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38 Year Old · Male · From Palm Beach, FL · Joined on April 21, 2006 · Born on October 1st
38 Year Old · Male · From Palm Beach, FL · Joined on April 21, 2006 · Born on October 1st

hmmm about me?!? lets see.... im 6'11 (no not 6'1 mis-print lol) blonde hair hazzel eyes. raising my son who turned 1 on April 5th!! Daddys LiL P.I.M.P!!! Own and run my own construction company. Travel alot. Most my time spent keeping my newly aquired family happy and even though there been some bumps along the road so far i think we goin to be just fine. i love em all with all my heart and hope they know it. im proud of all of them and hope i dont let em down or disappoint any of em!Hosted by Sparkle Tags

38 Year Old · Male · From Palm Beach, FL · Joined on April 21, 2006 · Born on October 1st
Playing and hanging out with my son!! My WORLD and LIFE revolves around his HAPPINESS!! he smiles alot so i guess i'm doin a good job! Spending time with my BABY and my sons they deserve the world and if it kills me they''ll get it. I Love You All!! better behave or NO DISNEY!! but when i have time off (babysitter lol)...Skydiving, CLiff Jumping, Bungee Jumping, Base Jumping (when i dont get arrested lol) swimming, surfing, hangin at dah beach, anything thats an adrenaline rush!!! KINKY SHIT!! Hosted by Sparkle Tags
anything and everything EXCEPT COUNTRY!!!! Metallica, AC/CD, GnR, Ozzy, Megadeath, System of a Down, Nickleback, Stained.... LOUD shit!!! Jazz, classic Rock, Oldies, Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, everything!! Anything lets me get close too my baby and squeeze dat BOOTY!! hehe Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Anything worth watching!! horror, comedy, action!! NO Titanic WAS NOT a good movie!!! hate chick flicks!!! Hosted by Sparkle Tags
My Son Mikie!!! would be dead if it wasnt for him being around!! My Baby Carla and our 6 wonderful boys, too all of you for making me believe that there can be a life filled with Love no matter how bad life kicks you in the balls!! I Love You All!! Thank you for opening these eyes too a life of happiness and true love! They say in life you find one true love They say in life you love only one with all your heart They say in life when love knocks on your door... answer it Life seem's too be filled with Love yet noone seem's to know why I NOW KNOW WHY! You are my one true love! You are the one i love with all my heart! You are the one knocking on my door and i gladly answered! Because of you my life is complete, filled with happiness and full of the love we all seek too find in a lifetime. I Love You with all my heart and soul and forever will love you until time stands still! Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Video Games
any sports games, racing games, war games, shit that keeps me occupied! whatever my boys feel like playin since i cant hogg it anymore lol NFSU2 if Carla playin hehe LOVE YOU GUYS!! Hosted by Sparkle Tags

Activity Feed

  • 16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ LiL Devilz
    happy birthday sexybitch

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ LiL Devilz
    If I dont get a chance to say it later... Hope you have a great bday!

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ LiL Devilz
    If I dont get a chance to say it later... Hope you have a great bday!

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ LiL Devilz
    too bad cause you did let us down. dont even know why your still here

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Necromez AngelLiL Devilz
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingjust stopping by to say hi an let you know i care that we are friendz. an hopping all iz going well with you an your family so keep in touch hugggzzzzz an take care Master D's AngelPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • LIL METALiL Devilz
    Whats up pimp??? I see your from Palm Beach thats whats up...Check out my Music Pimp!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • JennyLiL Devilz
    Hey whats up????

    17 years ago · Reply
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