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Phindolf's blog: "Life"

created on 03/01/2007  |  http://fubar.com/life/b60353
So the other day I was arrested in my own home for protecting a 14 yr girl and her step mom who is near and dear to my family from her father "Joseph Deloria aka 'Howell MI fun male'" on here. This so called man molested his own daughter, a girl who was staying with them and potentially my 2yr old little girl. He claims that he is 100% disabled yet I have watched the man walk across a store just fine then when I yelled his name and asked how he was doing he tried acting like he was in a lot of pain, He was not in his chair, did not have a cane or walker and was Driving all by himself. Yes he is sick but not as bad as he claims. His daughter put up a baby gate in her doorway so he could not get in after he touched her she told me before the cops came to my house that if she got given back to her dad that she would kill him herself that there were knives in the house and medicines she could put in his food or drink, and that she would never let him touch her again. I was attacked by an officer and maced because I refused to let the officer into my home. I was not going to let her out of the house with him driving back and forth in front of my house. I am writing this because I want people to hear my story and get an opinion. Would you have done everything in your power and spend the weekend in jail to protect her or should I have given up on her like so many have before.


I am so excited I just got my new camera for my next Photo class I got a Canon EOS Rebel XTI SLR Digital 800 dollar camera dropped over a grand at the camera shop and cant wait to start taking some more shots will let everyone know when I post new pics

My so called life part 3

Hmmmmm were to begin? Well to start with you all know that i am going through issues with my ex and have seen my rants but hey life is starting to get a little better for me ok ok so I lie its getting alot better. I realized that I was letting my ex win I said screw this and went and filed papers for joint custody of my life, my son. I used to mope and feel sorry for myself and the way my life has been so I took charge and I realized as long as I sat back and was subserviant to my ex she had that hold over me and she always would. Since I filed the court papers I have reclaimed my life and realized that she cant take what I dont give her. With that said I have to meet with the consilitator of our case on april 4th. If I am granted joint custody of my boy that will be the best B-Day present anyone has ever givin me. By the way my B-Day is april 6th I expect lots of gifts lol just kidding. On to the next topic my love life........hmmmmm Thanks to a reader of my blogs and a friend I was introduced to a wonderful woman and mother of 3 beautiful kids She seems to be everything I have ever wanted in life wrapped up in one beautiful package I cant say I love her because we have only known each other for about a week and a half but I could definatly see myself falling in love with her in the future. I feel comfortable talking to her about anything and I feel like I have known her for a very long time who knows maybe a past life or two. I miss seeing her smile when she isnt around. I talk to her almost everyday and I look forward to our phone calls to each other they make all the troubles of the day just disapear. So the question boils down to will it last? Well I cant answer that but I can tell you that wherever this takes me I know that my life will only get better and even when I am down and out and all the chips have fallen I still have friends that help me make it through the hard times and are willing to be there even if just to lend an ear. To all of those who care and all of those who are there or have been there for me I am forever indebted to you thank you, Phindolf. P.S. Sorry ladies Alone in my shadow I no longer sit.

My so called life part 2

Not really ranting today just wanted to say that it was really cool Friday I got to spend 4hours with my son and my parents they havent gotten to see him in about 2 months thanks to "her" I talked to my father the other day on the phone and he had told me "that he did not want to get attached to "it" because he thought she was never going to let them see there grandchild and they didnt want to have their hearts broken" this pissed me off. I told him that he had just called my son an it 3 times during the course of our conversation and that his name was Aidan and regardless of whether or not he got to see him or not that he would always be hisgrandfather and he needed to realize that. he apologized, it still hurt to hear him say that god I hate my ex so much sometimes yet love her to I hate this state also I miss Florida I miss my friends down there. Grrrrrrrr why cant I find that special someone that is not pyscho, married, handfasted, spoken for, bi polar, clinically depressed, suicidal or just an all around NUT JOB? What did I do in my life that was so wrong? I just want someone who will love me and my son, be able to understand that i am going to have to deal with the pyscho ex for the rest of my life, who will love me for me and not want me to become someone i am not just to fit there shallow exsistance, Someone that I can eventually marry and spend the rest of my life with raise a family in a nice house in a quite neighborhood hell better yet the country who doesnt mind getting a littl,e dirty from time to time. WHERE ARE YOU AT DREAMGIRL lol. Ok so I lied lol this turned into a rant I apologize. Ahhhh much better well until next time. Alone in my shadow I sit.

My so called life

This is to all my friends those who know me and those who dont, Those who care and those who dont. I have never asked anything from anyone nor will I start now. This is just so I can take the time to rant and rave about my so called life. I apologize to all of you who i have not talked to latley and those of you who have even realized that I seem distant I aplaude you because I am. For those of you who know me in person you know that my life has been in shambles as of late. I just became a father in december and and the love of my life left me in the begining of November. Those of you who know the "TRUE" me know about our circumstances and the gravity of our love I vowed to her that I loved her from the moment that I met her I loved her people say that they dont believe in love at first sight to those people I say that you just havent met the right person. LOL I met her twice in one night and introduced myself twice, lol not because i was drunk or anything but because I was lost in her beauty and arua. she was the woman that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with the woman that i devoted everything to more than any one person shall know even to the extent of my own personal health for the love of her I thought that it would never end. In my entire life there has only been one other woman who has ever made me feel even close to a love like this and her and I never even dated we were just really good friends that I think both of us wanted it to become more yet somehow it never really became that yet we still remain friends. I know if she reads this she will know who I am talking about I am not going to name any names. So my sons mother tells me that there is no chance that we will ever get back together but there may be a chance that she will get back with her other sons dad this is killing me inside to the point of me having nightmares and being in a semi depressed state.....before anyone freaks out not to the point of suicide but to the point were I feel lost. lost in every aspect of my life, from social to work and even to my religion. I am not a person that can comunicate very well never have been I have never been able to communicate with the ones I love instead I confide in my friends. In this case it is really hard because none of my friends like her for what she has done to me and the person she has made me is not something they like to see I am not asking for any reasponses I just want a place to rant. I am writing this after a long talk with her today she wants us to remain friends and I cant seem to get over her enough to be her friend is this wrong am I a jerk? I just dont know what to do I know that my parents never got along when i was groing up and they were divorced it didnt really bother me much because I never really knew my mother. But I want to be apart of my sons life in every aspect I dont get to see him enough and he is groing so fast and I am missing so much. I know that I have to remain cordual with her but do I really have to be her friend. I am so lost. I have tried to go out on dates since NONE have felt right. I am having bad dreams involving her and other men with me in the background unable to do anything but watch and cry I wake up with such anger and frustration. What do I do....what do I do..... what do I do.
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