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My Amazon Wishlists!

I decided that I would create an Amazon account and create myself a few wishlists...lol...well, more than a few...but thats only because I tried to organize them...lol...
I know alot of models who have done this as a way for their photographers to get things that the models will enjoy shooting in and so forth...so maybe it will pay off that way for me woo..but either way here it is...:) 
***Now most of these lists have things that I would like to have to modeling. 


"Clothes" Amazon Wishlist  



"Lingerie" Amazon Wishlist 



"Lets Play Dress Up" Amazon Wishlist 



"Shoes & More" Amazon Wishlist  



"Boyd Jewelry" Amazon


Wishlist  http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/14CEC4AYXWS4J/ref=cm_sw_em_r_ws_2QEjob101TZV1_wb

"Randoms" Amazon Wishlist  



"Books" Amazon Wishlist   


Things I want and love...Im sure I will be adding more to these lists all the time...but these are here for those who wish to show their appreciations or adoration...or for you can use them to get ideas to get somethig for your specail lady...either way I thought it would be nice to post!....:) 

 *NOTE TO PHOTOGRAPHERS*I will accept things from these lists for/as payment for my modeling work.

Art Or Animal Cruelity?!

In 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas "Habacuc", took a dog from the street, tied him to a rope in an art gallery, and starved him to death

For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition watched emotionless the shameful 'masterpiece' based on the dog's agony, until eventually he died

This is not all... the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American decided that the 'installation' was actually art, so that Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008


It takes a second to help put a stop to animal abuse!

Sign the petition, today;

http://www. petitiononline. com/ea6gk/petition-sign. html

- You can Google the 'artist' for more information and ever video of this poor animals torture...please, help us help the animals...because they cant help themselves...and if you cant see the video you can type in the 'artists' name at YouTube.com and find plenty of videos on him as well...

Angel Eyes Adult Website!

http://www.ourangeleyes.com/ ...Or... http://www.ourangeleyes.com/index2.html Well, guess what everyone?...I now have my own adult website...its got all my pictures and two videos of me...if not free...DUH!...but there are things that you can check out for free...you get short clips of my videos and you can see small sets of pictures from all the different photo shoots I have done...and even just pictures of me goofing off...you should all really check it out...tell your friends about it...I dont care..but please join...there will be updates to the site as time goes by when there are new pics and new videos to be added...but thats gonna be alittle while for the simple fact that I still have alittle baby DJ to pop out and take care of...but it will all get done sooner or later...lol...but dont be afriad...you know you wanna look!...

Sorry Its Been So Long

Well, Im sorry its been so damn long since I've been on...things have been hell...but now its all better...just to catch everyone up on things...Im still in Maryville TN...my jaw is healed up and doing great...and now Im currently sitting at about 6 months pregnant with mine and Chase's son...his name is Dartanion Jerome...DJ for short...I will make sure to post pics and what have you as soon as I get the time...which should be here in the next few days...so keep an eye out...talk to you all soon...

