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57 Year Old · Female · Joined on November 24, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on November 19th
57 Year Old · Female · Joined on November 24, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on November 19th

You are a vampire! You are suave and seductive. Eternal life is yours and you never tire of coming up with crazy ways of amusing yourself and others. Sometimes, however, your taste for blood comes in the way of friendships as you are constantly turning your friends into vampires.Take this quiz at QuizHeaven.comSignature Pic #1 For This ProfileSignature Pic #2Signature Pic #3Your Sex Sign is...If you've done it, you've aced it. You're a total sex master... up for almost anything, anytime. You're great at talking dirty and getting down! The catch: you never share. One look at your body, and you're lover will know that you're worth it!Scorpio, you are an erotic dynamo! You are a sexual expert, devestatingly attractive - with a pervert's vocabulary. Pair that with your hot, lusty body that just doesn't quit...Above all you need a lover with a high sex drive. You have such a fantastic sexual energy - you can consume a lover with your intensity. You love kinky sex. You love to be the dominant partner in the bedroom, and you adore sex toys of all kinds. Your favorite turn-on is watching porno movies.You are very physical and sexual in public. You will instantly stake out your claim on anyone you consider yours. You are very jealous and possessive - and can usually annihilate any competition. Your personality is stormy and explosive. You love to pick fights in hopes of having steamy make-up sex!'What is your Sex Sign?'at QuizUniverse.com What kind of beauty are you?!*The Strange Beauty*You don't look like any one else. Your different and that makes you even more beautiful, if thats possible.How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from TestrifficFavorite Quote By Anne Rice“And I knew my vision of the garden of savage beauty had been a true vision. There was meaning in the world, yes, and laws, and inevitability, but they had only to do with the aesthetic and in this Savage Garden, these innocent ones belonged in the vampire's arms. A thousand other things can be said about the world, but only aesthetic principles can be verified, and these things alone remain the same.”Lacuna Coil - SwampedLacuna Coil - Heaven's A Lie

57 Year Old · Female · Joined on November 24, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on November 19th
Hellsing AMV Godsmack Vampires MCR -- Vampires Will Never Hurt You Inkubus Sukkubus--Wytches The Goddess Chant Goddess Chant: Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna...
.skem9 {Profile-generated-at:url(http://www.skem9.com);Come back again!}.skem9 {Background Settings}body {background-color: 000000 !important;background-image: url("http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m21/darkfireassan/Beauty_and_the_Beast_by_Irulana.jpg") !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-position: center !important;background-attachment: fixed !important;}.skem9{We gotta hide the other tables backgrounds so it looks nice}table, tr, td, input, div {background-color: transparent !important; border:0px;}a img {border:0px;}.skem9 {table properties}table table table td {filter:alpha(opacity=90); opacity:0.9; -khtml-opacity:0.9;}table table table table td {background-image:none; background-color: transparent !important; filter:none; opacity:1;}table table table {width:300px;}td.text table {width:auto;}.skem9 {Regular links, and that damn view all friends link, myspace had to make it a class for a stupid reason}a:link, a:active, a:visited, a.redlink:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited {color: df0000 !important;font-family: Bradley Hand ITC !important;font-size: 12pt !important;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;}a:hover, a.redlink:hover {color: df0000 !important;font-size: 15pt !important;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;}.skem9 {Default Text Settings}table, tr, td, p, li, div, span, .text {color: df0000 !important;font-family: Bradley Hand ITC !important;font-size: 12pt !important;font-weight:bold !important;font-style:italic;}.skem9 {your name above your profile pic}span.nametext {display:none !important;}.skem9 {XXs interest XXs details}span.whitetext12 {display:none !important;}.skem9 {music, general, movies, ect ect}span.lightbluetext8 {display:none !important;}.skem9 {about me, who id like to meet}span.orangetext15 {display:none !important;}.skem9 {latest blog entries, and XX has XX friends}span.btext {display:none !important;}.skem9 {The red text, aka the numbers on friends, and comments}span.redbtext, span.redtext {display:none !important;}.skem9 {Time and date in comments}span.blacktext10 {display:none !important;}.skem9 {extended network text}span.blacktext12 span {display:none !important;}.skem9{Using smart scrollbar technique from bbzspace.com}body {scrollbar-face-color:000000;scrollbar-highlight-color:000000;scrollbar-3dlight-color:df0000;scrollbar-shadow-color:000000;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:df0000;scrollbar-arrow-color:df0000;scrollbar-track-color:000000;}.John {position:absolute; top:35px; right:0px; z-index:9;}.skem9 {I know some people are going to remove the image in this layout back to my site,but if you would at least still put a link tohttp://www.skem9.comon your page I would appricate it!} .Layout {Found on:url(http://skem9.com); created by: demon url(http://www.skem9.com/~58564);} .keepers {position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;}Layout made by demon
Various Songs/Vids from Queen of The Damned Soundtrack I Like queen of the damned perfect violin solo Queen of the Damned - Forsaken 2 Queen Of The Damned- System Queen of the Damned - Before I'm Dead Queen of the Damned - Change Not Meant For Me Static-X - Cold Queen of the Damned - Slept so long Some of the lyrics to the song are below
My Alpha Male Pet Lilitha_Tala_V *lordleather* Arukoto AphroditeIsis
Video Games
Artistic and maybe even a bit shallow, you belong to the clan of the Toredor. You have a keen eye for pretty things. The embrace is looked on as perserving all beautiful things for eternity. You are the sensual vampires that you hear people talk about that seduce to get what they want. This clan is the one thought of as being the spoiled sort who want to get what they want. However, you usually work right under the ventrue clan as they try to carry out their plans.What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To? Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines - Chinatown Theme

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