Oh,my....so boring lately....not enough backstabbing,backbiting,biting back,name calling.....fubar has become tame for the holidays.....or has it?
What does the word LOYALTY mean to you?
To most it means absolute faith in a person's goodness....the belief that they would do nothing to hurt you,as they are your friend.The only being to deserve that kind of faith is God(and for you atheists,sorry).
True loyalty is understanding that human beings are at best fallible and at worst just plain mean creatures,whose primary interests are themselves,their families,their friends(and yes in that order)who will do thoughtless,hurtful,mean and even sometimes viscious things and still you go on believing in the basic goodness of the human spirit(even your enemies)for to stop doing so is to stop being humane.
Loyalty to certain people however and the constant betrayal of it can lead one to the path of just such inhumaneness as believing that all people are not to be trusted and therefore it is best to keep oneself apart...
Blind belief in anyone is to say the least stupid,but realistic loyalty -knowing that everyone hurts their friends or gets used by others- is probably a cynical,but much more practical approach to life....
And if you are lucky enoough to be able to walk the fine line between the 2....you're a better person than I.