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Dreamer's blog: "Lifes Paths"

created on 05/25/2007  |  http://fubar.com/lifes-paths/b85774


I am ... A woman With a full heart, hidden Somewhere in an empty room ... With eyes not quite of autumn's gold, and yet Neither all of summer's green; I wonder ... If love is a tale made for children -- A granting of sweet dreams in their innocence -- A honey-coating to help their throats Choke down the bitter draught ... I hear ... A voice that whispers warnings, half-formed, Bodiless as hope, until I swear I cannot draw Another breath unless this spectre be unmasked, His lies mangled ‘neath my righteous tread; I see ... A woman, proud, uncompromising, Diaphanous as air -- less, even, than the tears That fall in desolation about her weary feet, Salt poison pooled upon the withered ground ... I want ... A measure of quietude, a certain silence, The echo of alone which heals me of dreaming, The nothing that stills the wanting, The numb, the cold that laughs at pain; I am A woman, hidden ... I pretend ... That I can live forever -- that Time Has no puissance but that which I afford Him -- And so, I can wait, I can be happy tomorrow, Sleep is for the dead; but its ghosts haunt my waking ... I feel ... Too much -- too deeply to be directionless, Too real for imagining, and yet the familiar eyes Hold nothing of recognition -- only my reflection -- A meeting of shadows in sunlit glass; I touch ... The downy wings of hope, in wonder, In reverence, in need, in hunger; Alas, it burns my fingers as a flame, A sacrilege, self-defined ... I worry ... That I am alone; that in my longing I have forsaken all -- but oh, what reward, What smile divine should light the path to freedom -- And how can I but heed the siren's call? I cry ... For having too much, for fear of bursting, And then, when by the pouring of my soul I lie, a vessel emptied, I cry again For what was had, and lost; I am A woman, empty ... I understand That life is what you make it, That sometimes, the coat of many colors That marks your triumphs brightly, blends only To loneliest of grey ... I say That we are made by life, shaped, Broken, perhaps -- unmade and voided -- But always, the core of us remains, waiting With only faith, with trust, to be reborn; I dream Of bluest waters, reaching With unnatural hands toward the faded sky, Of dolphins that wander in seas without limits, Carrying me water-breathing past corals and clouds ... I try ... To lead by example, knowing That merely the telling holds no power; A gift of giving is merely a day, while A gift of knowing spans forever; I hope ... That my darkness holds you gently, That pain is halved by sharing, that feeling Wields nothing past the words it summons, Except that it touch you with only healing ... I am A woman, only.


Thought I would post it just to see what people would say.... SO LET'S HEAR IT!!!! 1) Would you mind me being in control? 2) Would you spank my ass & pull my hair? 3) Would you talk dirty to me? 4) Would you kiss me with a lil' tongue, or a lot of tongue? 5) Would you go down on me? 6) Would you expect me to go down on you? 7) Would you let me kiss and lick all over ya' body? 8) Would you suck my toes? 9) How many rounds would we go? 10) What would you wanna do afterwards? 11) Would you strip for me?, What song would you strip to? 12) Would you lick, kiss, and bite all over me? 13) Would you like foreplay 1st, or just get straight to the point? 14) Would you take your time, if I told you to?? 15) Is it gonna be all about me, or you?? 16) Would you fall asleep when we're done?? 17) Would you want to go fast or slow?? 18) Where would you wanna do it at??? 19) Can you make me scream your name?? 20) Do you think that I could make you cum?, How do you like to cum?? 21) Are you going to post these questions in your blog so I can answer them????

missing you

Growing up I never figured anyone one could hurt me to the point that I couldn't get over it...... I have always been a strong person, always been able to pick up and move on , never really giving it a second thought. Now there has been someone who has came into my life and let me have the joy of getting to know them personaly and the laughter and joy we shared has been like none other I have ever known.. Now that joy is not like it use to be the laughter is far apart, the dreams and hopes we shared are now just that dreams.. The memories come crashing in like a sand storm blinding all thats right in front of me...You know when your hurt so bad that you can't let another close to you, that there must of been something really special about this person.. I guess all I have is bitter sweet memories Of once was and could Of been.... The silent tears still fall when I think of the times we shared that are no more... The echoing of your laughter and the teasing to see how I would react are all in the distants.. As I close my eys I still see your face the smile with the corky lil laugh echoing out because of something you thought was so funny... As the days past you would think the pain would go away and the hurt wouldn't hurt no more but it is just like it happened yesterday..... Theres been no real good byes. But my life seems so empty without you in it everyday. Where we go wrong????? Maybe some day the silent tears will stop amd the break of my heart stop aching and yearning for you... Until then know your in my thoughts each and everyday

What Am I... To You??

