Well things are starting to look pretty depressin in our Neck Of The Woods.
Recently my husband got a job offer which would have had him home almost every night, he is a truck driver, after telling the company that he needed to give his two weeks notice they called and said they needed him to start the following week. That would have him not completing his 2 week notice. But the home times seemed worht it.
After quiting his job and taking his physcial and his drug test for the job and the department of transpertation the New employer says "OOPS" i seem to have made a mistake, "your application says u have 4 months experience and we require 12, we cant hire you". WHAT THE FUCK KINDA ANSWER IS OOPS. I mean arent you suppose to check into everything when hiring someone.. So now here we are christmas approaching...we have both been putting in application after application noone is calling for me and everyone who contacts my husbands says ya need more experience...
Ya know...how can someone get experience when noone will hire you for lack of....
So if anyone out there knows of some job opening for truck drivers and anything that i could do in the central illinois area..Please drop me a line..
LIfe is starting to really seem not worht it anymore..ya dammed if ya do and your damed if you dont...