::: I constantly correct people¡¯s spelling and grammar. :::: I cry when my favorites get voted off American Idol. :::: I despise people with perfect eyebrows. :::: I don¡¯t know how to ride a bike even though I currently own one. :::: I drink diet coke because I like the taste. :::: I enjoy spending money on other people. :::: I enjoy the feeling of soreness. :::: I forget to change the pages on my wall calendar for months. :::: I get the most compliments on my eyes. :::: I got my lip pierced on a whim. :::: I hate peas. ¢¾ :::: I hate to recognize people in public and not know how I know them. :::: I have acquired the useless skill of winning stuffed toys in claw machines. :::: I have crazy dreams after painting my nails in my bedroom at night. :::: I have never been west of Texas. :::: I have seen every episode of Gilmore Girls (seasons 1-6) in chronological order three times in the past three months. :::: I have twin toes. :::: I have two guitars and a keyboard and don¡¯t know how to play any of them. :::: I heat my eyelash curler before I use it. :::: I laugh at scary movies. :::: I like black nail polish. :::: I like my tea hot, not iced. :::: I like to eat my Chinese food and pizza cold. :::: I like to use beach towels as shower towels. :::: I love pizza. :::: I love scratch tickets but am usually too cheap to buy them. :::: I loved Sailor Moon when it was on Fox but I have yet to see every episode. :::: I once made a font out of my own handwriting. :::: I once wrote a research paper for someone else. :::: I prefer dark chocolate over any other kind of chocolate. :::: I smoke menthols when I¡¯m sick. :::: I squint my eyes when I smile. :::: I still like Hanson. :::: I take pride in knowing the plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac. :::: I talk in my sleep when I¡¯m really tired. :::: I think ranch dressing is good with 99% of everything edible. :::: I understand, but cannot speak, Spanish. :::: I want to have 50 candles on my birthday cake when I turn 50. :::: I want to learn how to ride a horse.:: I wear waterproof eyeliner and non-waterproof mascara. :::: I would rather stay up late than wake up early. ::

40 Year Old · Female · From Brownsville, TX · Joined on May 15, 2007 · Born on May 14th · I have a crush on someone!

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