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The One Called Friend In this foreign land It has been noticed that the one called friend in this foreign land has been given the attributes of the lover. Nameless people at the jobsite disclose that they no longer keep boyfriends but have "friends" to serve their wishes. He takes her to the movies, dinner etc. and enjoys the privilege of being with her but not actually be with her, or so they say, sort of like an escort. ! He should be paid for services rendered! Anyways there is a secret desire for your friend. The guy would have no qualms with an actual love affair betwixt the two of you. Otherwise, he would not put up with the senseless stuff she has him to do. He figures this is the best way to love land. Show her an unyielding faithful guy and she'll come around to loving you. In reality, what really happens is he'll is forced, (well I shouldn't say forced, he wants to see her happy so…) to weather countless storms of bad boyfriends, indecisions, and P.M.S. (poor money situations) all this and she doesn't realize "friend" is mad with passion for her. He'll never tell because he will lose the closeness he shares with her now. Have you ever noticed in a relationship, she pulls away, hiding various stuff from you? This is a future topic! She wouldn't want him anyways because he now knows too much. Knowledge is power, and you keep your enemies close, so bud, you get no chance. My thoughts on the situation is this, I feel I am much more valuable as a lover than a friend. I have friends so close that they are estranged. Sides you cant befriend a lover. I require a lover, not a friend. Show me a guy with a lot of friends and I will show you a lonely guy. Then there is the friend with benefits, who in their right minds would even have such. But, like ive said earlier, this is a foreign land so, foreign stuff happens. This friend gets the goodies. No one is committed to the relationship. you guys can be actually getting together later on to tell each other "hey, i said yes,..me and guy1 or chick1 are getting married!" and the other person would be like,. cool! i told you they loved you,..now take off that hot sweater. Insanity at its best to me folks. the friend with benifits is pretty much a talking dildo. and that is sad, think about it,. if you ever develop feelings for the guy, he'll be like, whoa, whats the guarantee that you wont get "friendly" with someone else? I mean how many friends do you have anyways?!!

Music and your love life

Music and your love life I guess everybody has had a few songs that would bring about memories of how things used to be. I find most of the moments that i wish to remember tied up to certain songs. some songs even have the smell of freshly cut grass attatched to it! There was a time when i was too young to know, but i was listening to a particular song (dont ask me what it was, because even i forget some things...) and i was bawling. Moms looked at me and said, boy, some girl is gonna break your heart. I dont know if that was a prediction of what was to come. A trusted friend has told me that everyone has had their heart broken at one time (this author still expresses doubt), but does music even tie in those events in your life? I am curious, i mean we even chose a wedding song to dance to, does any one have certain songs that ties sad times? Me? well i can honestly say i've just started enjoying the temptations singing "silent night" because for a long time it was associated with the beasely woman, it was the first song that was on the radio that night after i was deemed too nice... but anyways, if youre reading this, and care to share some music tied to some of your most loved love ones feel free to comment. Just to give me an idea of what you guys liked when you were in love. I'll give a few examples.. when i was w/tracee= miki howard- first 3 songs on that cd kinda sums up the whole relationship. Now its "Just to see her" by that light skinned dude. Mariya thomas= uh yall are gonna laugh, but Al B Sure- If im not your lover Pamela Emmie Maria VanEisjden= sex you up by them boys Deetra (the Detestful)= the boys- dial my heart. Even Diana Benjamin had a song = I need you tonight by INXS Whenever i hear those songs,.. i think of these ppl, why?!! Sad thing is that most of these ladies would never know that these songs had such an effect on me. Footsteps in the dark will always remind me of a warm summer night over felicia's house. I think Ray Parker Jr had wrote a song saying that a good romance and a love song goes hand in hand. But i forget, we have lost that kind of romance. That song comes on the radio and instantly you hafta run to the phone and call that special one to say,.. hey our song is on,. The guy blushes and gets that twinkle in his eye. man i miss romance,..
Is there room in anyone's heart for 2? I mean how much could you do if it were true. You could love Sam Iam and Mr Grinch. You'd do it in a pinch, it would make sense. for gone are the ages of loving wholeheartedly i mean why give someone a whole part of me? Compassion? Lost amid indecision. Love itself, Ha! you can keep wishin. So is there room in your heart for 2? or was he there first and you dont know what to do, no, im not jealous, just a little intrigued, that you can love 2 people, is that what you believe? nah you couldtve been taught that. or could i be wrong,.. I thought that Love was something you shared with some one not some 2, not some few, maybe im dumb. So if there is room in your heart for 2 youd be like the woman in the shoe and if its a question you hafta make of him or me? just let me be. is love selfish that way? perhaps so, but you will never know.. -sk-07