There is a odd thing I have noticed about blogging. It leaves me feeling strangely egotistical. It's not just that I'm writing about myself, but the way in which I write. The fact that I share with you things that I have not shared with people over the course of my life; I wonder if you can appreciate that fact, or do you assume that this is the way I am? I am not. I have had friends from childhood come and read and tell me, "I never knew any of that!" to which I reply, "Of course you didn't. I didn't talk about it." I don't talk this way to casual friends, and I have very, very VERY few close friends. The fact that this blog is anonymous (except for those of you who know me) leaves me free to open up in a way I never have before, and I view it as a gift, both to you and to me. Each time that I rip open a part of me that I could easily have left hidden, I wonder if you feel it? Does it touch you? And those ugliest of scars that I bare, do you see them as I see them: as offerings of jewels laid before you? In a world stuffed full of delusion and hatred and fear, is my raw and sometimes brutal honesty appreciated? Whether you agree with it or not, do you appreciate it? Some of you comment, some of you write in and tell me so. But all those lurkers, I have to wonder what goes on in your heads. Are you reading and scoffing? Reading and laughing? Reading and nodding? I'll never know, because you're invisible on the other end of the screen. And I'm here, tearing myself apart and putting myself back together. I wonder, sometimes. This is one of those times. I've noticed an interesting thing happening lately, that I simply can't let slip by. Bonding. Not bondage, no. Bonding. When I first started blogging I didn't take it seriously at all, it was just a few random words I threw down and nobody read. It didn't matter. As time passed, more and more people grew to know me, while at the same time I grew to know myself. As I've unraveled me, in all my glory and filth, you've been able to read along, observing my joy and disgust, my thrill and misery. For me, that upped the ante. Suddenly, I had "readers". Do I write things that they want to read, since my ultimate goal is publication...or do I continue to roll along on my own path and see where it leads? Well, anyone who's read me for any length of time already knows the answer to that: I roll on. I don't really understand people, but I strive to. I think I'll never really understand anyone until I understand myself. But I endlessly surprise me, sometimes pleasantly sometimes not. Sometimes my own actions come back to haunt me and I try to root them out, drag my own dark side into the light of day where I can stare at it revolted and fascinated both. I know I have a long way to go, and when I'm reminded of this it's suddenly very difficult to look forward at all. I wallow in my own shortcomings and emotionally beat the crap out of myself. Today I ponder: Am I a bitch or not? Do I want to be? Some of the crap I've been through has made it a much needed skill, indispensable. But then innocent people are hurt in the process of lashing out, and that isn't right. Then I'm just a jaded bitch that other people must protect themselves from. Lets face it, that sounds ridiculous. Perhaps I am tired. My actions matter, however small, and this is something I strive for every day: to Live Consciously. Perhaps distance is my only choice. Perhaps truth. I picked truth. Was it the right decision? I may never know...

Wake Up!!!