Life & Love Philosophies

I will let you know now that this is going to be random, like me...lol...so just bare with me...and this is going to be mostly about love...yes, I said LOVE! Love is not blind, it seems more and not less...and because it sees more it is willing to see less...there fore true love sees all flaws and fuck-ups but it looks past all those things...looks to the soul itself, and the raw emotion that comes from it...that love... No one is perfect...but if you embrace those flaws and imperfections you can love yourself completely...and when you are happy and love yourself others will love you too...but you cant love another without being able to love in first... Perfecting is in the eye of the beholder...and the one who loves you will see all those imperfection...but will love you even more for them...because your imperfection make you the you that they love... Sing like no one is listening...Dance like no one is watching...Work like you dont need the money...Laugh like its going out of style...Love like you have never been hurt...And live everyday to the fullest...and to the best of your abilities! To be love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return, is the biggest act of bravery there is...because you are giving them yor heart, body, mind and soul...and trusting them not to hurt you in any way...but to love someone unconditioanlly is also the greatest pleasure there is in life...it is a thrill like no other...because I never know whats around the corner... You are the master of your destiny...but in order to master your destiny...you must learn to master yourself...and that is the hardest step of all... There are few things I believe a person needs in life in order to get through it all in one piece...and they are love, hope, faith and dreams...because your dreams give something to push for...your love and hope gives you something to cling to when it seems like those dreams are lost...and faith in yourself an dthe ones you love that they will never let those dreams get to far out of reach!... You should never live for tomorrow...but rather for today...because you have no promise of tomorrow... So many people spend their lives looking for that perfect lover...they waste their whole lives just to find them...and when they never do they wonder where they went wrong...never waste your life trying to find your perfect lover...spend your life creating a perfect love...its much more fulfilling... Just associate all your pleasant experiences with someone...and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones... True love is a permanently, self-enlarging experience...It never stops growing...and it never stops changing...and when it does then it ws not true love to start with... The only way a person can set new limits for them-selves is to exceed the ones they had set before...so set your limits and push your self...you will be amazed at the things you can accomplish... Love is an endless act of compassion, understanding, patience, and forgiveness...and sooner or later it will become a tender look, touch or word or habit...but just because it because habit does not make it any less important... Never follow in everyone elses tracks...make your own...it makes life all teh wilder... Love is both a person's sanity and insantiy...because those of us without love are going insane trying to find it...and those of us with those are sane now that we are whole... Nothing is certain...and one always needs to admit that to ones-self...and as soon as one has admitted such...he will come to the realization that some things are more certain than they seemed to be in the first place... Ultimately love is everything....and thats the bottom live! ok I think I am done for now...that key word there is THINK!...I guess we will just have to wait and see...

Life Is Truly Good!

Well, life is the best it has been in a very very long time...I have come to the realization that I am where Im suppose to be...and Im happier than I could have ever imagined...and its all thanks to a conversation with someone who means alot to me...whether he knows it or not...and it was thanks to him that I realized just what I have...I have a wonderful man beside me, who takes care of me and loves and respects me...and I love him more than he will ever know...I have a girlfriend that I love more than she will ever know...she is an amazing woman...I have never met anyone like her...and I would not trade either of them for the world...I have a roof over my head, food in my tummy, good friends and a family who loves me...Im working on getting a job...everything seems to be falling into to place perfectly...or rather as perfectly as my life will allow...my life is pure imperfection and I could not ask for more...I refuse to give up this life for anything...Im happy...I am completely and untterly fulfilled...and I have never felt this way before...I am in a permanent state of contentness and happiness...my life is as is should be...and I wish the best to all of you who read this...I hope you can all find the pleasure of being truly happy...it is an amazing feeling indeed...I could not be happier...It has taken me awhile to grasp it all but it has all finally fallen into place...and I am thankful til no end about what the Goddess has given me...but just as she has given it to me...she can take it away...so I am thankful to her for it all...because she is allowing me such a joyous feeling... I want to thank Daniel for talking to me the other night and helping me to see what I have...and for helping me open my eyes...whether he realizes he did it or not...Thank you Daniel...I love you...you have no idea what you have done for me...and Im here if you ever need me...dont you ever forget that... I want to thank Kris for being the amazing woman she is...and loving me and being here for me...I love you baby...more than you will ever know...more than words them-selves can describe...you are truly something specail to me...and I just wanted you to know... I want to thank Dave for letting me love his wife as much as I do...and for being there when I was alittle scattered brained and lost...you are an amazing man David...I dont know what I would do without you sometimes...you always seem to know what to say to help me figure it all out! I want to thank Chase for the past 4 months...you have been a dream...you have managed to put up with me and take care of me for so long...and you never seem to ask for much...just my love...well, hunny, let me tell you...you have more than just that...I LOVE YOU GARRETT CHASE BOYD!...you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with...you are the one I choose... I want to thank all the poor fools who let me go...because without all of you...I would not be here...and I would have the things I have...and I would not be the woman I am today...I owew you all more than you will ever know... and most of all I want to thank the Goddess...because she has given me all these wonderful things...and she has put me on this path...without her...I would be nothing... well, Im getting ready to take another little vacation with Chase and his family...YAY ME!...two vacations in one month...Im on a roll here...lol...we are going to the beach for a week...I will let you all know when I return and I should have lots of pictures to show for it...but I guess we will just have to wait and see...wish me luck everyone and keep us in your prayers that we have a safe return...