Romantic Endeavors

Blissful Sleeping, Joyous Leaping.. (You see all this trash when love's in season) Yesterday i caught myself in love's season it couldnt have any reason, and i was just leavin My friends didnt even relent Even after i swore she was heaven sent but they really dont understand heart matters its too much stress i guess, this i gather i remember when it was too stressful for me and also for the lady named Tiffany. Could it be we found solace in each others words? Can you find compassion within nouns and verbs? either way i found her appealing, in vocabulary lust my days and nights were given to musts! ..dusk was for urges and mornings for surges when my emotions became hard to mask, i asked could this last. then somehow or another we fell out of touch, or mayhaps, perhaps enough was too much. I was given to planning trips to kiss her lips. you cant romance a nick made me come to grips and love became another development arrested. Thus compassion was lost. the love never tested. So with no remorse i take myself out of this state. Without even thinking of our fates. Love? nah, i dont even think i even cared for her shes too far away for a romantic endeavor. dedicated to my first net-mance Stardust22..
who would it be and why,..and no dead ppl ok gang.. oh,..mines? uh what about a motown review for a halftime show..it would rock!
you guys go visit my myspace page,.. www.myspace.com/hymnalzmusic and check out the music ive been workin on and leave me a comment, to tell me what chall think thanks guys =)

One Month The Original

One Month, Almost 5 weeks or 30 days of blissful sleep I was taught that love takes time and, another lover who has good timin' This girl was all that and a whole lot more but all of that's changed. Im on the other side of the door. With no key it was an unhappy ending I was labeled a softee who never could win things. And thats the story of all good guys. Long hellos and short goodbyes. Its a shame and im the one to complain wheather game shows or girls, its the same. But you look in her eyes and it makes alot of sense. and her kiss on your lips is a new experience. But is one month enough to spark such drama? you may think not, but i say i'ma Romantic; Geared and learned in this field. It doesnt take long to fall head over heels. If given, a lover and a mate that matches. Toss em high in the sky, see which one catches, wheather the lover or the mate, one has to wait, but wait here comes the other, can they be forgiven? with all things aside, you have whats given. Its a classic case of etiquitte before your heart. and before i start. If one loves someone, shouldnt things work out? Well, girls have this thing that goes "throw that jerk out" Well isnt it something when you both love each other? Although you cant keep it to yourself, you gotta watch the other brother. When its a test of faith, youre supposed to exercise support. before your partner choses to abort. But is one month enough to spark such drama? You may think not, but i say Im a Romantic; Geared and learned in this field. It doesnt take long to fall head over heels. Head over heels, or heels over head. it was 30 days of thinking of her in your bed. It wouldve been better if you'd have her kiss. But she is gone now, and its that you miss. I thought we would never separate. But now, lonely is a prison and im an inmate. I thought id be a shoe-in for the winner. but when you told me i choked on dinner. you sure you want to? the pain was now gripping. yes was the answer and my life started slipping. there was more stuff that couldve been told. but after that, the conversation quickly turned cold. But is one month enough to spark such drama? you may think not, but i say im a Romantic; Geared, and learned in this field. it doesnt take long... circa 1989

