I guess it's human nature to put down other folks or have your prejudices but, even though I do it from time to time, I don't understand how it can be acceptable in society to be that way.
This or that religion believes it's better than the other, or being an athiest is better.
You're better than your neighbor because you have more money more things.
Sometimes I think that no body gets that in the end, stuff is stuff. Emotional baggage is just that. When you die, you leave that stuff behind.
The grave and it's in habitants in the soil do not care what kind of person you were before you died. You're just food. It won't matter what kind of coffin you're in. It won't matter either if you're creamated. So why do people hang on to this stuff, let stuff fester and sore underneath their emotional selves?
And why hold grudges on the dead when you can't do anything about it?
There was a time in my life several years ago when I really thought it would be better if some friends were dead(by that I mean not actually dead, necessarily, just away never having caused this to begin with, not existing) instead of having to deal with them being ok with what they had done to me. But I had to learn to forgive them, maybe not forget, but forgive. That's a hard lesson. I'm not making myself to sound arrogant. At least I'm trying not to.
I just don't understand the waste. I really don't.
Whatever afterlife you believe in..I just don't know..but I'm not sure any afterlife supports leaving all this anger here..