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52 Year Old · Female · From Smyrna, TN · Invited by: reebee · Joined on April 23, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 23rd · 2 referrals joined!
52 Year Old · Female · From Smyrna, TN · Invited by: reebee · Joined on April 23, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 23rd · 2 referrals joined!

52 Year Old · Female · From Smyrna, TN · Invited by: reebee · Joined on April 23, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 23rd · 2 referrals joined!
Ok guys I am going to say this once. I am not trying to sound hateful but just thought I would save most of you some time. I am not on here to talk about sex and I am not a skinny little woman. I'm not big as the side of the house but I am not a barbie doll which most of you openly admit to wanting. Sorry, I had to say that because headshots can be deceiving and I wanted to be blunt about not talking about sex with strange men!! Most of you live in a fantasy world and pass up great women for their figure. Are any of us really perfect? We all should not be looking for someone perfect but for someone we can love and who can love us despite imperfections.I hope you all find what you are looking for. Good luck!!

I have three children and am divorced. I don't hold on to the baggage from it and I am not ashamed of my past. I am looking for someone honest and loving. So if you are looking for someone to talk about sex and someone stick thin please do not waste my time or yours!!! I do not and will not post pics half dressed...if that is what grabs your attention then I'm not the right person for you!! I believe a woman can be sexy without having to show it all and not leaving anything for her significant other to see exclusively. I am through doing things to "try" to please or attract a man. If you don't like me for me I don't need you in the first place. Life is full of fake people and I'm not one!!

For those of you still interested in talking to me...feel free. Briefly...I love to do any outdoor activity. I love horseback riding, camping, hiking, playing in rainshowers, watching thunderstorms and feeling the breeze on my face. I can even do things I don't care a lot about if the company is good!!
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