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Seafood Watch.org

Ok. I don't usually get on my soapbox like this but since I checked this out, I have felt like everyone should too. Especially since it will effect everyone. This is something I felt everyone should check out & be a part of, whether or not you eat or like seafood. Our oceans need our help. Please read the following article. http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/aa/aa_pressroom/content/media/MBA_06_seafood_warnings_RELl.pdf . It talks about how due to over fishing, improper fishing, and pollutants we are killing our fish, seafoods, and oceans. We need them to keep life here going at least as we know it. Already we have or are about to loose some species which is affecting us. The article is provided by Eureklert.org. Which is on this site www.seafoodwatch.org. Basically what Seafood watch is about is people taking the little bit of time while they are out eating at their restaurant to just check over the fish & seafood list and seeing what's on there and providing feed back to your restaurant of how they are helping or hurting our oceans. You don't have to order fish or shellfish just when you pay the bill you can leave them a card (that you can print off online saying thanks for looking out for us or hey, you need to rethink that choice and list it). They also have pocket cards that tell you which ones are at risk, about to be at risk, or good choices. So you can leave the appropriate card and you can even leave them a pocket card for their own use. Also, your restaurant can sign up to be on the list of places to go and host seminars if they want to. Seafood Watch will send you everything for free if you sign up, including newsletters, card stock cards for the restaurants and card stock pocket cards (rather than printing them). Its all about supply & demand. If we all let them know that we don't want endangered or about to be endanger food offered and its not ordered (by those of us that eat fish & seafood) then they won't waste their money on it. And if you don't eat fish & seafood, they will assume you ordered steak or chicken because of the note you left saying you don't appreciate them having Chilean Sea Bass on the menu. The more they see it the more they will react. Just please look at it. It really would not take any more time out of your meal than you already take looking over the menu & wouldn't it be nice to have as many or more the fish & seafood choices in 40 years as well as help the environment?

