This Ritual shall be performed during the bright, sunny daytime hours. Alternately, it would also be acceptable to begin at precisely the astronomical time that the Summer Solstice actually begins. The exact time that the Sun enters Cancer, marking the precise moment of the beginning of Summer - for 1997 - is 4:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time (check your calendar or almanac for future years). This particular Litha Ritual contains a cleansing/purification of Self, a Pet Blessing, a Re-Dedication Ceremony, and a Consecration of your Magickal Jewelry.
Prior to the ritual, prepare a small cloth pouch of herbs, such as lavender and chamomile. As you prepare it, pour into it your troubles, problems, pains, sorrows and illnesses. Place it on your altar for later use. In addition to your basic altar and circle set-up, place the cauldron in front of the altar. To the right of the cauldron, place a red candle, and to the left of the cauldron, place a green candle. Have a cup of fresh spring water ready to place into the cauldron later in the ceremony. Also - if you choose to include a Pet Blessing - have a picture of your pet and his or her Blessing Gift, placed upon the Pentacle.
Sweep the area, starting in the North and moving deosil, with your magickal broom to cleanse the Circle area and "sweep away" any lingering negative energies. Set up the Quarter candles (North-Green, East-Yellow, South-Red, West-Blue) and/or other items symbolizing the elements at the Four Quarters. Set up your altar as desired, and face it to the North, covering it with a white or golden yellow altar cloth. For this ceremony, decorate the altar with seasonal flowers - especially sunflowers - although any flowers are fine (silk are also acceptable), along with whatever else feels right. In addition to your usual tools and props, upon the altar should be:
Golden Yellow Altar Cloth
Prepared Small Cloth Pouch of Herbs, such as Lavender and Chamomile
Cauldron, with a cup of fresh Spring Water, ready to place into it later
Red Sun God Candle (in holder on the right side of the Cauldron)
Green Earth Goddess Candle (in holder on the left side of the Cauldron)
Your Pet's Picture
Your Pet's Blessing Gift
Incense - Summer Blend - any combination of Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Lemon, Pine, Jasmine, Rose, Lotus, or Wysteria
When all is set up, take a shower or bath for purification and don your Ritual Robe or other Ritual attire. Be sure to wear your Magickal jewelry, if you have any. Sit quietly and meditate for a little while - to ground and center. When you feel ready to begin, play some quiet peaceful music for the Ritual.
Pick up your wand, and with arms upraised, face the South and say:
"I celebrate the noon of Summer with this rite
held in honor of the Blazing God of the Sun...
All of nature vibrates with the fertile energies
of the Goddess and the God.
The Earth is bathed with the warmth,
and light and life of the Sun.
The Wheel of the Year turns again...
since Yule the light has been growing ever stronger.
At Ostara the light finally became greater than the dark,
and the light has kept on growing until today,
the middle of the time of light, Litha, Midsummer.
From here, the light begins to fade again, until once more,
the Wheel will turn to darkness and Yule will return.
Today the Sun is high, the Light is bright, the Earth is warm.
As the Lord of the Sun blazes above,
the Fires of my celebration shall flame below."
Return the wand to its place on the altar. Light the green candle to the left of the cauldron, saying:
"O Green Forest Mother, Meadow Mother,
Great One of the Stars and the Moon, Spinner of Fates,
I give honor to you, and ask your Blessings here."
Light the red candle to the right of the cauldron, saying:
"O Great Red Sun God, Forest Father,
God of Fertility and Plenty, be here with me now.
I give honor to you, and ask your Blessings here."
Lift the small pouch of herbs from the altar, hold it aloft, saying:
"O fiery Sun, burn away the unuseful,
the hurtful, the troublesome, the painful,
the sickness, and ill luck.
Hold it over the main altar candle to light it afire. When it is burning, drop it into the cauldron, saying:
"By the powers of the Great Goddess and the Great God,
by the powers of the Great Spirit of All-That-Is,
by the powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water,
and by the powers of the Sun, Moon and Stars...
Visualize the negative energies burning away to nothing. When the pouch and the herbs have been consumed by the flames, place the container of water into the cauldron on top of the ashes. Say:
"As the Phoenix rises from the ashes,
so let this water be pure and new,
for this is the sacred cauldron of the Triple Goddess.
O Great Mother Goddess, bless this water,
so that its touch may bless and renew,
even as the rays of the Midsummer Sun
nourish and bless all life."
Pass your hands and arms between the two candles, over the cauldron, making wishes for luck, health, prosperity, and many other good things for your life.
At this time, you may wish to bless pets or other animals in your life by moving the candles out away from the cauldron, and leading each animal between the candle flames, while saying:
"By these symbols of the Midsummer bonfires,
I do bless this animal friend and companion,
(state animal's name), in the ways of my ancestors,
that he/she may be blessed with health and goodness
throughout his/her years upon the Earth."
If desired, place a previously consecrated and blessed amulet around the animal's neck.
Kneel before the altar, place a pinch of salt on your tongue, and say:
"I, (magickal name), rededicate myself to the Pagan Way,
to the Goddess and the God,
who together form the Great Spirit, the All-That-Is,
whose combined power is strong and vital here.
I give my word-bond to follow the ancient paths
that lead to true wisdom and knowledge.
I will serve the Great Goddess,
and give reverence to the Great God.
I am a Pagan, a Witch, a Wiccan...
a stone of the ancient circle,
standing firmly balanced upon the Earth,
yet open to the winds of the heavens,
and enduring through time.
May the Blessed Goddess and God witness my words."
Face the North and say:
"Behold, O Powers of Earth, Spirits of the North,
I, (magickal name),
rededicate myself to the Lady of the Moon,
and the Lord of the Sun."
Face the East and say:
"Behold, O Powers of Air, Spirits of the East,
I, (magickal name),
rededicate myself to the Lady of the Moon,
and the Lord of the Sun."
Face the South and say:
"Behold, O Powers of Fire, Spirits of the South,
I, (magickal name),
rededicate myself to the Lady of the Moon,
and the Lord of the Sun."
Face the West and say:
"Behold, O Powers of Water, Spirits of the West,
I, (magickal name),
rededicate myself to the Lady of the Moon,
and the Lord of the Sun."
Dip the forefinger of your power hand into the cauldron water, and trace a pentagram, and/or, a crescent moon on your forehead, saying:
"Let my mind be open to the truth."
Anoint your lips, saying:
"Let my lips speak the Truth, except that they be silent among the unbelievers where there may be harm."
Anoint your heart, saying:
"Let my heart seek the ways of the Goddess always."
Anoint the centers of your palms, saying:
"Let my hands be gifted to work in magickal ways."
Anoint the soles of your feet, saying:
"Let my feet ever walk upon the sacred paths."
Place your magickal jewelry upon the pentacle, sprinkle it (lightly) with the salted water, then pass it through the flame of the candle and the smoke of the incense. Place it around your neck, saying:
"This (these) magickal emblem(s)
I shall wear for all things magickal.
Bless this (these) pendant(s),
O Great Goddess and Great God,
that I may be blessed and protected
in all ways whenever I shall wear it."
Now is the time for meditation and any spellworkings you may desire to end your Sun celebration. Good Midsummer spellworkings include: prosperity, fertility, good harvest...
When you have finished and you are ready, follow the spellwork (if you performed any) by the Cakes & Ale Ceremony, and finally, Releasing the Circle.
Please note this ritual is based on the Northern Hemisphere correspondences of elements and their colors, and directions and so on.