One Month- Revisited

One Month- Revisited This is the poem that looked back at a poem 10 years later.. One Month One month, almost 5 weeks, one love affair has made all others look bleek. Its shameful, my thoughts? full of disdain. I find reason to complain because ya'll know her name. Oh, its undisclosed, but ya'll know her though. She is the first in this tale of woe. I think i lost myself within her eyes, then she gave me a new guise, and that proved to be unwise. and that's my story, a collection of why's. And unable to love effectivly because of emotional ties. Who out there knows compassion? This i'm askin' I cant reach the end zone, i keep face maskin' And One month did this? Oh most dont agree. But this is what she had done to me. the people who remember me and the way I was, and the first to notice was my first cuz. He pulled me aside and asked what was wrong, I said 30 days and nights were just too long. He understood and did all he could. And me trying to shuck her, just created ruckus... No one cared that i died that night her arms were miles away, but i thought i might find relief. but i found more grief. The chick was doing me and my homie Keith: Roger, Darnel and the next door neighbor. All this and then you hear that some one raped her. She was my definition of a hoe.. But my homie Keith didnt think so. 30 days, 30 days, all full of mirth. I learned if she was in a skirt, she was destined to hurt. It was drama, comma, twisted tv. Who is to blame? I blame society. Because they support this kind of carnality. It is pain and shame i feel when i look back in revelry. But i travelled on further just a bit. And if it wasnt me, id tell em to quit. And so i remain confused and abused. 30 days of night, i would gamble to lose. More stress and strife, my friend lost her life. One asked can we elope, but then she said nope. That's what i did for love, or what i did for you. I asked was it true, and you know she never knew. In 5 weeks i was reduced to shambles, a mockery of what i was used to. I used to sing her name to the heavens, and now the only one she loves is Kevin. Left unfinished- circa 1997 sk-

