47 Year Old
From Pierce, ID·
Joined on December 29, 2006
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 17th
·5 referrals joined!
First off I have to say that i am a single mom, I live in California, happily enjoying the time that i get with my son...I would also like to say that I am a straight girl, not into women, I only like men. I am only on here for friends only...........
I just found out that I lost someone really close to me on April 26,2007....May you Rest In Peace Grandma...We will Always love you and keep you a live in our hearts and In our memory..She was a great lady, and I will never forget her...:(
Yesterday 11/1/2008 i was in a major car accident and lost my uncle. Right now i am dealing with the death of my loving uncle that will no longer be with me.
I just moved back to Cali on September 18th of this year after spending 6 months living in Goldendale Washington with my ex. I am glad to be back home and enjoying all the time that i am getting to spend with my family and my friends, I will be online more now that i am home and single again.
Just recently got back into being online. I have taken sometime away from being online to take care of things in my life that have needed to be taken care of. my life resolves around my son and my family
100 PERCENT COU... could ask for a better morning, spending my birthday watching TV and drinking coffee. nothing better than to celebrate your 40th birthday in peace and quiet