I have aske dyou to read this because YOU are now or were at some point a very important part of my life. The past few weeks have been very dificult for me and I have come to the point wheer i have got to say this and try and move on. Last year I went thru a divorce,losing my best friend, and finding out that I am adopted and everything I thought I knew about me has been a lie.The man that i divorced has meet someone new and I am happy for him but I have pretended that I am ok with it to just keep peace in the family well I am not ok with it and from this moment on i am leaving it in the past. I have not spoken to the man I called daddy now for almost three months and that doesnt bother me anymore. I have not forgotten my best friend I worry about her everyday. I have listened to other people and done what they thought was best when dealing with her . To her I am sorry for that. We have all done wrong and no one is perfect especially me. There are two things I know for sure and those are my kids. I do everything for them. For those who read this please be ready for the change you will see in me , no i havent lost it, I am not on drugs, and this is not something that will go away . I am not going to keep it in to make someone else happy.cause it makes me sick. I have no past and the only family i have that i know is mine is my kids. To my ex i wish him the best in live and i hope he is happy. To what i knew to be my family you all lied to me you are not my family and i think it is best that you go your way and i will go mine. To the woman i knew as best friend for over a year. I wish you the best, I would love to be able to have you as close as we once were but that is up to you. I have tried and i get the door shut in my face. I am here if you want to talk. if anyone is hurt by this I am sorry but i must move on and make things right for me and my kids.