theThird Tracee encounter

Early Lore Tracey Lynn Dunnington The Third Tracee encounter It had to be around the month of April after I celebrated the date of my birth. I was in my first apartment, having delusions of grandeur. My roommate Chris was lamenting about a girl seemingly lost to him, and we connected because I too had a girl lost to me… May had come, still no luck. I meet a few women though. A different Tracey had become a cancer to me. A green-eyed woman had me where she wanted me, almost. This had become depressing. So, in efforts to belay this fate, I began to go to a new church with the ham Orlando. He began to weave an intricate tale about a certain household in Hephzibah, where sometimes the amorous natures of three girls often got the best of them. This had to be stopped! I thought that this might buy the time I needed to get over the first fake Tracee encounter. Orlando revealed that two of the women were taken; I was to go entertain the third. Phone calls were made. I talked to a voice that sounded mischievous, so I became like-wise, a few stray remarks were taken lightly. I really didn’t have any idea about what was to happen. But what did happen was almost ruined by Orlando. Let me explain, we rode over to their house, it’s late mind you, so he and his date begins to argue. Seems as though more guys were at the house, but that’s another story altogether. The young lady I was talking to however, was indeed interested; but (I can’t prove that she was single!) she was busy playing referee for the feuding couple. Nevertheless, I sat on the couch discouraged. Then around ten minutes later, I found myself on the long trek back home, whole trip to see her wasted, but I did leave my number with her… I was disturbed that Orlando wasted a perfectly good evening. The girl wasn’t even in the ballpark of acceptable. She had an amorous nature, still I called that night. We toyed with the idea of sating our carnic passions (No, we talked about cheesecake.). Anyhow, I was curious about the reasons why this one had such a history of amorous acts (Okay, I was starved for affection, sue me!). So I invited her over for a sleepover, or was it the other way around… Anyhoo, Chris ordered pizza and we were quickly prepared to party. Surprising enough, her mother dropped her off. This was odd because she told her mother that she was going over some girl’s house. The atmosphere was strained until Tracey grew weary of watching TV and suggested we shake our tucas. Oh, by the way Tracey had brought along kid sister and her cousin to entertain Chris. So a few moments all hearts were light. Then we grew weary as the night grew young. It was Chris who suggested we watch TV again, but with a new twist: Porno Flicks! Chris had ulterior motives; I on the other hand was innocent until proven guilty. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before media hype transpired. I was very masterful I must say. So much that in fact, kid sister kept interrupting to see what was causing such commotion. Chris? Oh, he was highly upset. Seems as though, with two young ladies to choose from, it was hard for him to choose which one he wanted to get with. So he tried getting with both, at the same time. This is a no-no. He spent the night on the couch. Life for approximately three weeks was good. Monica was phoning in, vying for time, but she possessed no wherewithal to sway the headstrong pursuit of happiness. After the three weeks however, I drifted into oblivion. I was out of contact with her, and this meant out of a relationship to her. Unfounded reports flooded my limited horizons. Truthfully, my heart never left her. Sure there was static in the air, but it is expected with spring fervor in the air. It would take three more months to find her again. I learned that all what was said was true. I renewed a vow to love eternally whilst she snuck away to the mall with another guy (perhaps her future Baby-daddy?). Now crushed and dejected, Christmas that year was marred with the death of a romance. After the fact, she made a visit down to my second apartment; we used to meet each other at the teen club. I spent many Saturday evenings wishing I could take her home. She wound up being ranked as #3 on the most loved charts. Oh, we almost got back together in Nov. 1995, but I was merely under the influence of that weird month… At first, I was searching for that Beasely woman within her, but love became real and I believe it wasn’t for me. That last time we were together we discussed finality to the relationship, but I was whisked away by the charitable. So who knows, mayhaps she could’ve been… the message she taught was the way of the teenager. She may, if not corrupted by today’s society, become a true lover. Fin
Early Lore Mayhaps this tragic tale had no beginning. Shane and Susan If I can recall correctly, (I suppose I might,) there was a case even earlier than the tale before you. But that is another story altogether. This tale began some May of 1977. 1977! Yeah, it was first grade. Sometimes these vivid flashbacks scare even me! I can’t remember exactly who my teacher was, or how many students were in the class or even most of their names, but my main man was this kid named Shame. Shame on Shame! Heh, I guess that’s why I liked him so much. Life at school was for the most part “life at school”. What you did at recess was the character builder of the day. You had a few who made their way to the monkey bars, others chose to play in the sand and clay closer to the entrance, much to the chagrin of the teachers. Earlier in the year, it was the two man crew who met at the dead tree in the middle of the yard. Ed. Notes: Sometime in the 80’s John Millage Elementary had that tree removed. So yet another icon in my life is removed. Where is that one without a past? The bell would ring (yeah we had bells, not some buzzer, grumble mutter,..) and we’d race to the tree and watch everyone else move frantically either trying to get away from the crowd or to form another crowd. This is when the girl chasing began. Everybody who was anybody partook of the sport. Me? I became a freelancer, I’d chase a girl, explore the chain link fence, chase a girl, wonder if this was the life, chase a girl and meet Shame at the tree, go in for lunch. Well, one of these carefree days I met Susan. I chase her all of recess. (Look, I was devout even at that age) I’d suppose she was in my class, perhaps she was, most likely not. Anyhoo, I used to see her walk home in the opposite direction from the way I went. To cut to the chase, I swore she was my girlfriend. No one had told me the rules at this point. So does this make the fault my own? Many would say yes, but how so? It was naught too many years ago when St Nick became less than a deity in your child’s eye. So my argument is still whose fault was it? When should the rules be taught to a child about romance? Months passed, the end of my first year of school year had drawn nigh. Susan’s secret admirer was anxious to tell her to have a nice summer. Destiny had different plans. On the last day of school, at the very last bell, toddlers explode onto the schoolyard. Amid the ruckus, a new to the fray, innocent soul takes a fleeting look towards a familiar face, only to feel his heart fracture. Susan and Shame was walking home together! When did…? How did…? Why did…? Only God knows how long my shadow lengthened while I stood there, trying to make sense of what I just seen. I yelled out “Have a nice summer Susan!” but she never acknowledged it… This was only the beginning of the woes that was to come towards me. The next year we moved. I never saw Susan ever again. She became the poster child of love lost. And as the years went on, I never forgot her. In the 7th grade, I wrote the children’s story “The Cucumber or the pickle’s double” In which she was the love interest. Amazing, of how young you begin to experience grown up emotions. I guess this story doesn’t have a beginning. -SK-
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