ThIs YeA Boi J-BaYbaY yEaR FRom FlOrIda LoOkIn fOr FrIeNdLy CoNeVeRsTiOn Or EvEn Mo It DePeNdS On WhAt AnD HoW ThInGS ArE GoInG At tHe mOMmEnT So If U R LoOkIn FoR ThE SaMe ThInG mE AnD U MiGhT JuSt HiT It OFf So HiT Me Up SoMeTiMe I wAnT BiTE UnLeSs U WaNt Me To.
40 Year Old
From Alachua, FL·
Joined on December 19, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 21st
I have a crush on someone!
Hi!!! I know this site takes a little getting used to but to help get you up and running, I’ve rated and commented your page for you. If you are in the mood for new friends, drop by my page, click that"10" cherry under the pic on my profile page and add me if you'd like.