As this thanksgiving has ended, I have had many thoughts on my mind regarding alot of my life. A lot has happened this year for me to reflect on. A lot of friends have graced my life, some for a reason, a season and some for a lifetime. One person is here for a reason and a lifetime. I have written blogs about her before, but I want her to know what she means to me. Liberty you have been there through alot of difficult times. Times I dont think I could have gotten through, without you. You have been there through my happiness, sadness, and trying times. Recently I almost lost your friendship, I almost died that night. To not be sisters, would be like I had nothing. I can lose alot of things but to lose u as my sister, would kill me. I cant breathe without your friendship, my life would have been very lost and lonely without you in it. I have been hurt alot on this site, but you are one of the best parts of it. I hope we will always be close and never ever have to find out what it would be like to go back before we met. I love ya girl, thank u for everything you have brought to my life. I am so lucky to have you as my sister. You have given me so much strength, that I didnt know I had.