Ya know, I tend to sit back and think about things, maybe more often then I should... But, after spending some time with m'love talking about this, it kinda came to mind to become more detail oriented in thought about it. So, while I roam my mind in search of the "next big blog entry" try to look beyond what will seem like a rant and just bear with me...someone may need my 2 cents worth! In the Land of Relationships, there is nothing truer than the age-old adage that hindsight is 20/20. We invest enormous amounts of energy trying to figure out how fucked up the "other" person was. We are driven to look at what was wrong with the other person because it is a way of being self-protective, as in, "If I know what is wrong with him/her I won’t ever be with someone like that again. Oddly enough, relationships just don’t work like that. Knowing what was wrong with your former partner will not fix it so that you don’t get screwed over again. There is only one way to avoid that and it is by looking at yourself. In a nutshell, the question isn't, "What was wrong with "Ex"?". The vital question is, "How the hell did I get so stupid?" If you are feeling a little squirmy and uncomfortable right now as you read those words, you just know you have some thinking to do. Ignorance is when you have no idea at all how you get yourself into fixes; bad relationships, shitty jobs, abusive friendships, money problems, addictions - name your poison. Stupidity is when you know damn well that there is something inside, specific to yourself, that drives those situations, and yet you continue doing the same shit over and over expecting to get a different result (this also is the layman’s definition of insanity, by the way). Blind stupidity is when we get that déjà vu feeling, and we don’t heed it by taking a look at what is really going on (And no, I'm NOT talking about looking at the situation, NOR the other person – but rather what is going on with US!) It’s sad when we have some idea about what places us into crappy situations, what holds us back, holds us down and immobilizes us - yet will do nothing to change it. Sure, we might end the relationship, quit the job, lose the friendship, "manage" the addiction, change the geographical location even - but we don’t change ourselves. As sure as sheep shit, (and they do), they will find themselves back in the same puddle. It’s like a roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs, but ultimately going ‘round and ‘round in circles. WAKE UP! Life is short. WAKE UP! How do you begin? The process is simple but it isn’t easy. It requires time, effort, sweat and generally a great deal of discomfort. People don’t like to do this work because it doesn’t feel good. It rattles us, puts us off balance, shames us, makes us afraid and brings up thoughts and patterns we are not altogether sure we can "manage". Some of us cannot do this work alone, and are better off undertaking it in a therapist’s office, or in a support group, or with a trusted friend. It is not work that "has" to be undertaken. Many people will jump through all kinds of hoops to avoid ever really looking at themselves and their relationships. You do not ever "have" to do this work, but the consequence of not doing it is to attract more of the same bullshit. Life is an infinitely patient teacher. If we don’t get the "lesson" the first time around, it seems we are re-presented the opportunity to "get it" as many times as necessary. Some of us have the same lesson gifted to us repeatedly over the course of a lifetime and go to our graves still ignorant, still acting from the same unconscious patterns. WAKE UP! If you are tired of sleep walking your way from one bad relationship to the next, here are some steps to heighten your awareness. It might save you from another bad relationship, or it might even save your life. Don’t do these exercises in your head. Putting them outside yourself is much more powerful and therapeutic. Consider keeping a journal or starting a word-processing document to work through these questions. If you want to take it a step farther, consider doing the following exercises and taking them to a therapist, a support group or a good friend. Ultimately, thinking is only a first step. Not much can change through merely thinking on it - action is required for change. However, without thinking, action is reactive, random and ineffectual. Working through these exercises can move you from reaction to response and allow you to be an informed participant in your life, and in your choice of relationships. This looks simple, but is actually a significant undertaking. Don’t try and skim through these. You will get out of it about what you put into it. Bullshit and lie through these exercises and you do nothing but cheat yourself. All relationships leave very important clues about who and what we are. It’s much easier to delude ourselves into thinking we are blameless when we don’t have to look closely at history. Having a relationship history staring you in the face makes bullshitting yourself a LOT harder. Make a relationship history. Try to remember all the relationships that you have been involved within. Put them in chronological order. It can be useful to literally draw a vertical line and mark it off year by year so you can have a clear visual. Write about them. What motivated you to get into the relationship? How did it begin? What were you looking for from that relationship? What did you think the relationship was going to be about? What was good about it? What was not good about it? How long did it last? How did it end? Who ended it? How did you feel about the ending of the relationship? How did you feel about yourself? In a couple of sentences finish each relationship by finding one or two (or as many as you can think of) things that you could learn about yourself from the relationship. Take your completed relationship history and look through it very carefully. Look for patterns, themes and repeating incidents. If this seems very difficult, do the exercise with someone who knows you well and can help you explore the patterns. It can be hard to ask for help for this undertaking. When we start seeing our own role and involvement in creating the messes in our lives it can be used to beat ourselves senseless with it. Blame, guilt and shame are absolutely counter productive here. You need to be able to identify the patterns so that you are free to change them. If it is all about everyone else and what they "did to you" it means you are a victim, helpless to affect change. When you can see where you are contributing to the problems, you can make changes. Personal accountability is the most empowering tool for healing. Sometimes we bitch about all the shit in our lives to our friends and intimates. Because these people love us, they listen and commiserate and comfort. This can be the safety valve that allows dysfunction to continue. We release that pressure and pain - remove the discomfort just enough so we can re-enter the situation and continue with it. This exercise is not about that kind of support. It is about getting the honest and direct third party feed back that encourages us to look deeply at ourselves and make changes. Prettying things up and spoon feeding us more bullshit is not useful. Ask