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pure evil's blog: "life"

created on 02/13/2007  |  http://fubar.com/life/b55072

needing help

I have one question...How come when someone says that they are to good for you they dont even approch you..dont you think that you should at least get the courage to give that person a chance.. Happens all the time men say they dont have a chance well how do you know if you dont give yourself enough courage to go up and say something to her..i see it all the time excpecially at bars on the weekends..it funny because the girl can really like you and think you are hot..and yuou wouldnt even know.. so in conculsion men you have to grow some balls and go after what you want..dont give up because then you are a quiter..and quiter are not sexy..quiters are just chicken shits and well if you read my other blog then you know how i feel about chicken shits..women need someone that is not going to be afraid to go after what they want..women love when a man chases or really goes after something. i need some comments on what you guys think and why this happens..


i would first like to thank someone for smaking in the face. the women might agree with me on this on. there 2 kinds of men chicken shits and assholes, chicken shits are the one who make up excuses for why they dont want to be with soomeone, anbd assholes are the ones who use you for a ONE NIGHT STAND. the good men are about 5% out there, thats very hard to find... a wise person once told me that if you dwell on the past it will bite you in the ass, well he was right and the past is the past and you have to learn and grow from it, tell if i am wrong on this one.. how come men have to think of excuses and they cant tell you how it is? we would rather hear the truth than feed us a bunch of bullshit..honsty is the best policy, life is a game women case men and men case women and you know what life sucks. its easy why are women and men so insterested in casing each other...why cant people just live ther lives and if something happens then let life go the way its suppose to...life happens for a reson and there is a point to everything..


life is strange... i was at work tonight and thought about this life is a game, its nothing but a game, life is waht you make of it, you have bad times and good times but sometimes the bad times over power the good times, but you just have to let it go and move on. its funny how shit happens and its also funny how we think, right now the main thing peole are talking about is the snow...its to cold or its to much..then we will get to summer and so on, happens everyyear and people bitch about the same shit. life is grand...you have to live everymin for everymin.. how come people bitch so much? how come so many people are fuckin unhappy..you cant take life so serious it will bring you down so fast its not funny..


i really need help with this.... its nice to see that people cant have a conversaiotn without somebody juding them or yelling at them..what has this world come down to without a person trying to have a normal converstion with someone.. maybe i have the answer to all my questions and i just cant see it..when somebody questions you forsomethng and you have no clue what they are talking about ususally it means, 1 of two thngs 1. you really are cluess 2. they have something to hide from you that they are trying to out the blam on you. so in conculison to my idea and thought people need to stop talking to other people if you have no clue what is going on..and if you have something to ask and something to say to someone stop being chicken shit and just ask the preson whats the worst that can happend true or no.. i really need a respon to this..
right now as i am writing this i am snowed in and i mean snowed in..driving band on and this really sucks cause now i cant get paid.. my cousin told me that snow looks like crack and it kinda seems like it is..because well sometimes snow is bad and well so is crack.. i think the only good thing is free day off of work but then you really cant do anything..except wandering the streets.. HI!!!!! Im ALy.. Jen's cousin.. snow def. looks like crack. No really, i mean have u ever seen crack? I have. And it looks like snow.. only crack isnt cold. But like.. if snow was indeed actually crack, I would have 2 whole feet of it right now, and a great time. Do u know how much money I could make off of two feet of crack?! BUT!!! dont think that just because I know what crack looks like, I have done crack. Crack is wack and its WRONG! dont do drugs kids, it kills you and there are cooler ways to die. Like.. Spontanious COmbustion. How cool would that be? Well.. not very beacuse you'd be dead. But, spontaiously combusting is way cooler than crack overdose, admit it. So yah.. In conclusion, Snow looks like crack. Crack is wack and don't do drugs. Thank you for your time. The End <3 Aly

dont understand people

i dont understand people....i work with these people and they are so grouchy they walk around like they are pissed 24-7. I think about this all the time and there is really no reason to be.You have a place to stay and food and family to support you thats good...if you wake up everyday then thats another one..i really dont understand people. The weird thing is that i used to be like that and i guess i changed my attitude..there is really no reson to be sad..well there is but life and shit happens for a reason.. let me know if i have the right idea..maybe im wrong..thanks
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