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55 Year Old · Male · From Las Vegas, NV · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Born on March 28th · 1 referrals joined!
55 Year Old · Male · From Las Vegas, NV · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Born on March 28th · 1 referrals joined!

Hi a real quick note about me. I've been in the stock investment field for about 6 years, I'm currently an Investment Adviser. I am licensed with Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C) as well as Nevada Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) and hold my series 6,63 and 65 licenses. I know that doesn't mean a whole lot most of you however it does to the S.E.C and NASD so I have to put it in. What I'm currently involved with, is building a new web site to help every day people learn the stock market and more importantly how not to lose their money in it.
What I do is pick stocks Penny stocks to be more accurate. Penny stocks are stocks that have a selling rang from $5.00 per share to $0.0001per share and less. Yes you can buy stock for as little as 1/10 of a penny.
Now I know that what everyone has heard about penny stocks is bad and yes they are volatile, however they also have great room to grow. Most of us just don't have the amount of money that it takes to get rich in the stock market. Oh ya we can build for are retirement and see a 10% return on are money. But I'm talking about retiring in 5 years or less and starting with an investment of as little as $500.00. Don't be leave me? Let me show You how, lets take Kmart it was selling for $5 a share when I was promoting it to my clients in early 2003. So with your $500.00 investment, You buy 100 shares of stock 12 months later you sold those 500 shares for $10,000.00 look it up your self. As of today 06/25/2007 it is at $170.00 a share. On 09/26/2006 U.S. Sustainable Energy Corp. started trading at $0.0004. A real sub-penny for sure. If you invested 1,000 in USSE on that day you would have purchased 2,500,000 shares. On 10/27/2006, one month later, USSE closed at 0.72. Your 2,500,000 shares would be worth 1.8 mm for a 179,000% return ! Now if you would have followed my recommendation and took half your profits from Kmart and invested in USSE You would have 5 times that or $9,000,000 yes it can and does happen over and over again.

I don't expect You to retire on two stock trades but I'm tiered of all these over paid Financial Planners and Investment Advisers taking home more money than thier clients. That's why I decided to provide the information and do the leg work for you to find these companies. YES I will make money!!!!! However you will too, lets work together and we can all live happier healthier lives. With more time with are families, friends and loved ones.

Add me as your friend and Join the group and as soon as the new site is ready ( by the end of the month) come on join in the first month is free and if your not happy stay on the free membership side and see what happens. The First month is going to blow You away.

Thanks You.


Glen G. Chesnut


55 Year Old · Male · From Las Vegas, NV · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Born on March 28th · 1 referrals joined!
Hay just like making friends and spredding good will. Hope to meet lots of people interested in networking and a few young ladies from around Las Vegas or interested in visiting that are interested in getting to know me. I love to chatt so hitt me up anytime on.
(BABY JESUS)Great place Thanks!!!

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