for the truth and if the other person really gives a damn about helping you move forward - they will find the courage to tell you the truth. Think about the relationships you saw as you grew up. How did your parent’s relationship work? Other family member’s relationships? What were you told about relationship and the nature of "love"? You are going to have to be aware that many of those messages will not be verbal - they will be unspoken and so much more powerful. If you have a sibling or other family member that you are close to, this can provoke very intense sharing that can prove mutually advantageous and powerful for gaining insight. Consider the qualities in your parent’s relationships that you are trying to either avoid or emulate in your own. Notice similarities and differences. Think of how you took on or rejected different aspects of the adults you grew up around. If you think you are avoiding making the same mistakes by saying, I will never be like my mother", think again. It seems to be that kind of thinking that attracts the exact same experiences. It’s like life says, ‘so you think you got it all figured out? Try this!’ Then there you are, just as fucked as ever your mother was - it might look different - but if the patterns manifest the same results - WAKE UP! Try some free association. Take a few minutes and get comfortable. Find a blank piece of paper or use your word processor if it’s more comfortable. Think of the word "relationship" - and free associate - what are all the things that come up into your head about what relationship is, what it isn’t, what you want and what you don’t want. Keep going for as long as you can, write ALL the thoughts that come up whether they seem relevant or not - the trick is to NOT think - just let the thoughts flow. When you are finished take a look at what you have written - use a highlighter or colored pens or markers to circle the things that seem to be links to other themes or patterns you have noticed. Are there items that make you feel good and that you want to incorporate into your relationship? Are there items in your list that make you feel uncomfortable? Do some of the things surprise you? Take some time and really examine your list - this is the extraneous dross that goes on in the back of your mind all the time - this exercise just moves your unconscious thoughts to a conscious place where you can have a look at them. You can do this as many times as you want. Ask yourself what being in a relationship allows you to not have to face or address about yourself or your own life. Some of these things are difficult to get to. For example, did you grow up believing that being in a relationship would make it so you didn’t have to be responsible for yourself financially, emotionally or socially? Relationships can be a great way of not having to face the things we could or even should do in our own lives. We can postpone our own decisions, not strive for our own goals, and forget our own ambitions and dreams. We can avoid having to find out how we would fare in the world on our own, and that means we can avoid being responsible for our own lives and always have another person, or people, to blame for why we don’t succeed. It means we don’t have to face our own fears. Sometimes maintaining a bad or abusive relationship saves us from having to figure out how to support ourselves financially, or return to school, or to be a single parent, or to date again, or to possibly have to be alone for a long time. Sometimes even a shit relationship can feel safer than figuring out what you need to do for yourself. Make a list of all the things that are important to you in your life. What people matter to you? Are you maintaining quality relationships with the people who matter to you? If you are not, why aren’t you? What are the things you want to do, be, achieve? Are you doing what is necessary to get to those places? If not why aren’t you? Often we put other relationships on hold and stop doing the activities that nurture and nourish. Sometimes it is because the energy to maintain an abusive or dysfunctional relationship is so high that there is no energy left over to do anything else at all. Sometimes it is because we get lazy and start to skim along the surface of our lives rather than delving into the meat and potatoes of it. Sometimes it is ignorance. We don’t take the time to figure out who we are and so we don’t notice when we aren’t being ourselves. This is an exercise that pinpoints our excuses, all the reasons we allow ourselves to opt out of the responsibility for our own lives. If you were to take each of those reasons or excuses and come up with three proactive steps to change it - you would be well on your way to a more balanced and healthful life, which includes balanced and healthful relationships. A final exercise that is easily incorporated into a life strategy is looking at developing personal responsibility and accountability. This is not the type of responsibility that occurs from balancing your checkbook or getting to work on time, although that can be a part of it. Rather it is learning to become self aware and live authentically. Throughout the day ask yourself what you think, what you feel, what you believe. When you answer those questions, check to make sure you are acting in a way that is congruent with what you believe, think and want. Everything you say and do moves you one step closer to where you want to be and who you want to become (and let’s face it, life is very much a work in progress). If what you are doing isn’t taking you forward, it is taking you one step farther from where you want to be. No one else makes these choices for you. You are the only person in the driver’s seat of your life. Where you end up is completely dependent on what you are willing to do in between now and then. The greatest thing about all of this is it is never too late to begin to be authentic, truthful and personally responsible. The only thing that is necessary is a willingness to become self-aware and to be congruent. Building healthy relationships isn’t difficult. The challenging part is learning who you are, what you want, and figuring what you are going to do to get yourself there. Life is an adventure and should be treated as such. There are no excuses for woosie lives, and shit relationships. We don’t have to participate in idiocy. We can opt out of garbage and create healthful lives. We may have been ignorant, we may have made stupid choices but we can get smarter. Whether all the points you’ve read in this article further your efforts to create a good relationship, or get you out of a bad one is up to you. Maybe the information will fit. Maybe you will have to shelve it for awhile and come back to it when you are ready to address your situation. Maybe it will never fit and you can eventually throw it away altogether. One thing for certain, you can not read these words and ever claim ignorance after them. From here on forward, you know too much to turn back, too much to be a mushroom, kept in the dark, growing on shit. From now on what happens to your life happens because of stupidity and an unwillingness to learn more, stretch further, grow past and move forward to being all that you are able to be. No excuses, no one to blame. WAKE UP!


