It's time for some change.
I know that for most "normal" people, Wednesday is classically considered to be "Hump Day" as it is in the middle of the week, but after carefully considering a couple of factors, I am going to lead a movement to officially remove the label of Hump Day from Wednesdays.
Here's why:
Factor 1
Many people now work non-traditional jobs and have to work shifts. This typically means that they work odd hours and more importantly, have to work weekends or part of the weekend.
Take my jobs for example. My regular job is Wednesday through Saturday and I work nights. My part-time job is basically on-call and I work it on my "days off". So some weeks I get one day off, or worse, none. Meaning I have no set "Wednesday" or a single day that can be defined as my Wednesday. I guess if I had to name one, it would have to be the first 12 hours of Friday, but that's only during those weeks that I only work my regular job.
Factor 2
By its literal meaning, (besides being the middle of the week) Hump Day would infer that this is the one day designated for sex. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has to object to this travesty.
I'm mean, get real. If Wednesday were the only day to have sex, people who have to work on Wednesday will get short-changed. How about those who don't get to see their spouse/significant other/life partner on Wednesdays? How the hell is that gonna work out? Not well, let me tell ya.
And how about those of us who would like to have sex more than just one day a week? Not very conducive to this type of thinking is it?
So what is my solution? From now on,
every day should be Hump Day!
Think of what this will mean:
The Weekend Is Near
Since every day will be Hump Day, the weekend will seem as if it's only days away; every day! No more Monday blahs!
And, there'll be no more Hump Day discrimination for those who work odd shifts.
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Every day you'll be reminded that you should be having sex with that "special someone" in your life, no more waiting for that "one" day.
You'll get those special sexy Hump Day messages every day instead of once a week! How nice will it be to have half-nekkid folks in your inbox every day? Think about it…
I know, I know. Many of you right now are thinking that I've got
way too much time on my hands, but when you stop to realize that while I'm thinking about these kinds of things I'm not harassing you or getting myself into anymore trouble
and making an attempt to make all of our lives a little better, isn't it worth it?
Who's with me?
PS – Please refer to your "
What Will Happen When Specter6 Takes Over The World" manual, page 46 for further information on this program.