Well, just when I think things are cool, I have a conversation with dear sweet mom!!!! We got on the subject of a friend of mine and I was sharing with my mom that she was pregnant and due in Jan. Which is really sweet!! This girl I had gone to high school with is a great person and a wonderful friend. Then BAM!!! I hear the same thing I heard when i was 18!! Wow EXACTLY 18 years later!!!!! My mom tells me that if they had had the technology back then and knew i was going to be born with a birth defect I wouldn't be here!!!! So, I cane back and said to her, "well, I am here, and I am glad I am!!!" Then she porceeded to tell me she had to go and that she loved me. What hurts me most is she made me feel like I wasn't even wanted!!! YOU DON'T SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO YOUR CHILD!!! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN HOW OLD THEY ARE!!!!! I actually cried myself to sleep last night because I was so hurt! Don't get me wrong, I know she does love me, and I understand why she said what she did, because I know she didn't want to seeme go thru what I did in my life!! I do love my mom with all my heart!!! But damn, does she have to remind me every 18 years that she would have had me aborted if she knew I was going to have a disability?! I just don't get some people sometimes!!!