What do you see when you look at me? Do you see my smiles? Do you see the laughter? Do you see all the happiness? Or do you see past the front to what really lies beneath? Do you see the walls I put up to keep them out? Do you see all the tears that stained my face? Do you see the fears that I try to hide? Do you see the scars inside of me? Those scars that wont let me free Those scars that run deep inside Those scars that mar my very soul Those scars I try so hard to hide So do you see the truth in me or just the truth I want you to see?

Guidebook to Life

You can never make someone love you…..But you can love yourself.You can never please everyone…..But you can be happy with the choices you made.You can never compare yourself to someone else…..But you can appreciate your own unique and special quality.You can never live someone else’s dream…..But you can live your own dream by following your heart.You can never see something the same way another does…..But you can respect your own sense of beauty.You can never find perfection in the world around you…..But you can find perfection in the beauty of your being.You can never find enough time to do all you hoped to do…..But you can set priority‘s and find enough time for the important things. You can never return to your childhood…..But you can look at the world with the awe of a child.You can never find happiness in wealth…..But you can find true joy by following your dreams.You can never find happiness in the future, if you forget the gift of the present. You can never die peacefully, if you never really lived.But you can live everyday of your life joyously and die with no regrets.Make every moment count.Appreciate all of life’s beauty everydayand Love Yourself.It doesn’t matter what you can’t do…..When there are so many things you can do that makes life worthwhile

,Lifes Paths

Life sometimes chooses paths for us , we didnt think we'd be taking, but dont think its because life doesnt like us... Maybe learning curves or to build ones character.. maybe to turn weaknesses into strengths, improve oneself or maybe we have become tooo complacent and need a nudge in the right direction.. Over the last 2 years I've been places I never imagined even heading toward, some not so pleasant and more than often a challenge.. not only places in a physical sense but also emotionally and mentally.. all have been challenging.. Have I grown? Most definitely.. Have I cried? I haven't really allowed myself to! When I have time to pause and when i feel loved and safe.. perhaps i will cry on his shoulder... Have I laughed? Yes... laughed lots at myself and my stupidity.. I often SMILE.. just because, why, because there is always a positive side to something and that is the side I CHOOSE to see.. Definitely a work in progress however I am really liking the outcome. Shes glorious, vibrant and down right silly, holding on to as much of her childlike nature as possible, chatting to birds and flowers, dancing around, humming and smiling always.. Who is she.. SHE IS ME..
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