The best summary was perhaps given by our friend and designated driver, when my wife and I awoke at her house at 11:00 am after crashing the night previous: “Jesus Christ you guys were annihilated – I’m surprised your fucking alive today.”
Earlier last week, I had come across something I’d never seen before. Something novel, adventurous, and full of intrigue. It goes by the name of Chocolate Vodka. “Nummy,” I thought, and grabbed it for the weekend.
For a while, as I was putting on make up and waiting for the layers of latex to cure, I drank it mixed with Starbucks peppermint dark chocolate mocha. Again – nummy! I found that I could increase my inebriation by continuing to add vodka to the coffee bottle as I drank to coffee down – and then, while in the car (eeks!), to drink straight from the vodka.
We arrived at club Void in time for me to see the last of Stone 588’s set. I said “hi” to a couple people. The rest of my spotty memory is of my vomiting into a trash can repeatedly, while friends (thanks, Matt!) rubbed my back and assured me that “we’ve all been there.”
Fact is, I hate going there. If I had a few hours of fun it might have made it worthwhile, but if I wanted to get dressed up and puke I could have done that at home! Same thing seemed to happen when we made that deadly appletini punch last Hallows. Maybe I should just say goodbye to vodka and get back on the rum wagon. We’ll see.
One weekend lost, but another one is coming right up!