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What is normal?

Do you ever sit around your home and wonder who it was that got to decide for the whole world what normal is?Did they take a vote and some of us missed it cause we were out shopping?Or did they just let a few "priviledged" in on the committee? In a world where uniqueness should be treasured it is instead frowned upon as it is not "in the norm".Why do we have to be in the norm to be accepted....and why is it that the differences that attract us are the things we try to change?Are we so terribly insecure that we cannot have anything "different" in our lives without feeling threatened? Quite frankly I'm a bit fed up with other people deciding for me if I'm bloody normal or not....I'm normal for me,you're normal for you,and screw the books that say we have to be a flock of sheep so that everyone else doesn't feel threatened by those of us who simply don't fit into the "norm".Love and happiness to the world and may you find a niche that you feel you wholly belong in and the rest of the world go hang.


Oh,my....so boring lately....not enough backstabbing,backbiting,biting back,name calling.....fubar has become tame for the holidays.....or has it? What does the word LOYALTY mean to you? To most it means absolute faith in a person's goodness....the belief that they would do nothing to hurt you,as they are your friend.The only being to deserve that kind of faith is God(and for you atheists,sorry). True loyalty is understanding that human beings are at best fallible and at worst just plain mean creatures,whose primary interests are themselves,their families,their friends(and yes in that order)who will do thoughtless,hurtful,mean and even sometimes viscious things and still you go on believing in the basic goodness of the human spirit(even your enemies)for to stop doing so is to stop being humane. Loyalty to certain people however and the constant betrayal of it can lead one to the path of just such inhumaneness as believing that all people are not to be trusted and therefore it is best to keep oneself apart... Blind belief in anyone is to say the least stupid,but realistic loyalty -knowing that everyone hurts their friends or gets used by others- is probably a cynical,but much more practical approach to life.... And if you are lucky enoough to be able to walk the fine line between the 2....you're a better person than I.


I have this wee fellow who lives in my brain... He taunts me,he teases me,he makes me insane... Though how he can do that when I already am... Is one for the young "shrink,doctor"man... The meds aren't effective,they just make me lazy. Though the world's rather pretty through vision that's hazy..... He's starting to scream at this tiime of year; that he's all I need.... Get rid of all these others on here..... Can't let him succeed for he hurts those I know.. Uses words like hammers to deliver his blows.... He doesn't know love,only anger and hate..,,,, Been alone all his life,been beaten and raped... When I give my trust he laughs in my ear.... Tells me I'll be sorry,instills the old fears... When I try to explain why I am what I am..... The looks of disgust close the door with a slam...... No more will I give a person a chance..... To trample my heart through life's little dance. The wee man's myself though a female I be.... For perhaps as a male I could have protected me....
For those of you who don't know me and that's probably most of you.... i wonder if you realize how much the words we throw around are interwoven.? We seem to insist on 3 main words being lived by in our kingdoms,platoons,friends and lovers....those are INTEGRITY LOYALTY HONOR ...DO WE REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY MEAN AND LIVE BY THEM? Integrity is a set of moral values instilled in us virtually as children by our parents,grandparents,family,etc. which lets us know what is and isn't ok to do,and lasts throughout our lifetime....synonymous with HONESTY.... Loyalty is the choice of what to believe,whom to stay with,etc....synonymous with fidelity.... Honor is a keen sense of ethical conduct(integrity)or one's word given as a guarantee of conduct or performance(ie:on my honor) synonymous with honesty... Isn't it amazing that of the 3 words we choose to live by that the only one which is truly by our choice is loyalty??? So maybe we should be especially careful where we give it....our core values are there from the age of 2 and may be modified but never truly changed as it becomes too uncomfortable and simply "not who we are"....our loyalty however can shatter our hearts,rend our souls and make us unsure if we can trust our own decisions.... By the way .... this is not directed AT anyone,ABOUT anyone,or to CREATE drama,but simply an old woman's ramblings about what the words we choose to live by actually mean.....

What "Family" means to me

The ability to listen...actually hear what's being said,not just make the motions..... The ability to take knowledge learned the hard way and teach it to others so their life's road is easier traveled..... But most importantly is the ability to learn at any age and derive joy from the experience,then pass it on to someone else and feel joy in the doing... Family is the means by which we accomplish these things-whether it be blood or chosen -generations being together and sharing love sorrow happiness and knowledge.... passing information to each other but standing behind not against when mistakes are made and showing comfort in loss as well as laughter in times of great joy....I myself must practice harder as I have failed greatly when some of my family have needed me been unforgiving when they asked it of me and been stubborn in my belief of my being justified in withholding it... I have forgotten the cardinal rule of life...nobody died and made me God... so I must stop acting as if I am....
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