Chillin' In Vegas!

Well, we got in Vegas sometime around 5pm on the 3rd...and things have been pretty good thus far...we have had a few things go wrong, like the Durango over heating really bad and shit...but its all good...we are getting it fixed and we have us a rental car right now...YAY US!...so everything is good now...lol...I have been whistled at a few times and everything here...its kinda funny...that no matter where I go men still seem to react to me the same damn way...YAY ME!...lol...my SunShyne and I are having a ball fucking with The Father...its just GREAT!...lol...we are lovin' it!...lol...he dont seem to be minding to much either...he just keeps pickin' right back...well, Im not sure what we are gonna be doing today but tis gonna be nice to get the hell out of this room for awhile...lol...the only issue is that I miss my Wolfy...he is all the way back home working...and I hate it for him...but its ok...distance makes the heart grow founder...I guess we will just have to wait and see how that works...but anyways, the whether here is not that bad...Im lovin' it here...well, it looks like we are actually leaving...so I guess I will up-date everyone more later...wish us luck!...stay out of trouble everyone, or atleast dont get caught in the act...lol...take care...


YAY ME!...My wires came out today...so now I can finally eat...Geez, after two long months...I can finally talk right, eat, and kiss my Wolfy and my SunShyne the way that I want to again...I would never wish that on my worst enemy ever!...I swear, having your jaw wired shut sucks...and it sure makes you think about all the things you take advantage of in life, like kisses and food...but its all good now...Im just happy that Im back to normal...or atleast as close to normal as I ever was...lol...a big thank you to those who have been there for me through all this...I know I wasn't always the nicest person to get along with...and Im very sorry...but its all good now...the bitchiness is all gone...well, most of it atleast...again, thank you everyone...a big special thank you to my wifey SunShyne and to The Father and or course to my wonderful Wolfy...I dont know what I would have done with out you guys...


I am Tressa, I am 20 years old, I have lost my first two kids, been married and trying to get divorced, I have the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for and a family who loves me very much and Im in love with the greatest man on the face of this planet...I am a dreamer, a writer, a lover, a fighter, a sister, a friend, a daughter, an aunt, a woman, a child, a woman in love, a scared child, I am loved, hated, liked, loathed, wanted, needed, and Im so much more... I am Tressa, I am ambishous, strong willed, confussed most days, sometimes arragont, out-spoken, annoying, bitchy, aggressive, head-strong, a hopeless romantic, angery, bold, brave, beautiful (in my own ways), blunt, cunning, mischievious, optimistic (most of the time) compassionate, sexual, fun-loving, charming, educated (atleast enough to get by with life), clumsy, a jumbled mess of thoughts, caring, dumb, thoughtful, stunning, deranged, straight forward, artistic, depressed, dangerous, hard working, geeky, honest, emotional, adventurous, funny, grumpy, loving, lonely, loyal, faithful, lusty, crazy, couragous, great body & angelique eyes & great smile (or so I've been told), talented in my own ways, good dresser, decent friend (thats what I think), ok singer & dancer (but I still love doing it non-the-less), pierced, tattooed, weak,...these are just the things that I wish to share with all of you...I know that there are things on this list that some of you agree with and some of you dont...but this is my view of me...and honestly, I like the view for the most part... I have all these things to offer this world and so much more...and I wnat to be able to show the world all of me, and I dont just mean the physical, I have all this to offer to everyone and anyone who is willing to except me and love me for me...

The Wedding

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