47 Year Old
From Tucson, AZ·
Joined on March 3, 2008
Born on January 26th
·5 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
47 Year Old
From Tucson, AZ·
Joined on March 3, 2008
Born on January 26th
·5 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
i will find your weakness and exploit it all day. but it is only because i love you. or because i don't like you. i pretty much treat everyone just as shitty as every one else. i'm honest. if there is one thing i can say is that i am honest. honestly. tactful isn't the word i'd use, but i will definitely tell you the truth. if you don't want to hear the truth, don't waste your time. i am incredibly shy unless i am drunk or online. even then i can be shy sometimes. I have an offensive sense of humor. i mean a REALLY offensive sense of humor. i have mastered the art of being annoying. also the art of being lazy. i make bad choices that usually--oddly enough--end up for the best. i believe that my world can come crashing down around me at any second. i guess you could say that i'm an optimist. i use words that don't mean nothing, like "loopid."
i love humor, great smiles, pretty eyes, nicely defined lats, tattoos/peircings, honesty, style, quick wits, open minds, open hearts, people who love as much as i do, people who laugh as much as i do, guys who run good game (without playing games), jokes, honesty, obscene jokes, sponteneity, INTELLIGENCE. People who make crazy faces do bad things to my naughty bits. It is more than humor, for me. It is the ability to laugh at yourself that i find sexy. because if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?
i hate bad teeth, pretense, the word "juggalo", clingy people, boring people, people who act like they like you and then blow you off, people who act like they don't like you and then stay in your face, TV, radio, bad grammar, tender moments, tactlessness, lies, lies in the form of omission, lies in the form of exaggeration, religious zealots, boredom, dishonesty, jealousy. I really want to drive this point home about lying.
Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, okay? I hate flakiness.
Also, I hate when people say "liberry" the word you are looking for is l-i-b-R-A-R-y. got that? Li bra ry. If you say "liberry" you have obviously never been in one.
Also, it is not "nucular" it is NU CLE AR.
Furthermore, it most certainly is NOT "jewlery". It is JEWEL RY. jewelry. say it with me. JEWELRY.
And seriously, folks. pay attention: the word "your" expresses your possession of something--"your car" "your herpes"--while "YOU'RE" means "YOU ARE"--"you're an idiot" "you're crushing my marboros, dad". got it? good.
Also, sure it is funny at first, but you really don't look all that cute in your sister's stretch pants and it can't be good for you testicular development. Buy pants that fit, you emo fag, or you will always be sad because your balls never dropped.
"BBW"s: there is a very distinct difference between being a "BBW" and just being gross. I don't know who this gnarly bitch in the pink drawers and bra is in my blast box, but she makes me feel sick and totally unaroused. You can be as big as you want and still be beautiful. I am a "BBW". So i'm all for us big girls getting the respect and worship we deserve, but do it tastefully, please. On a side note, why do I get flagged for NSFW pics when nothing is showing but some fat bitch's flabs can roll out of the monitor onto my desk spilling my beer all over my keyboard? We should be able to flag these pics as "disgustingly flabby".
Vomit has an incredible pliable nutsack that he can use as a makeshift canteen with only some water and a bit of twine.
The point already:
I don't talk to people who don't make me laugh. Or at least giggle a bit. Make with the funny and you're in. And don't perv out on me. If I want to see your penis, I'll ask. I promise. And if I want to show you anything, I will offer. Don't ask.
Also, while I love to talk to people, I hate the shoutbox. Ask for my Yahoo/MSN/AIM/ICQ, etc.......
PS. if you don't have a pic of YOU on your profile, I get kinda creeped out. I will ignore you unless you show me who you are...
47 Year Old
From Tucson, AZ·
Joined on March 3, 2008
Born on January 26th
·5 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
I am interested in everything for a short period of time. Things I am interested in for longer than a short period of time (in no particular order): Religion String theory Thermodynamics Other people's fetishes Psychology Sociology History Asia India Ancient Egypt Africa Native American history Modern German history Shady people Personal social experiments Awkward situations The art of smooth-talking Boxing Football Martial arts People who are kickass Serial killers
In NO particular order:
Breakfast Club, Headwig and the Angry Inch, The Last Emperor, Lost Boys, Pi, Requiem for a Dream, River's Edge, True Stories, Deuce Bigalow, Tomcats, Superbad, Anchorman, 40 Year Old Virgin, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Resident Evil (all of them), Saw 1, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, Interview With a Vampire, Lucky Number Slevin, Meet Joe Black, Kalifornia, Silence of the Lambs, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans, Shopgirl, Girl Interrupted, Santa Sangre, Greaser's Paradise, Borat, American History X, The Believer, Schinder's List, Empire of the Sun, Orgazmo, Fight Club, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Event Horizon, The Specials, City of God, Ghost in the Shell, The Passion of the Christ, Dangerous Liaisons, Run Ronnie Run, Seven, Hellraiser, Falling Down, Pantera: Vulgar, Scary Movies 1,3,&4, Naked Gun Movies, Airplane, Death to Smoochy, Candyman, Heavy Metal, Planet of the Apes (original version), Gone with the Wind, The Color Purple, Ray, Walk the Line, Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas, Secret Window, Mirrormask, Stardust, Pulp Fiction, Clerks, Shine, Mozart, Batman Begins, American Psycho, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Flies, Starman, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Romeo and Juliet, O, Strangers With Candy, Bubba Ho Tep, Natural Born Killers, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Pirates of the Caribean, Dodgeball, Gangs of New York, Zoolander, Player's Club, Baby Boy, Friday, Scent of a woman, Neverending Story, Devil's Advocate, Dusk Til Dawn, Dogma, Chasing Amy, Jay and Silen Bob Strike Back, Mallrats, Great Balls of Fire, Reno 911, Idiocracy, The Crow (ONLY THE FIRST ONE), The Machinist, Parenthood, Doom Generation because it's stupid, Grandma's Boy, Forrest Gump, Shawn of the Dead, Hot Fuzz. There are so many more, but I seriously have stuff to do...... I'll come back to this later....
His Holiness, of course Bill Hicks Banksy Aric, I mean, really. Crime fighter, Friend, All around pimp Fuck Chuck Norris. I give you Bob Ross. Need I say more? him: Dr. Rockso because he does cocaine: Lemmer because, well, just watch:
I want to have a million of Nick Swardson's babies. c1 because he'll come out the woods and take your life. c4 is my hero because he licked another of my heroes, jimmy urine this dude is the balls Vommmmm...... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......