Week 3 in school

As you can see classes At Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School (& lack of sleep) keep me pretty busy during the week. I don't have the energy after reading the blogs I catch up with, responding to messages & comments to write my own blog (need to work on that). So here I am lumping the whole week into one blog. To start with I worked the reception for the newest graduates of the school Saturday. It was fun, most of the time. I got to know some of my classmates better & most of them are cool. One of them & I kinda got into it cuz she thinks she knows it all but doesn't. I will try to give you the short version as per Darren, its not as good if you can't here me imitate her Israeli (mispelled?) accent. Yes, she is originally from Israel & her & her husband are now have a business in California but she is going to school here in Vegas. It all started when the chef in charge advised a small group of us to do the family meal for 1pm (which is lunch usually for us)and its now 10 am so we should have plenty time. He had 3lbs of pork tenderloin and some left over cous cous & we could make what ever else we wanted- rice, potatoes, salad, veggies. She since she used to have a restaraunt this woman takes over & makes the meal plan which I was cool with since it happened fast & we had direction early on. Problem starts with her not explaining her plan. Its all in her head. She just says chop this, do that, blah blah blah. So we do as she says. Turns out that we are sauting cubes of pork tenterloin & making a light gravy from the drippings, oven fried potatoes, yellow rice, left over cous cous, and "Israeli" salad. This all comes out as we are doing it and this issue comes out over the salad. This woman has us chop up some tomatoes, multiple colored bell peppers, and cucumber. Well I am on cucumber duty when I see her with a 3 - 4 lb bag of Mesculin Greens (you know the salad greens that look like weeds) I think nothing off it. Maybe she is going to wash them & pick through them, like you should. Nope. She dumps half the bag on top of the serving pan of tomatoes and peppers & half the cucumbers (since I was working on the rest) then procedes to dump salt, pepper, and some other seasoning & glugs on some olive oil. And my mind screams NO!!!!! Because these greens are so delicate. They should only be dressed just before service, not at 11am like they were, & the dressing should be made on the side or the acids from the dressing ingredents as well as the other veggies will destroy them as soon as they hit them. Well, one of the other girls notices & asks if they have been washed or picked through. Isreali woman says no she was told it was not necessary. Oh yes it is, says my friend. And she points out some of the already wilted up pieces. She then offers to do this & Israeli woman is like whatever so I tell my friend I will help her. We spend over an hour going through the greens and then start messing with the other half the bag thats now in a collander. as we are going through it we attempt to replinish the serving tray but the geens in there are deteriorating. Israeli woman wants to put on the lemon juice & I tell her to wait on that as the greens aren't ready & they will become slime if she does this now. I get the "whatever" look but she moves on. About 15 mins later I hear her bitching how she wants to dump the lemon on so she can taste it and adjust the seasoning so I tell her to mix it on the side & then add it just before service so that it she can taste it prior to. She freaks and tells me that is not how it is made and stomps off. My friend & I look at each other and after a few minutes agree to just make a vinegrette (which is what Israeli woman was making anyway we just weren't dumping each ingredient on seperately). So my friend goes to make it and comes back. We taste it. Its good. By this time the head chef has come by & seen the pile of semi-slime I am trying to save & asks what happened I tell him & he says "Good Luck." Also another student notices it while picking up somethings in our room and comes back like 5 mins later with a decent sized bowl of Romaine Leaves and says that they are from the chef she is working with after hearing my plight. Well, when Israeli woman sees the dressing, she asks what it is for, we tell her that since she did not seem interested in making a dressing for the salad, we have been attempting to save, so we did. She flips out starts screaming about how this is not Israeli salad & that we did not know what we were doing & that she did not need us to save it. Whole class turns to look,of course. To which I responded that she had a half a bowl of slime in there from attempting to dress the greens too soon making it in-edible and that whats we were trying to save. She then responded she had never used those kinds of greens before so she did not know. She uses regular lettuce (read Iceberg). So I told her that if she didn't know how to use an ingredent properly she should have asked and she would have been told since more than one person in the group knew & chef would have told her as well. She then screamed she did not need my help & snatched the serving tray of semi-slime & chopped veggies from me & shoved the bowl of Romaine leaves at me all in one movement. Then told me do what ever you want with the rest. Well then she must have seen how much was left in her tray and snatched back the Romaine leave. To which my friend stated, "Hey didn't you just shove those at Michele and tell her to do something with them?" Israeli woman shrugs her shoulders and turns her back and walks off for something. My friend looks at me & then the bowl of Romaine leaves & grabs half of them & gives them to me & so we wrapped up our salad & dressed tit with our dressing 5 mins before service. But of couse Israeli woman had to be on my ass the last 15 mins before service about when I was going to do it. Finally she says, we are done with everything else I need to tell chef we are ready but I am waiting on you. So tell her, by the time you tell him we are ready & they get to the salad it will be dressed and ready to go. I don't dress until just before service so that its crisp and flavorful not limp and slimy feeling. She stalked off and I dressed the salad. After meal was over, I had someone come up and ask me where my salad went cuz they wanted seconds. So I looked at the line. It was gone. I told her I didn't know & apologized saying maybe it was all eaten. Well, when I went by the garbage there it was.....wonder who threw it out? We then had to go to our areas for service for the reception but before that happened I had several people that were working in the room tell me that I held it back pretty well. They had already thought of giving it to her either verbally or physically as she was on everyones last nerve with her attitude and how she talk to them. I thanked them and said by Monday I would pretty much be over it but I would not forget it. Service was fun. My friend & I teamed up to serve hot appetizers in our room & we rocked. We were such a good team. There was no one over the other just a hey-I-noticed-this-lets-fix-it attitude. We busted ass til 6pm. Sunday, I was whipped and my body told me so. I slept most of the day. Then it was time for a short week at school. Everything went great there. Made some sauces & soups. Tasty. Darren should be starting at Joe's Crab Shack this week. Yea!! Thanksgiving was held at a friends house wher I helped make dinner. It was really good. Darren spent most of the time entertaining their baby who is 6 months old and as cute as a button. No that did not make either one of us what to have kids. We also watched How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and Home for the Holidays Its was good time. Ate too much and watched Football too. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
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